-Rent Inivestrnent Homne" NESTLED A M 0 N G BIG trees 'this modern brick home mlakes a cozy home for eonleoile *ho_ -wants 'convenience t tchools, public and parochial; and tranmp. 6 rms, 1%. bathit, stin and sleeping porches. .ÈiSall down payment And balance like rent. Location, 717 GREEN- LEAF AVE.,. WILMETTE. Cajl to see this nt once. Available Feb. 1 INC. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1571 SHERMAN AV E., EVA NSTON UNI. 2600WIL. 2602 ilLTN40-1tc> THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS E. WINN-8 RIM. COL., 5 B.. R., 3 BA. peh. Act quick at $,13,500. S. WINN.-9 RM. COL., ACRE, 5 11 r.,_314 ba., lib., 2 pchs., oh, att. gar %,.,king $22,5W. Want offet"., ENGLISH TIhMBE.R AND BRICjý,. East toc., 1/ acre grds., 8 b. r.,,:; ba. oit, 2 c. g., 3 bîke.. to aIl facilities. Re.î buy at $27,500. * E E Suits Realt\ Co. 460 Winiîetk.iAventue Winîîetka 1800 Artistiic English Brick 1IERE'S A TIREASURE FOR A \%TIDE awake buyer. House cost $30,000ii 1429. Mortgage owner offers at $17,500. Lovely locationl in Hubbard Wood., school district, 4 bedruis., 2 baths or 2nd fi., 2 flnished rnis. on 3rd. Large liv. rmn., with fireplace, dining rii., b-kfst 1 ni., 2 car gar"., oillt. and, best of aIl, ý' lovely private yar'd with trées and gar- (tell. Lot 50x200. Mrs. Fuller & WmTi. Piekard î146 ELM STREKT NWINNETKA 360) 1'__litl TN 40-11tv Neve r >l3ef oreOff ered IN FIPNEST WI.ZNNE'TKA lýOCATION,, near ichools 'and, lake. Attractive brick, 6 rms.,,2 battis, carpeted'through-. *out. 011 lit,,, 2-car garage. This lionwe will. appeal to the -most discrimlnatiflg buyer because of Its exterior- and in- terior condition. Prie $1.7 '000. For furt'her partic-ulans cati -Mme. -Mead, Wih mette 37d40. (Ire. 11664'. THE BILLS REAJ4TY, Ilc. GLENCOÉ $10,500 \Vel-onstructed 2 -story brick omie. nîodern and cecorated in excellent taste: 7 large roomns, 2 tiled baths, sun1ý room, hot water heat, oil burner, large lot. heaîed gar.iage," near school, and SMALL INITIAI. PAY.MENT Rhent Investment Home,. T'ostory brick: 7 large roonîs 21/2 bathe- %-.auuni heat, 2 car garage, large lot. Prived at $4),000. N.V. RUGGLES & CO. U NI. 6886 HO0L.. s;' WIL. 161 111 LTN 40-1ti, Early American Colonial IN FINE SOUTHEAST W1XNETKé! location An 75 foot wn.ded lot. A largi bdrmsi., 2 tiled baths, paneled libra.ry recreation m. tiled kitchien, attachied car garage .$'00Of English Red Brick Home So)uthxwes-t WTnnetka, 4 blocks to mdi *1-1111 Station, g large roome, :1.cit il heat, attai'hed 12 cargage foreelo) 1î'e bargain . $,0 4LINC'OLN AVE.,. WNINNETIA 1-WJ i 11L40-1tp DONT l'OVERl'OOK THIS BARGAIN 13 O NEI SPLENDIDLY BULLT 9 ri. brick house, fine cond., 3. bathes, beaut. lands.caped grounds, 2-car .gar., 100ý ft lot (50 ft. can be sold), located in tinie section of WVllmette. Cost $4.5,000 to build; ofiered for only $20,000. Prop-' erty alone worth $1 0,000. For appt. and iniformfationi calWnet 2067. _______ 11LTN40-1lc -T H E S 1, V11,1,BE HARI) TO BEAý%T- ('hoice E. Kenilworth, 5bds. 3 battis., 2- pchs. For quick sale. Only $18.000 4 bdrmns., 3. tue baths, op)en ser. peh. L'ge.. wooded lot. Glencoe......... $21,500, i) bdrnis., 3 baths, 2 bike.sh. & trans. oi.lot. Lege. liv. uni. Winn. $30,000. SEARS *& WITZLEBEN i)(2 (re Bay Rd. Kenil. 5545-47190 'lO RE'MODEL'! REMODEL YOUR HOM1E lu tint' East loc.ation oitbeauti- fui 75X190 ft. iot--%vitl iny large oaks. 8 rnis., .1 bath.. Ofe'excmellent krnodetîiizing, posiblites total cost ehould flot exceed. $12.1000. A. Smith, t ;eenlenf 185 or' lHollycourt Wininetka RiN ETENT HOUE Just like new-tlîis attractive English Cottage type home of 8. is.and 3 hathit c'n be pur- ch'îsed w ith le.-s than $2,000 cash .M'ew l. HIGH-LAND PARK A' QVALITY HOME- <For people of Quality loocated ii one of the flnes.t scin on the North .Shor'e. 5 17) ni.1 bat ths; nîore-than-adeequate li- ing and recreation space.. Rea- Fonable terme. 