*To obtain contentlucnt anid our territory, we will gladly help Iighting and wiring improvements that feeling of sec u*iyto I>o foua4 y>ou 40term1in your eletrîc -or and other conv enee that in- ini a home. of their own, hundreds, gas service requi*renents. We eau crease the conifort of livffig. W. prornptd bytodays Iiddixg op-. also givo you pracical çost cuti. will Iç qlad to consult with YOu, portnitiso ae nw bildiagthe imaes- perhgps hepfui lès. rý-withy rh vt 6btzor wît your hms êW -haç aways >wantd ardngmUn fatuesof -drn onracer quire, * ainy of our ,inth t1 r a1ctveresden~ tia ra hme uha atmtchatnTsoeso fie- rwi sevd ihga n eet ict y arcnioigecrckthns SUMMSR ANDO WfINf C*M#IO WTt One important 4iféenCe between with a central plant designed to pro- homes buit today and those buillt vide thé c&,z', warmth of autornaici Hear Dudley Cûraits Watson discuas t.pics close a few years ago is the greater year gas heat in winter and the Cool com- w dthe heart of every homte lowier, and Harold 'round living comfort now possible fort of air conditioning in summer. Stokces' orchestra in a del:ghtfmd musical >Tograiit. Tune in WGN every Wiednmda evening at 9:30. FER UAR 6,1936