1' reasonabie term%. W.G. RUGGLE S & Co. 517 Davis Street UNI. 6"86, IIOL. 68 WIJl.. 1660 ____________1L31LN40-î tii WVANTED l'O BI'Y-PHYSI('IAN DE- sires home iin cither Xiimette or IVin- netka , sitable for both office and resi dene purposes. In answering give full partieulai's Wite B-59, Box 60,. Wil- mette, '111._________ 13LTN4-2tp WVAXTbD--6 TO 8 RM. HOUbSEÈ EAST 0fC.ý & N. W. R. R. i exehange for- 5 m.lhs. i Park Ridge.. Difference in cash. Phone Longbeach 9524 or Park Ridge' 235-W. 113LTXN40-ltp_ '__FOR SALE-VACANT East WilmietteNear Lak e WOODED ESTATE, BEINO DIVIDED into ,lots 60xl51 ft. Excellent nelgh- borhood. Close te transportation. Sandy beach., Parochial and public sehools. These lots are prired te seil., *QUINLAN & TYSON, .mic. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1571 Shernman Ave. Univ. 2600, Wil. 2502 ____1141LTN4(-ltc - COICST KENIIWORTH LOTS' 93l~5 Ft............ '5,500 Over ~ 7,000 HEINSEN RALYCO. 66) 'ntrstreut .Winnutka25 M lV ( î OVI H THE! Skokie Golf chlmb. N2lý; feet of frtnt.1ge, 1 onl3 *5500 * .Othur chi) ilec e lopts fi.m $60 to $75 per ft. FREDERICK A. COOPERt 15f)5 (Chicago Ave. G.re. 30.30 ________________1141,'N4 N-tc * .KE NILWORTH BARGAIN LOT 40 X 125 IrXNrFi N E residential Kenilworth. Near transp. and srhool. $2,300'. Uni. 2600, WII 2602. _____114LTýN4ë- te :F011 S ALE BY OWNER: 50x2475 PT.. lot on 1Sth St., Wilmette. Eat front. AI]tssset and taxes paid. $2,à002 *foi- 'itii"k sale. University 8320.* 114tTN4O-4tpî REAL ESTATE LOANU j-t - -. .T w immette.3 Central A#er NVTL. 1060 127-A LTN4O)-Itlp 4y2%-5% -52% MORTGAGE MONEY AV.4kILABLE F O R RESIDPNCIMS. apartments, and business buildings. Persorfai service assures bout terme. *W. R. MITCHELL Glencoe>309 Central 1 Ç61 _________________127A-LTN40-4tp FIRST MORTGAGES. WB HAVE FUNDS AVAILA.BLE'FOR conservaetivelans on reidences and income proper ty. 4% % to 6% Interest, à to 10 years. Prompt service and mod- erate. charges. Joseph C. Cormnack & Co, 1569 Shermnan Avenue Ulniversity 8353 127A-LTN26-tfc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOOD3 Why Delay Ownership %WH1-EN -Y017 CAN PI'RCHASE A beaut. l<nabe' grand piano, finie.cond., for $32.5. We suggest aiso modern 9- Norwegian Dower Chest $75; antique niait chest $20 ; imalle tril)od table $9; antique spool bed comi. $35. For appt. cail Whinetka 2067. 12!9LTN40-1 te I>0OCi NDblIXING RPM. FURNI;-I -e. od abl"s and chairs. Dininig min. berm.drapes and bed spqreads.ý Orumsioal )ie-es. Al like ne%%-. China and gias-w*are. Also complete gardening tooeLs with goo d hose. Laundry linger. 800 E renla ' Ae.,Witt.Phe 3inet:0:34. ___ I29T4-t FOR SA],E Dining moom and bedrom furniture eheap:; alsin Clark Jewel gas range wihregulat4r, $7.50. !'7o Linden Ave., Wïini wt ka 21167. 1 2! TN 4 0- 1L i O)WING TO MOVING ýTO APARTMENT -ý;tein-'vay Grand piano, excellent tole: stafr carpets, rugs, draperies, uon )e dd hou.sehold equipient. 397 Pa ls R . lencoe 74. 129LTN40-l ti SINGER TREADLE MACHINES $5. .Willcox and Gibbs el. console sewlng mac4d.ne. Only $31)9.50. New White con- soles ý.$1 a week. Guaranteed. 1114 Davis st., Un7il;049Ô. 12()LTN38;-4tPi LARGE G. E. REFRIG., LIKE NEW. Gas ra nge, exc. cond. Ilge. sized crib. 2 ful sized .beds, aqpringe. «and, m'îttresses. Auto. water heater, like new. Wininetka 2811 129L40-1tp WANTED TO BUY-MISC. Highest Prices Paid- FOR Old Gold and Slver. Watches -Chains -Jeweiry }OS. F. KUSS. - eweler and' Optometrist. 