'Mr. .ieh 41,023 )D&WVN 'ÇPAýY«MEN'I' 'Pakes this Io rmn., 2 bath attrav- tiv-eiyinîodcernized brown sliiugle house. East side lcto;neai' s'-h-'ol and trailp. Mr.Ryn $iith. s$EE 0COR DISPLAY OF ft-\IRI) & WARNERIphc \\'INNI-TKA OFFICH 790EL . Winnetka 2700-liriargate 1,87î; 11 .LTN 10-n l Overlooking the Sk okje 1 .Golf club, ('harming Frnc ouse, large r <omtis, living rooin -with sun parlor, diini, room, butler's panti'y, to!ýlet, largeý kitc- en. to(ur i lî-s two tue bat-is oil second(ifloor. two beIrtdoome .,and 1 batil on lb 'md filoor. *,t wu-cir attached garage, lot I oOlxl 7'1. ill redeccorate oniidïetelýy. Hovvater o(e)il.....3,i~>0 A îgost attractiveý EnIlish brick'on high wooded -lot, five bedrooms, three ballis, near tile Skokle Club, ]lot water,, oil' heat ................ 2,0.0 1 lite brick haif hlock froi S.ýkokie* C'lub, four bedr-oontis, t'biree bath.,; on -econd florl, main bedrooml very large -with fireplace,. hot water t);' ieat ........................$2,0.4 gage value of this, eight rooin house. The construct ion is brick and stone and the architecture English. There is a two-var ga- rage and thie heat is hot Wtk oili. There are three bedroonis, tw.o baths, and a heated Sleeping porch. The lot size is 50xl.40 ami it is nicely lanidscaped -and planit- e. ,. This home:can be either sl or rented. Sold, the doWn î>d- nment will be.exceedingly low andl and the balance on mionthly, pay- mnentit. *Renited, a plan cait be sto arranged.that the tenant cani se- cure an option to 1urclaewithini a ye ar1 and a large Portion of the rentai paid .wiHl be niade ap- pdicable -to- the purchase prîce of...................$13,5110.00) Tlhis brand ne.w home of brick-- eoncrete *ofSt ruc(tion, thorough b' and completely insulated a nd equipp ed with an extensive air- ('onditioning systeIn is an attrav- t ve buy. There are seven romois and two and one-haîf baths. The air-conditioning system, le fired by <l and- there us an, attached garage. 'Phere are four 1bedr.,oome and a recroation roornitii the ba ,w- menilt. 'l'hle lot us 50xC155. A pur- chatse c in be arraiiged on a dowii pifiitand4 the balance~ month- ly to vionffllete the asking p)rive * of................... 0.0 <ieeratd, f six roonis. three bedni-01. id one bath), ývitli iln - .rgarage wiII rent fia....................... .$75.11.0 Tlh is 1I iiteIi roollis f our b)atlis) %Vitl w'ill, relit for C)t(iia ()f aîd t o a two-var garage 1 I avuslin av'ail:i1lJte1entaIv ;1s, thé. priet .on w'hiolt will bu shai- l.v cilt for iinnî'tdiate u<tnM lihave tlivm in all ni' the Norîli S 1 4' r'.vi 1 à ges f roi W Vilii<t f t ".SI;N WITH IiJ C< 6 1i( O.'<I W'IIITEF FHAM le, 12 YRS. oid. Attr-activeitri>,al ini ight color. (iazedpoî'clî. *Public col ili tîas.î'tii îk.2rar gar. 1Md(Ii ngtoin & Allen,, lne. -,*7410 Lindeii *Phi. WiI. 407 roSi.100% itsul.. iixei. loc. uut w $16 ,000 froin $33,000, foi' 15 d:iys. Terni,, nîust !-.'1l at once. Wilmnette 7"0 111 LTN40-1t(- WHITE2 COLONIAL 3 bedrooms, 2 heated porches, large li- ing room, 2% batts, Oit, 2-ar g',r. Excellent value $13,000. Winnetka 269.. 11ILTN O4tp gar., beautiful grounds. RentaI $225.NE OI BRC CO NA MRS. LANG WINNETK-X 119SO»DBRC CLOL _________ I1LTNO-lp edIroom.,,2- tiled battis and lav.,s __________- --- - ing porch, air conditioned heat, IN RAVINIA lated thmoughout, att. and heated New 6 rîooîîî brick Colonial. 2 e--tr att L!tlndscap)ed lot. Prîce $16.000 gai'.Si îdp~".Ai' cond. E.SA YE SMT 9000E.,W E M ' 1.. O' dl Realty C i. Winnetka 115, 72:) Elm St., Winnetka, Ph, Winîî I1ILN4Oltp11 .LTN4 401-t.THE BJLLS REAILTY, mec. 529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON b, Greenleaf 1166 Wl<~t 7f i ee' 1 111LTN40-1tc * - BE S T 'IUY FOR $7,000 S 7: rooins, 2 porcs, attached garage. I close to* transi., ecolclumches. 3500 9-U Fine St., Winnetka 1484. 40-Ittc .IILN4-