of wilmette, chairman; Mrs'. George Henry Scbulz and Mrs. Stanley UI- rich. The patron and patroness list in- cludes Colonel' and Mrs. E. M. Had- leMr. and Mrs. John Slade,' Mr. and Ifrs. Vernon David, Mr. and Mrs. Milton, Otte, Congressman and Mrs. Ralph Church, Mr. and Mrs. Purcel Smithb, Mr. and Mrs.. Frank 0. Low- den,. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, Dr. William Danforth, Mr. and Mrs. Ir- viing Florsheim,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor, *Mr. 'niMrs. Robert Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.. James Hougbteling, M r; and' Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Wàl- ter Clyde Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rundali, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Magnu- son,. Mrs. Fred Schroeder, Mr., and, Mirs. Theodore W. Robinson.' Mn. and Mrs. Gordon. Canning, and Mr.. and Mrs., Dreninan Slater. Members of the board of directors of the -Chicago Maternity center are Dr.' joseph B. DeLee, chiia'rn t; Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Scbulz, sec- retary; Mn. and Mrs. Clark J. Law- t-ence, John W. Clarke, Tom Leemn- ing, Mrs. Kcith Carpenter, Rich- ard Uhl mann, Mrs. Edward K. Welles, Miss Ha rriet E. Vittum. Ballard Moore, Daggett Harvey, Francis P. Butler, W. A. Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Heilman, Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews King, and Dr. Bea- trice Tucker. ..Jw mortalily rate ot two-tenths of onie percent, and at the same timie de- livers more babies per month than any other institution in the city. Besides rendering 'financial aid, the -North Shore auxiliary. has contributed be- tWeen 1,'500 and 2,00-infant gar ments to the center during the Pest yeaýr. Members of the aiixiliary also aid the center by volunteering their services to furnish transportation for the doc- tors and internes,' and to assist witb Mrs. W'.ý G. Mackenzie, the former Betty Gillies, is acting in a sketch of Colonial finies Moniday, February 10, tük1en- the Shavkiê Valley cf«pter of the~ D. A. R1.eets at the homne of Mrs. George Leach of 1456 Ridg1e avenue, lz!a)istokn. The sketch 7vas ivritteni by Mrs. Charles '5. Jackson frorn moterial gathercd iu ancestral histories and records. Reviews Con Inter.sf in Be The increasing nmand Promineni Women to Be mnefit af Legion Auxiliary. interest and ap- -The Awnenican Legion auxiliary. very wortny cause to wntcn rnis or- ganization contributes is that of pro- viding scholarships to' boys in the, Chicago junior school, Who could flot otherwise continue their education.. . The proceèds fnom these' reviews, which will continue each Wednesday morning to F'ebruary 26, inclusive, at 10 o'clock, will be used to aid these children in their efforts to obtain an education. 1village, and the membvrs or mthe en Huenter unit. Mrs. W. Glenn Suthers, president of the Dèpartment of Illinois and said, to be one of the best speakers in the state auxiliary organization, wilI be present and give a taILk It is expccted she wiJl discuss sonie aspect of na- tional defense. ý Mrs. R. Wallace Mitchell of Wil- mette, .a pianist, will give a prograni of musical numbers. HN OFZNGYMANIuwNus «w o..Imuvummî Iunnortal But auuIlmtly Do eLmuige lu qu»âlhj-l è emus termes. Comme luad"Ys S-T îE1.N WA Y LYON &HUALY Wabluh et Jaçhom--CIICAGO Fanions fler Fiber Broon c99 I - IIICCLmeeting LIIV L IJUVI L LIJUWg LVis Enferfains Y sionary society. Mrs. Frank P. Collyer, 730 Nintb street, entertained her bridge. fifth- somne at her. home on Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Fritschle Fniday of this weék she miIl be] of 619 Central avenue entertaifled at hostess te a group of Chicago friends a dinner for eight 'on Saturday - night. at "',brunch" andi bridge. ' Bridge followed. Williain D. Norris, 1314 Forest ave- nue, is in Toledo on a bur>iness trip. He bas been away for several weeks and the date of bis 'return is in- definite. or Mr. G. C. Curri. or Phove or FVrite *r..uch Office 1737 Howardl St, Chicage SheIdrak. U4M