*Floyd E. Thompson, former chief justice of tht Illinois Supretne court, will speak on the "Constitutional As- pects of the New Deal" Sunday, IFeb- ruary 9,, before the New Trier Sunday .Evening club ini tht New. Trier H4igh! school auditorium. The program will open at 7,:30 with nmusic, and the. in- vocation will be given by Dr. Herbert L.: Willett, pastor of the Kenilworth Union, church. ,Mrs.. Harriett, Childs Atwood wifl be thie soloist this Sunday, with Mrs. Leila'Kingery,as accompanist. Both are Winnetka residents. By special arrangement Mr. Tho)mpson is repeating bhis lecture, whichi was originally given before the Economic club of 700 business men at the.Palmer House in December. It received a rising ovation and was generally remarked to be. one, of the finest adresses on thé constitution ever given. ReutawIoeb'e Careeor Mr. Tbompson is a member oi the law firm of Poppenhusen,' Johnston. Thompson, and Cole, having resigned from tht Supreme court in Septem- ber, 1928, to run as Democratic > candi- date for governor. -He was elected to tht bench in April, 1919. to fi11 a vatafxcy, re-elected in 1921, and made chief justice in 1922 at the age of 34, the youingest ever to be chosen. His carter is a remarkable one ini that hée educated himself in the study DOLLAR DAY VALUES will be, brought to the attention of villagers in a special DOLLAR DAY EDITION issued by the Chamber of Corn- merce, which will reach ail the homes ini the village Tuesday, February Il. Watch for this edition that will help you to get a good selection of Dollar Day values. and belp -YODô save moncylI Safe Driving.ý School Will4 Be, Heldzonlonday The first of a stries of four-,Safe Driving s;chooàls to be provided, byji the chiefs of police of WVilmette, Ken- ilworth, Winnetka and Glencot, :ini cooperation with civic groups Will be held at Winnetka 2Community house, MVonday evenxng, February 10. The session will open promptly at 8ococ and close at 9 o'clock. Tht principal speaker for the firsi, class, whicli is open to ail ftsideIItý of New Trier township without charge. will be Sidney Williams of tht Na- tional Safety Council, Chicago, who lias chosen for bis subject, "Traps for Motorists." His address will be foi- lowed by a motion picture film, "Once Upon a Time," showing the hazards of .driving an automobile.' how not to drive. and the results of bad driving, This in turn wil be followed bv question box. open to aîxyone present. Illinois, becoming state's attorney 'for i prosecutor. ýwi lxi explaïnn iotor Rock Island county in Illinois, in 1912.! laws and regulations. Ht 'asrt-lectd 116 lit additioni to the set prog-rain. there Brillant Lawyer will Rie ant exhibition of approved NIr. Thompson is a member of tht safety devices, and mtthods of test- American Bar associationi, tht Illinois ing. tht ability . of drivers f roni the Bar, Chicago Bar; wvas president of st.ndplloinit of judginent aiid physical tht criminal law section of the. Amnen- coordiniationi. This, feattire will be in cani Bar from 1921 to 1923;- was ch*alr-,. charge' of George Bartoii. trafficenci- nman of tht commnittet on drafting tht gineer of the Chicago MNotor club civil practice act of 1933 in tht state -who will be glad to explain tht ex- 'association, president, 1933-'34, 'aid ibits to ý'students'? ither befort or I DIRECTOR,, I sun!cd direction of the work <of thc Wiliecete Welfare board on Feb-' ritry 1. The' progqrat it fthie board is bcing broadened ilîth, li objective of reitdei.ng a:.service be- yond that o! neelv suspplyiing food, slr,'lter and clothieig f0 the ù,,edicst fanîifirs. Iiidividualt and familvr- .abilitatioii w~iII be 0<nie. ofthe' major In a resolution passed at its' meet- ing Thursday, January 6, the Kenil-, worth Village board called upon the Cook County Board of Commissioners to include the proposed. pedestrian> underpass opposite thé 'Joseph Scars, school- in its. next construction pro-, gram, and to earmark the project as a preferred- project to be cônstructed out of the, first fuhds toi become avail-ý able. The location is about one block north' of Meirose avenue, and the underpass sought ih ýto *xt - d u the Chicago and I4orth -We- îièn and the Chicago, North Shore and Mil- waukee -electric line tracks and Green Bay road. Heavy TraÈc Pokat In. enphasizing the need for this safety provision, the board pointed out that a traffic survey at Winnietka avenue, made by: the Illinois Division of Highways, in Novemnber, 1934, be- fore the Glencoe-Highlafid Parkc link caused a further increase in traffic, ap- pro,imately 8,000 motor vehicles pass the site of the proposed underpass daily. This flow of, traffic wiIL, it is added, be stili further increased when the Evanston link of this highwayiîs, completed. The survey also showed thiat 85 steam trains, some of them operating at higb speed, notably the "400" which' attains 110 miles per hour south bound, and 132 electric trains cross Kenil- wortb avenue daily. Ci. te iterReos These and many other reasoiis .sbowing niecessity for the. project were giveni, and then the resolution quotes the report' of the survey referred to above, as follows: "This intersection (I<erilworth avenue) is very com- plicated when views froman, observa- tion staiidpoint,. including c.onsidera- tion for pedestrians. Our 'Observations indicate that the pedestrian move- ment iin itself is relatively unimportant. However, when combined with the great amÔunt of' vehicle movement ties, for Monday, May 6. This is ont tax collections, with a vîew to setUring )f the regularly established charities mort prompt distribution by the county which has been accorded permitg for collector of tax funds due tht various many yeai's. Tht other permit was taxing bodies. The dates for making graittd. to tht, Wilmette Healtb thet-audits were left for future deter- Center, tht date flot being specified. uxmination. Use, Them! . WILMETTE 4300 Ad-taker * Mss Ann L. Whitmack. librarian. announe that tht Wilmette Public library will be closed ail day Wednes- day, February 12, in observance of tht 127th a.nniversary 'of. tht birth of Abraham Lincoln.