Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1936, p. 44

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Indiana o%-er a centirai western, Co- 1 ontvbtoe-uti.ar arns !nhîia ietwork. 1iaxÉrard and Voniaeev were Miss Atlertonli gainied er latestl headlined in AAmerican audeillje fan-in lu l'glaincl as the leader of the î sonie thirtv years ago whei thiey -Air-IDo-Ve1" a radio troupe NNwhcl toured the coilntrv in a Specialty act was starred on the progranis of th e iof their own:11 Brâit sh roadicastin.,r corporationi. She also tock . pa-t in, several of Noeli Melodies at Bismarck CÈc.ward's musical produictionxs. Here she is -featured as, a cornical mnonolog- . Appeal to Ail as ist and singer :of sophisticated ditties. A. pleasing melodeic arrangement E rard.. who has. appeared on mani" holds swaN,,iii the Wý\ýalnut,,roomn of-the British prograins.' is an accompl.ishied Bismnarck hotel %vlere1 Phil Levant lan:d bIis band, George.Nelidoif with 8 E T T y J 0 N E S hns "Waltz Tii e', show- and Dean1 AUL typea ai Stage «id Dalroom ancXWA* Herrick at the console of the,electric ChMren on odai.. .domaed and beginneroa organ present rhytbrns wvich i i their,. SC OO o D NCNG varie(I range appeal to ail miusic-pal- DWame Diet,, lt duChicgo Tribun aes Producer of Dalabua & Ki. Kiddie Révult. Phil Levant's reception at bis àpenl-, 811 owmd ~ree, Eanton ii his beautiful (ining roorn re- frruI~f CSC ealed for a certai!ity the popularity 40 7 &yt eSat.rday neIl Ev., SUD., HOL Matin" Daly_ Thurws, Fri., Feb. &~7 Ans l4ardin--Gary Cooper OPEN 10:30 A. M. COME EARLY! Vallace eery-JackCe Coope, ln janle Withers, whio plaved second îfiddle" teo Shirley Temple il, "Bright Eys, as a picture- nearlv ail to> herseli at thie inette tiïeater thiýs Friday apnd Saturdlav When lthe attralc- tion viIleTiIsthe Ue"Jané does a ýbrilli ant job ini the role of a,. child performer w~ho.runIs away froin her exploiters *and tries, to. find a happy home., Sally 'Blanc l)lays ana important adult role. The* Wilmette pronmises ifs 1patronsi- plenty of laughs SundIay atl d Monay wvhen .Jack Bennv ,gets bis bluff called in "It's'ini the Air." Jack, pos- ing at a highi flyer. visits a sý;wak desert resort only to ,finld binisef having to 'vouchsafe bis reptttioni by making a stratospher e flight. l Tuesday and Wednecsd'ayaie rhy-th- lic. From the opening cadences to) the. * H -zalulfl stars o,','OSii-.Gary nFan akeTmaa:m closîng harmonies the floor is.loaded Cooper in .'Peicr Ibbetstoiit flhe Lvma n and bis.band. with dancers. N-\elidoff's 'altzes %Vhicli Ua tlteatcp-'?his Thii rsday and Shirley epe iesNla i bis singers and daxicers present arc Fridav .Tihe artislicaliv - prodîiced . Tdr emplne e ive waniaic received with bearty applause andld cnie br-ie- promni Herrick'soof inepeaios< htliii is a roinan tic i,'w .vcrswnýý of 1Te ittlest Rebel" at the W'ilm'i , ih n semi-claslicnteranrs fl li oe fPtr "ts)l theater next Thursda ,Fridav a swiftlv-mnoving biaîf lotir. <ircthiti, to tki-e I)iiche.s 1<>f ToZcrs. Saturday. K-aren : Morlev and j M\elodlic variety permneates the \\'a]-oe- pa hreysprns. tnut room. These -thréeen àtr115' Stra rns'Sagnsy~ Bill Rohinson-is, excellent1 as cians appeal to al t tstes. Bo." f-thulslae hodosraeln' P of tue beart-tuggingroutines ith the littie star. team \ofVallace Beer.v and fJackic __________ GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS Cooper iii the storv of a s-tumnblebui Nýext week's guide-lecture tours for! anlimal traîner trving to ýývîn back . . ffers Course' 1in the general public at Field M.\useum thie. love of bis son reared to hate Radio Acting, Writi of Natural Historv Will begin M.\oil- ii bv a nmeddling sister-in-law, A w courses ini radio acting ldav, February 10, with "Animal circuls background lenids a tang tote the Sc]~ Habiat Goups at &clck.Q~ SOiY.g shw opns at Il wr i-ng .will be offered by h c Haitt rup" t3 'cok.01, sor.The bigso opn of Speech of Northwestero univer other days at the sanie hour subjects o'clock ini the morning.d during the coming seeister. E will be : Tuesdav, 'Cereals' and Their ' Thanks aMiio" the Suniday aiicusswl edie nti v Uses" Wedesda~, "Nrth meriaui ondav attractioni, offers Dick Pow- cusswl egvno h v Iiidiain"; Thursdayç, a general tour elI singing grand.' songs.- Other itemsto capsad reouxo of anithropological, bôtanical, geolo-1 Paul Whiteman. Fred Allen. theé ulc eitato o h o gical and'. zoological exhibits, and Y acht Club boys, Patsy Kelly s, sla p- snm nèwy Friday, "South A.merica." These stick and Anni Dvorak's danci ng Tecussae ag- yl tours, conducted_ by,-staff lIecturers Tuesdav unfolds "Personial -\.aid's Adams .Who, came. to Northwesi are oen t' ai musum vsitr Secret," Nvith Ruth Dnelyitr last faîl after.extenisive wvork in r Parties assemble 'inside the nlortbh: preting the part of the. maid to per- M:iss A damns is a, graduate of entrance. feci o University of Iowa and f rom ____________"This 1Is the. Life- zgives Jane: Universitv of Soutbern Califc \\Vtiers a chance to show' she's a where she received ber niaster's LECTURE ON GERMANY grand little aIl 'round actres., next grec. While on the west coast I.The brilliant new lecture star., \Wedinesday. , entered radio work- as a write' Lieutenant -Colonel W. S t e w a r t-I_________ continluities. Roddie, C. NI. 0. of London, will ap-~ M~~ ~P TD isAan ilb vial \be lette and fohi. dille ing Botli the .rses id ithl tern îdio. theý she >r of "in Prson," Ginger Rogers "Escape frm Devil's Isand" "Litlst Rebel." Shirley- Temple "Mbdry Burns," SylvI Sidey Or Your Favorlte Brand Keep a ..ppy .on a.. at aul tiaus Phone BEN ERICKSON Wil.5.tt.4092 Served daily, chicken -or a steak for .........3 Lcaited on West lake Ave. Adjoining the Curtine Air >rt in Glunewo Toiel. Ielw 469 in the new no deposit boul.. 24 boles packed in non-return- able cartons. FOXH lAD SALES CO. TEL. ENTERPRISE 1212

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