Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1936, p. 52

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Allngham--0yrth Chalice Mystery. Ashton-Dust OVer the Ru lns. Barng-Iiarby and Joan. Borden-Whlte]Ha wthorn. Brook.-Saturda.N- Isand. Buek-The Exile. Campbell-Spring Glove ;Mystery.* Croft-Lossof'the Janie Vosper. Fabrilfous-.Son cf Marfetta. Frot-Innocent Suni mer. Sayer9-Omnlbus of Crinie. Stong-Career. Tarklngton-Lorenzo Bunch. .Weee---Tt Began ln Eden. NO!N.FICTION a£.elde4-Freedorn of.the à:resis. De la ýMare - Early One Mnrninhg in Sprfng. Seabry-Growing Into Life. Xorgan.- Indivlduality ln a Collective world. Coee-Motiveis Of men. Jung--Pgychologv of theLncloius. Bohn--Great Change. #êar-Léand of the -Free. Hitrst-Money, Gold, Silver and Paper. Wormser-Frankenstein. Poster-Education ln Kind ergarten. Smitb-tCommiand cf Words. SCIENCE AND TFCENfloLOOT, Carrel-Man, tho 1Jnknown. Jaàffe-Outposts of Seienre. Hodgns-Sky High. Van -Slyke-Cheese. Morphy-Reclpes4 of Ail Nations. -' AUI 1'~I'g Houasan-N Matrois-P Stansbury-' ATURE la Reglna., ts and Poets. h Noývelista of -Today. De Prorok-in Quest of Liost Afrie.an Qods. Bnwman-Mbeican Odyssey. Wlngflied-Stratford..VjctoerjnCycle. HUtbbar radle of the Storms. Nesbtt-e~oateMarches. Liegarê-Lovlng Photo Mr. and Mrs., Johèt P. Schaefgeit of 800 Park avenue announice the recent inorriage of their daughter, Géraldine, to Leonard.L. Schornak, son of Mrs. J.,Schornak of Detroit. 'the Rev. ja mes Lawler, officiating at a Nuptial Mass, pei'formed the ceeemotiy at 8:30 o'clock the rnorning of Monday' January 27, at St. Francis Xavier churcb, witb only the bridegroom's mother and the bride's immediate family present. Owing to the fact that Mr. Schornak is ini the Coast Guard service, the wedding was solemniied quietly. ýThe only attendants were Mr. and, Mrs. R. J. Burgert of Wilmette, who served as best man and matron of honor, respectively. Kçy: A4-adults. Y--yoi.th yrars of tige. C-children 8 to F-enitire tamnily.- 13 to18 12 yas The ýNorth S hore Better Films, coun- cil lists and rates the following pictures appearing this week at local theaters: iearro ei &.ago ;t Rebel," Thrifty shoppers wilI Iid nany mid-winter values of unusual interest this Week in Your Home Paper. Wise shoppers wilI it'right down end check the messages they want te follow up iroi» this convenient, wekydirectory of. OUR ADVERTISER ADVERTISER Airport Tavers............4-f Baldwin Piano Co. ......... 25 ..ne'........... ...... 45 Bisinirck Hotel ........ ...41 Blanu Pharmacy ...... ...... 9 Bonmr, The. Tailor......... 6 Book Nook, The............ 30 Boulevard Drug Store .....A, 6 Br#uch's Slumber Shop.....39 Braun Bros. Oi g.-Cover I Cayr.Leen Beauty Salon.....10 Chandler's................ 30 Chicago Oit Heat Coinmniîttee. . 17 Children's School ........... 40 Christian Science Churh.... 4 CoIligan, J. P .............. 10 Commnipity Theatre .........45 Cook, TIses. & Son....... ...5 Co-Op, Thse ...... . .30 Davis Furuiture Craft.M'e .... 1 De Bourge, Elizabeth....4 DeNelda Beauty Salon....10 D)e Vries ........... .......17l Erickson, Ben......... ...4 Esther's Beauty Shop...... ... 6> Evanston Business College .. .. 40"- Evelyn's Beauty Salon ........8 Corp. ..17 ... .. . .44 PAGE ADVERTISER, PAGE Marshall Field & Co... .30, 37, 41 Mellody- Farme ,Daitry ........33 murine Go..... . -..17, 21 North Shore Ref rigeration... 17' Oit Wel ................. 6 Pagliarulo, D.,.... ... .4, 6 Pauling, E. G. & CGo.....4 Peacock Ice Cream ......... 6' Pool & Piper..............15s Public Service Co....... ..49 Publix Tailors & Furriers...'6 Quinlaan & Tyson ........... 42 Reed, Elizabeth ............ 33 Rensch Warehouse......... 48 Ridge Ave. Pharmacy........ 9 Ring Ting Candy Stores. 31 Schloesser's.......... Scott Wm............ Cover IV Shawnee Tailors......1 Sbip, Harriet Knit Sliop.3 Slow», Jack ................ 8 Smnart & Gole............. 42 Snideir.Caze1 Drug Co. -'...... 9, Snyder, C. C. In c........ 21 Spencer PetroleumCGo . ......-2.5 siouisce thse engagement of. their' daughter, Marry Eileen, to Antopi Krans, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krms., also of Wilpèette. No defi- nuie date has 'been set for thse wed- ding. Coummaty Theater February 7-8--"Brigbt Lights."1 -F. February 14-15--"Moonlight on Prairie." Foer F.. Lakeview Quality Market .... 5 Lord' .................. 26, 27 Lyman-Rennecer Pharmacyý 4, 9 Lynn Electric Shop ......... 42 Lyon & Hoaly.......» vy ialu*g.t A sicaire ............ 4b Winter, Geo. B.......... 22, 2 Worthen's .~..........E Zelda Beauty Shop .......... 4 Zo-No Drobps..............8

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