ood tWinnetlc. Author, Traveler, L.cttirer f'o Shar. Program With f. Viol inist 'heregular nîOnthly meeting of the Sisterhood of North Shore Congregation *Israiel in Crlencoe, ,%ondav, February 17,. promises to Ô eaÙ.nusal treat to:,mnembers and their f riends. At 2 o'clock, in' the afternoon, the ýprogram chairman, Avis Shulman, will present the speak- er of:the day, Heluiz Chandler, WNashburne, author, traveler. and -lecturer, widely . knoxvn and. greatly admired ail along, the north .shore. She - br ings to her audience the interesting, color- f ui expe riences of ber trav eis ini * foreign eountries. Originally trained as an artist, Mrs. * Washburne has the gift of making people sec what she bas seen, ex- perience what she bas experienced. She has traveled far and wide with her busband, Dr. Carleton WVash-. burne, superintendent of the Win- netka schools, but she has not travel- ed as a tourist, she has lived the life of the peoplë1EÎn eacb land she has visited. . Notably, the children and the enter. of her interest. A naturai charmi of personality and a freshness of view expresses itself in whatever she writes or says.. The sarne ability wbich bas muade ber book, "Letters to, Channy," .a success on two continents. and bas made both it and "The Story of tbe arth* and Sky" junior Lite rary Guild selections, carnies over into ber lec- tures. Sol Nemnkovsky, concert violinist, will be beard. in a fine programn of con and bridge. Th e L ake group of the Gamma .Pbi'Be nae is entertaining tbe Nor, group at a dessert lunci bridge, at 1 o'ciock Friday,1 7, at the home of Mrs. H. <ern, 243, Moraine road,1 Park. *Ardeni Shore is. the nexct beneficiarv of the Friday sewilig dav held under auspices Of' the philanthropy depart- nment of the Woinan's Club. of WVil- mette on February 7. Al %vomien of. Wilete,'whether or not, they are mnembe r> of the eltil, are inVited to si)-ii1d the day.' or part. of -it, ýat the ,clIubhous.î working for philanthropY. Sewing c olinencàs -lO-luicheoi , served at 12* :30, and wocrk .resumes toi continue. until late afternoon. Two guests of, honor and sptaker: %%1 ili be present Friday. Miss Aimia-ý belle, Ferrier, superintendent of :rden Shorecamnps, a nd Mrs. HarrN Sellery o f Ravinia, Presideit of' the .Arden Shore association, will be wvth' the workers during the, luncheon Il ur. .Mrs. Francis Huffmnan k chairman of .thewQýrk for the day. M,\rsg.,Percy B., D. Idier is iii 'Charge of the lunch-. Norfhridge Notes The regular meeting of the Nortil- ridge Xoman's club will be lieId Mon 7 day evenin.g, February 10, at the honte of Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan, 1928 Thorn- wood avenue, at 8 o'clock. Gus Ander- son, world traveler, will lecture and( show his films of foreign lands. Co-hiostesses for- the occasion are Mrs. Maxwell Rust and Mdrs. Georg'e H alvorses.. Mrs. Rtidolph H-eiser. 1936 Thoriu- wood avenue, who is pbilanthropy sewing chairman. hias biad several afternoons of sewing for the Red Cross. On February 21, she will 11old another sewing meeting for the pur- pose of completing w'ork started a preceding gatherings. Sisterhood Speaker. ebruany aIt the open meeting of thse Sister- I. Red- hood of thse North Shore Congrega- igbland tion lirael Monday aflernoon, Feb- rutary 17, a: 2 o'clock. DeHlaven Pho>t" A group ôf four .ýongS wi1t bc giVen bi' Mrs. Walter P. Bermllily- haia talenit cd ,jenber, of, the iV'o);,asCatholic club of Wilinette, foi- the nr.rt Progianzj of the fine arts de par-tpiiciz t Frlday, Febru;ary 14. Neigkbors. Club fo Have Author, Poet, Lecturer B o ii a ro Wilkinson Overstreet; aut hor, poet andi lucturer. \N-111bé the speaker for the February eleventli prograni of the Neighibors of Kenil- Mworth. The meeting will be an after- noon programn at the Kenilworth club Tuesdav of next week at 2 :30 o'cîock. Mfrs. Robert \Varréîi is the hostess for the <14% 'The Adveniture oi Beitig an .Adult". is to be ir.s. Overstreet's sübje-ct. By both training and temiperaméentv she is considercd a.dmirably equipped to indicate to hier audience: a saixe and beautifuil ov f life. As a modern *Readiing Circle Hostess 1Mis. Louis Brucb of 1815 Cbicago avenue, Evanston, will entertain ,the Reading cincle Monday, February..10,ý at 1 o'clocki' Entertain Juniors Moiher Club Provides Barifons and Reader for Junior Auxiliary Program Two artists, a býs-baritone and a reader, have been chosen by the Woman's -Club, of .\Vil- -nette for. the annual. program mhich, it -wili present for 'the junior 'auxiiiary, 'rhursday eve- iiing of this -week. Each year the mlother club gives for* its -junior members one evening of: enter- taîninient. The program this vear mill )e at 8 o'clock and wviI1 follom- a dinner at 6 :45 o 'dock. WVilliani [.dlow White, bass-lari.- tone of Evanston, is to present. two, groups of songs. Mr. Whitestudied under Rudolpbi Magnus, and was highly' recornmended by Vladimiir Rosing, director of tbe Americanl Op- era company, as we l as by promîinenlt artists in the mnusic worid. He ap- peared as a meniber of the chodrus 1il the Opera in Englisb lague at the Mfajestic theatre, and bas sung before, the Chicago Wýoman's club and simi-ý lar audiences. Following a recital in which he a P- p)eared at the Chicago Art gall 'eries. his voice and manner were -enthusi- astically .praised. Onie critic said of 'lin), "MIr. White bas a lusdous, bani- tonal quality that bespeaks future laurels. It is~ full and resonant, and its richness is never lost. He hias a ivide range, and a deep appreciation -for nîuisic,,combined.with. a voice of %varm beauty, and a personality that nimediately attracts bis audience." la Nfood.N. the reader, is said to l)e a. yung womnan.i of unusual charmi and .,acco.mplishment. She, is widely experie nced in play readinig and book, 1reviews and Thursday evenling wl give a group of interpretative poenis anld original monologues. In praise of . aiuIU.[1V 3, in the s' Aid .rsday. schiool nooni of the church at Wilmette and Park avenu~es. After the luncheon, wbich will begin at 1 o'clock, a prograrn of entertain- ,ment features is to be presented. by members of the çircie.