B00Z JIBSA~T StBUeaexy Tic Sratrde. licyclopedia, Edif.dby E. L P. S.ymour, S.S.A. ORDIR-NOWU Pré-publicaflon price.,05 Afer f4b. 25. $4 VALENTINESl 1724 lOrrington Evansfon GRE. 0227 Orrington Ho4ei Buifdlngý Book: Values, Great Book Sale. VALUES TO $10, offered ai low as 69r France as one of the most brillialit writers of the new generation, andi as a stylist anda master of psycbologi- cal portraiture bas few equals in,- con- temporary Eiuropeati literature,, In Perish it heir Pride bis gifts are given full play. .The story is,.about tbree men, the last- descendants of a decayeti noble, family. One of tbem is a rich banker, another an impover-: isbed recluse. groveling in-a- filtby hovel, tbe-third àa.younger man, spinelese, dependent, sickly, Tbey are >ail eccentrics, rneanly, and obscurely, living'ont tbeir days witb-1 out a trace of energy or hope. or, de-, sire. Tbe banker, a, baron, postures and pra 1nces -like'-a clown in full- dress; bis brotbet, a. viscount, is lit-. tie better than an animal;.the young- est, a count, is tbe very essence of, -decay. - -Their story is one of alulless, senseleas drift, of bate without pas- sion,. of death without beroism. 'It is tolti with aciti andi a biting bumor. ,The characterization is vivid, the atmosphere sustaineti to a degree not often aéhieveti. Perish in Their Pride won for de Montherlant the prize of the French academy, andi the Heinemann prize. Its reception on its recent appear- Seven New Stoies Appleton-Century are publishing ini April a volume of new stories b>' Edith Wharton to be entitiedThéVi World (hier. Mrs. Wbarton's work in tbe shorter fiction bas bati atditional recognition, recently. in the dramati- zation :of her OId Maid and Rihan Prome. andthte volume of seven- new Mr$. A lice Houel ,Sherman o1 ,714 . Washington avenue, Wilmette, et the age of >83 years. devoles her leisure to compoumng- poetry and has itst had some of ber work Published in a Poetry anthology, A merian Voieee8-935. Mrs. Sherman bas lived hlire for eleven years anti maltes ber home witb her son, Haroldi R, Sherman. Her birtliplace is Freeport, Ill. Shortly after the Civil War she went bycovéred wagon to Missouri to live, anti stili later to California by immigrant train. One' of ber publisheti pieces is calleti "My.Golden Roati" and reatis as fol- lows: 7'o a, la d of dreafms on a .ruklit shore My golden 'rod brought me; To my joiirney's end and an open door Where my love was azuaiting mie. Ah, this road of mine, this golden road, 1 u11 follou> you on cand on, 'Tii I reach the end. Where the rainbowsç bend To meet thi., road of mine. American Voices contains mainly the as extensi ve and varied a menu of short story, draina, biography, and choice miscellany as.,evercornes. together i a single volum e. 'The plan for such a collection was a brilliant one, 'and as a reward the compiler finds. himself happily ranked among th e "best sellers."' Between' Mr. Woolcott and bis. "Reader" public there will not be complete accord. Points of' agree- nment and points of difference arise in any matter of personal -taste.. Yet ini high praise and admiration, let, it, be said the agreements far outnumiber the, differences, and'only rarely bas preference been, misplaced, in, "The Woollcott )Reader." Tbe biograpbical, sketcb oi Cardinal Manning by,.Lytton Stracbey, whilé enlightening and bistorically clear. does not produce tbat emotional re-' action generally associated with- tbe finest' in litera ture. "A handful of Dust" by Evelyn Waugb, which con- cludes the collection, can be called a-weird, depressing tale of a lost ex- plorer. How it -can be classed as a gem of literature, must be left to tbe editor: to explain.: - These criticisms are siniall ones for a group of eigbteen selection s, selec- tions as superb as "A Doctor of tbe 014 Scbool" by Ian MacLaren, "'My Little Boy" by Carl Ewald, and "Margaret Ogilvy" by J. M. Barrie. A sketch describing tbe rehabilitation of World War casual ties, entitieti "The Whistlers' Room," by Paul AI- verdes merits in every respect its place in tbe anthology. The same 'is, true of the brief obituary of "M7arY White" by William, Allen Wbite,, and Clarence Day's description of the, Cal 'vin Coolidge funeral-"Iin the Green l Mountain, Country.", Afterwords by Mr. Woollcott are introduced for eacb selection. TÉhese convey tbe editôr's personal opinion, bis reasons for favoring the selec- Redthe Want .Ads Book Section FIRST FWOOR Aisa in Our Chicago Store I Iluvti, v 01 spring by ýae a favoral on upon many Mr.'Roberi will be publiu eton-Century. Iand i t carnies the adi familydown from tbc tulrY to tbe présent. àres of rnis teenth cen-