Dimpled Curlyhead Eats Apple WithI President Lincoln in "The Littlest Rebel" Th.e hearts of alilTeatro del lago! patrons .wilI be onby Shirlev Temple this, Thursdav. Friday aîid Satùir(lay in "The Littl est Rebel," a stirring picture. of :11fe ini the war- tornSouth. Ncvcr d(id Shirley 9iv a more cntcrtaining and 'talentedJ performance thanl as th.e (laughiter of a ýCon federate army 3ýcaptain. Johni foIes. Poverty,lhardship and grief ca.iniot break. the spirit. of the little girl w%-hom iShiirley -porrtays in tIins:pctue Sceiies vou'1l tieverý forget: Shirley doing, a sidewalk dance %vith Bill Robin son to raise ,moncvy for a trip to Washingtoni to, plead for herI father's life ; the littie star eating an apple ivith Presïdent Lincoln. (Frank MIcGlynnii, Sr.). Next Suîiday and.XMondav' thc .~~ colorful .shio.wmiiaisip of Buffalo Bill play s a spirited obbligato to thvt human love storv and 'heathiv humoir of -Aîînie Oakle3y," saga of the dead- eeai(Barbara Stanwyck), who ca i' outshoot. Preston Foster, "'world e i sasn u champion sharpshooter." She canlz ltt,'st kbl~at th e Te'atro ýdel outtshobot Iiîn un til . . . but v ou mnust !' q< this Tlzu-sda, Fidavý and sec for vourself. . . . ~tîu "nfr e "Tran satlanitic Tunnel," shmootll SmI .le,. u, s. dimipies anld 1ùnh1le produceci and graphically photo - et( hel'iitetrar graphed, is a tense mnelodramia of a f~< oteI i,îteIîae or flhe scientific tomnorrow, show'iîg at the S(MICZ daYs next wcek. Teatro next Tuesday, Wednesdav and Thursday; Richard Dix. 'plays the" engineer who sacrifices homne and , "'"iY o of UflL7. honor to bis dream-of a tunnel be-. at Varsity Theater. tween England and the United States. .Mtn o h But1"mgi ficent sea saga culled froni the Nord- Anno nceHoldayhoff-Hall book, features the Varsity Films, for Children Tuesday. Charles Laughton portrays The James Nelson and Atnna Louise Captain Bligh,,Clark, Gable, Fletcher Raymond1 Foundation for Public> Christian, leader of the miutiny, and School and Children's Lectures wiîî Franchot' Toue, Midshipman Byani. present two special progranis of free Acting, direct ion, scenery and cast motion pictures for children in Feb- are superb. ..~p,., rii2rv. ncmroain of the h,.~irt- "tin'ft missil h rtrilnl, Joe E. Brown surpasses al bis pre- vious performances when he stars in "Bright lights" at Winnetka Com- m nunity House theater this Friclay and. Saturday., He has neyer made a bletter licture well developed.......... drania w, i t h good situations. ... a ni d healthy c ha ra C7 t e r s skiIfùh1%, acted. Joe reaches i nl t o bi s, 1)a gof tricks for some neat new laugh, numbers as he joe E. Brown lays a vaudeville comic who aln ost lets big-time success get his number. Ana Dvorak, Patricia Ellhs and WVil liami Gargan are other -princîpals in the film directed hb',Busby Berkeley. Several catchy songs ke tpwt til' story. .ke tpwt TO SELECT ARTJSTS - Mfary Garden, uwho wvil present a reicital. in Winnetka Februarv 17, leaves shortly for Europe under con- tract to select artists for M-G-MN productions. She wvill mnake a survev of the field and wiIl return to Hollv- wvood to direct lier "'disco%-eries." * THIRD DIMENSION Gregg Toland, canierman. of the Samuel Goldwyn studio. is filming 'These Three," starring Miriain Hop-- kins, M.\erle O beron and Joel M\c- Crea, with one sequence done in the neW third dimension process.: 1 il. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. &7-8 'Shirley Teniple-Joha Bole. Sun., i1%on, Feb. 9-10 Barbara Stamwyck Preisti>n Fosteg "6ANNIE ýOAKLEY'q) Our Gang Comedy - Mickey 3Mouse Cartoon - Going Places No. 15 - News Feature Startks Sun. at 2 :50, 5 :00, 7:20, 9:45 Feature Starts Mon. at 7 :30, 9 :50 1'ue"., Wed., Thturs., Feb. 11-12-13 lkichard Dix-Madg. Evans TUNNEL"' Cornedy - Terrytoon - New Feature Starts at 7 :30, 9:50 Fr1., Sat, Pcb. 1415 Pat OYBien-jeaa Muir "&STARS OVuli DItOADWAY9" Coniedy - Cartoon-"Dr. Oswald'" News Feature Starts Frl. at 7 :40, 9:40 F'ea.ture Starts Sat. at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Doors..open Week days, 6:30 p. m. Performance begins at 7 p. m. Sats. & Suns. doors open at 12:30 Performance begins at 1:00 p. m. Thurs., Feb. 6 Ginger Rogers-George Breut &#IN PIERSON"9 F1., Bat., Feb. 7-8 Ping-Pong Tables SSoda -Lunch Ice Cream Cigearettes Cigars._ Tobacco Papers FRJDAY a.nd SATURDAY Feb. 7-8 JOE E. BROWN Ann Dvorak, Willim Gargan IRIIITLIGNTSO I fln "MITROPOLITAN' eeaiure sauiS T at 7:50, 9 Feature'Starts Sat. 1:00, 3:20, o