grounds. The Kenilwortb Park commission- ers, under whose auspices the. car- nival is being given,. secured these -ace comedians through the courtes%, of the College Inn, Hotel Sherman. Mati Conteet Evepts Races for ail Kcnilworth residents 7 or more years of wil feature North Shore Agent State Faimn MutiualAuto ins. C.. Have me tell Yom how this conttin.lous poli cy ýplan ctits ,insurancç cot about 40% 9eal Reterve.. Raied A*Plus 4y set'.. service., Authorîmed repr"eeutaton andservice. Tel. lencoe 24&6-Highàlafld Park l478,-Deerfield 250. The Sears seventh and eigbth grad- ers will clasb. in one of the two hockey, games of the afternoon. Bill Taylor and Landon Taylor ivili lead two teams from New Trier Higbi school ini the other battie.' Keniilwortb Park district commis- sioners, Who are, makinig it possible for the villagers to enjoy this carni- val, are R. W. Starrett, president of the board; Herbert B. Taylor,. secre- tary; Harry E. Weese, treasurer. johni F. Wbitc, Mrs. Bentley G. Mc- Cloud, Herbert J. Prussing. and Leon 'T. Ellis. 'Kenilworth's 'first afnnual ice car- nival, held Saturday, January 18, at-, tracted a large crowd despite adverse weather conditions. N. U Basebail Recruits to, Begin, Drills Feb. il Xortbwesternl university's basebal team will begin indoor, practice Feb- ruary Il under the direction of Bert lngwersen, new1y apt'Ôlnted coach. Coaching a basebail nine is a nem venture for Ingwersen wbose main forte is football.. However. he played: varsity baseball at the University o Illinois and bas always been a close student of the game.ý The first few weeks of practice ivil1 be confined to pitchers and, catchers. The batting cages will then be erectcc ini the gymi and infield and hittin9ý ractices ivill be bield. The Wildcats Pýorm ci nyYyers Just lJ nnw i LiflUaP The 99ers, anational women's fly- Poor Guys in Alaska! jng organization, now bave .an IllinoisI chapter headed by Miss Jane Ray.. MNfss Rav. Who won renown last fail Mrs. J. Fred Lynni, 873 Greenwood when. she orikinated and headed the. avenue, Glencoe, *has received the novel acrial treasure hunt at Curtiss- coldest 'bit of aviation news that has Reynolds airport. is the Illinois chap- whistled over thé north shore thlese ter's first chairman. blustery days.. The curious. naine of the organiza- prmn ieasni cce h tionis ericd rom he acttha i ews reveals how ber son, Jobn E. womnen. pilots, att ended the.first meet- ing. 'Miss Amelia Earbartw~as the first tyn oe f lakas eading chairmnan. There are riow*.600 mcm aitrmngs otrv t6 bers. with chapters in most of thebeo zr. states. "We have the motor, cowlcd, in and The 99crs differs f rom anl% other byheaters on the exbaust stacks for % oman' s ;flving organization ini that, the cabin we arcý fairly comfortable," ail members must *he licensed pilots, writes Lynn to bis mother.. "It does. or a junior member mav have. a mini-_ take- quit.e a .while to warm U p the. mumn of 10 hiours of solo flying to ber môtor. We have to have fire pots crédit. (gasoline- plumbers' pots) under the Members of the tiew chapter are,: motor, hood for sometimes as much 1Miss Jane Ray, chairman, Miss Helen as anl hour and ote-half,. or even Colton, secretary - treasprer, Jane longer. WbeW -the motraeor. is cold, Mever (Mrs. George M\ever) of WVin- yo'u cati chiin yourself on the prop netka,. Miss Loretta Brecri, Helen andi not even budge it. We àls-o heat Budwvash, Gertrude Chester, vwfe of the oul and~ then start as soon as ive Art Chester. famous racing pilot whol pour it in and take the bood off the kecps bis plane at Curtiss-Reynoldsi motor. The se.vere weather wvas a fairport. Violet Croshie. Who fics al few weeks ago.. We are 10 having Fleet fromi Pal-\Vauk, Ecnrpet id~eahrjust a littiebe Domack, Doris Langbier, who wben low1 zero-sounid warm to you?" ýHig çbhe is not flying is .employed bh' United letter was dated January 8. Air Lînes, Katherinie Lindleman, .- clipping telling mnore,. al)1out Dorothiv Ring, who recently received lier private pilot's license at Curtiss- Lynn's defiance of the weather *was reols ma(t)Sruewh sent to Mrs. Lynin from a Fairbanks, flic .s an Acrônca with Mrs. Mever at Alaslia, paper by a Dr. Dickinson. of s Cturtiss-Re-ynolds. and 'Mr 1s.. Mabel Ketchikan, wbom, as a visitor on the r .' north shore this past summner, she The, road to bhealth,' beauty and leisure Às wide open! Put a stop signal to washday toil, chilis and red hands. MOTHER PASSES AWAY ýMrs. John J. Tracey, 336 Greenleaf avenue, bas, returned to ber homie, from Woodstock, Ontario, wbere site Nvas called by the deatb of ber m»otb- er, Mrs. Timnothy- O'Brien.. on, Jan- uary, 22. TRY UR AMP ASHMiss Marion Ortseifen il. leaving 3c lb. h er home in Kenilworth today and is Isailing from New York on the Lafay - coguinUia AINDRY e tte Priday of this week on a seven- The 99ers wilt h old their meetings in special clubroomns at the M.\ediniah rtlb. Beside-, tleir reguilar meetings the ivotunen are planning special swim- mninz parties in the club pooî. air me* ets. cross-cousitry flights and iný- ter'esfitr aerial jaivits. to nearhv sis- ter chapters. Nationwide Aïr Express Ser-vice Now Operating The north shore area was linked toi "The. coldest .wcather on record here in the past twenty years failed to prevent Fairbanks fliers f rom tak- ing off for various destinations. Among them is John E. Lynin, ýwlo took off ýfrom Nome with Dr. and- Mrs. William Chàrteris of Seattle. Dr.. Charteris is to. relieve Dr., Rex Swartz, mayor of Nome, wb1o* is to leave soon for Washington, D. C. The temiperature wvas 60 degrees blé- lo\N zero.'* UVT*UI* .d' !à. -- ening Courses. Latalog sent on, Wm. H. CALLOW, Pninci>tal 1718 herin Avenue, Evanston Uni., 3004 rltCkman waS niaiing a ianding. Heckman said the incident tii her. NFW TICKET OFFICE The Cicago'ticket offi:ce of cago ýand, Southern Airlines, bas Chi- been STA PLES COMPLETES TRIP E. S. Staples, secretary of the Chi- cago Aviation corporation, arrivedl back at Cuttiss airport Thursday nigbt of last week aftcr an automo- bile. tour of, the easternp states..