Congregational Cuild W~iI Have Birtliday Pa'rty. A birthday unhon. will be. held by the Wmn'sguild of the Congregational Church of Wilmette, of whicb Mrs. C. L. ýDarling is >president, Friday, February 14. The twelve lunch- eon tables ýwill, be decoratedfor the different months of the year, and mnembers and guests will firîd their pce atheir own birthday tables. Mrs. Howard Miller is social chair-» man of the guld, and the Crescent, circle will serve: the luncheon. The guild's new chorus of ten sing- ers will make its debut in the programn arranged by Mrs. Frank cAdlams, pro- gram chairman. In the chorus are: Mrs. C. S. Coates, Mrs. Frederick W. Taylor, Mrs. H. C. Toeppen, Mrs. C. L. Darling, Mrs. John B. Hill, Mrs.. W. A.~ Richardson, Mrs. William H. Hayt, Mrs. H. A. LaRoy. Mrs. R. A. Marmaduke, and Mrs. Glen Rob-. erts. Mrs. Paul Hoffman is the ac- companist. A book review will be presented by Mrs. Richardson, and Mrs. Stanley Johnson wilI conduct the devotionals. Preceding the hsncheon, the board * will meet at i11:30 o'clock ini Pilgrim hall. * Mrs. Gale Brooks, rissionary chair- man, is planning a series of weekly meetings during Lent for the study of Latin America and Mexico. Mrs. Coates will act as the leader of thé study' class. Seils Bai5 Tickets An active member of the North Shore auxiliary of the Chicago Ma- ternit y center is Mrs. Fred W. Ringley of Wilmette, a, member of the ticket comtmittee for the Val- entine bail the' auxiliary Is gsimig ut thse Caàino Febrsery 15. .1 Gordon Photo Service Miss Georgia Pettibone of 698 Blackthorn road, Winnetl«z, a sophomore *at.Mount Holyoke colle ge, gets out her skis to take advantage of the record snowfc.l that ha: blanketed the campu&s and surroutndiekq hiils duri;zg thse past tharee weeks. Interprets Barrie Play Bridg-and Style Show - - aa- n - -& à'1A O . %a a fo College Club Members A* reading o f ont ofT-Jkines M. Barrie's most delightful plays, "Rosa- lind," will be presented to members of the Chicago College club at their next meeting, at il o'clock Saturday morning. Mrs. Agnes White, dramatic reader, teacher of speech, and play director, will gieber, interpretation of.this play. The club's third lecture in the course on "Practical Psychology and Every- day Living" will be given at Il, o'clock Monday morning by Dr. Charles T. Marriod Forfy Years .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wild celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wed- ding with a dinner for the farnily and a reception folleoiwing for'forty guests Wednesday, January 29, at. their home Q28 Greenleaf avenue. Aids Se.tierment SchooI ' Tlhe North Shore alurnnae of Pi Beta Phi are holding a benefit bridge party Friday afternoon, February 7, at 2 o'clock, at the Evanston Masonic temple. This affair, helci annually, is for the purposé of raising funds for the settlement school rnaintained by the national organization of 'Pi Beta Phi at Gatlinburg, Tenn. Under the leadership of the president, Mrs. Carleton C. Cummins,, general chair- man, the entire alumnae association is hielpirig to promote the success of the nffair. Jane JEthel Newman was datrtnir- teen clubs. Mrs. 0.O M. Bercaw, who bas been giving the girls bridge tessons, said it -was a most exciting. event., Miss Newman is the daugh- ter ôf Mr. and Mrs.. Phillip H. New-: man of 411 Washington 'avenue. Casino WiII Aid Maternity Center Plans for their annual spring benefit party are. no w receiving the ýcenter of attention of- mem- bers of the North Shore auxil- iary of the. Chicago Maternity çenter, acCOrding to, Mrs. Ken- neth b. Wilson, president' of the organization. It:ishoped that the Pro'ceeds of, this.,present venture. will- exceed. even the. very successful benefits of the past1 few years, 'one of which, was held at the studio, home o f Benjamin1 Marshall in Wilmnette. Mrs. jack Griffin, social chairman of- the organization, bas chosen the following chairmen for the parti which is to take the form of a Valen- tine Bail and Supper dance to be held at the' Casino club in Chicago, on February 15. SMrs. Lee Shedd of Evanston, gen- eral chairman of tht benefit; Mrs.. J. L. Houghteling' of Winnetka and Mrs. John Andrews King of Lake, Forest, co-chairmen. Appointed to the following commit- tees by Mrs. Shedd are: Tickets - Mrs. Stuart K. Fox, chairman; Mrs. William Colwell, Jr., co-chairman, and Mrs. . D. Snow, Mrs. M. L. Schweers, Mrs. Thomas E. Fiske, Mrs. Ade Schumacher, Mrs. Samuel Lang, Mrs. Fred PIoger, Mrs. Fred Cross, Mrs. J. J. Johnson, Mrs. Patrick Joyce, Mrs. Fred W. Ringley, Mrs. Wallace Burt, Mrs. Murray Matthews, Mrs. Raipli Huck, Mrs. Thomasý Singleton, Mrs. Axel Hof- gren, Mrs. ILUarold' Muchler, MIrs. Ar- Aiïds Welfore Grlnsted Photo Mrs. John L. Fi, is a ,nember of the Kenilzuorth center of thse Infant Welf are Society of Chicago whichi ùs giving a tea for ail women of1 the village in thse Kenilworth clueb Mon- day, Pebruary 24..