547 Chestnut St. <opposite Pos-t Office) q WINNETKA 3671 $$$. OLD CLOTHES. $$$ SUITS-SHOE:S--OVERCOATE3 FUR CMATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evanston 'Uni. i220 132LTNSS-tfc Junk. Dealer-Goidman HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds.,of junk- and old clothes. Phone Wilmette 5426. Winnetka 3720. 132LTN37-4tp junk Dealer-Phil Schumian Highest market price, for paper. maga- zines, rags, old Iron, scrap metal, bathttube and men's old clothing. Phone Wilmette. 349. 132LTN36-4tp \'Vaited-S tat ion Wagon. EN GOOD CONDITION. ADDRESS .K. Pearse, 474.5 Ellis Ave., Chicago. _____________132LTN40-ltc OId-fashioned Muisïc Box Must hereasonaie. innetka 3860.j 132LrX40-l tp) Bi liard & Pool Table G1IE ALL DETAILS AND P1RICE IN lurs 'tltt Write B-57, Box 60, Wil- inette, 111. ____ 132,1N40-ltc GOOD SIZED TOBOGGAN .M'ST BE IN GOOD- CONDITION. Rea. <enèéoe 1161. 1321,TN40-1tl) -MECELLANEOUS__ FI RE E 1STOMNACH1-1ULCERS, GA$ PAINS, INDIGESTION relieved qtuick. (let- free saniffl e dopetors Ireseription,ý Ud ga, a t BoulevardI Drug Store. 134LTN40-6t1) I OlirC VJ.124 L SHORE HOMES. 130L'PN40-1te on Sour ac ~ORT SHRE OME. ________________________an intere.ç to 60% of value. Conven- wrarehousE ,payment plan over 5 to 15 FOR SALE -ICELLAN EOUS nt 521 Mali letklls by inquiry at Firat BEAUTIFUL OFFICE DESK-34x60,. February1 g and Loan Association of, one swivel and six office and reception 'uing until .Ce-lifton, Secretary. 1137 room chairs-aIl solid, walnut. T4st the liens, a le, Wilmette 863.. word in office furiture-ilke.new. Ph'one IRENSC.>I 127A-LTNStfe Wilmiette 1985. 1 3lLTNX4O-1 tp OF AUCTION SALE oF (.o4)),, iaenîa -Lot :%N. 2 public, andm a capacîîy attenclance of New Trier townshiip republicans is expected. Ervin D. Hintzpeter, candi-. date for republican senatorial coni- mitteemnan -for the 7th senatocial dis- trict, president of the club, will preside. Guest speaker for the eveninlg will, be William D. Faltiel, Chicago at- torney, and former ch airman of the Political and. Civic Affairîs committee of t he United States 0,mero Commerce. His. subject will be, "The: Challenge of Democracy." Attorney Faltiel has long been ac- tive ini republican party ,affairs. He is a director of the German-Ameri- cati league, and chairman of the Co ok County, American Legion speakers'- bureau. He was formerly Chicago City attorney, assistant state's attor- ney and ýpresident of the Junior As- sociation of Commerce. In 1925 be gained national recognitiona s origin- ator'of the "Get-Out-and-Vote" cam- paign. The 1Oth District Young Men's club is composed of over 200 New Trier township young republicans, and is planning to take an active and ag- gressive part ini the comning campaign. It. has« sponsored. the candidacy of Eric Lamibart, one of its founders, for- the offi ce of Cook Countv cor- oner. SAIL FOR HONOLULU Mr.. and Mrs. A. W. Wigglesworth of .125. Woodstock avenue, Kenil- worth, Ieft on Tuesday for San Fran- cisco. From there they saîl on Sat- urday on the Malolo for a two or three weeks'. stay ini Honolulu. Thiey will 'return by way of Seattle and plan- to be, at home some time.é in March. VISIT IN MICHIGAN Mr. and Mrs. C. C.. Carnahan, -700 Central avenue, recet tly, spent ten days in* Battie Çreek, Mich., for rest and relaxation. Tihis week Mr. Car- nahan is ini New York several days on business. (ilmette, Illinois, or1- 10 a. ni. and contin- 521 mi )ds are sold or until 0F WAREHOUSE IWiLmrrB32 On St., Willmette.- i Street, WiImette UNMVENS1Y 7317