Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1936, p. 28

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CHICAGO SU càag Offices - vian Au cowSlDiDcàti_ a oeu. iosi muui- IU.~F8*.ru- calion mont bear the nmne ad a0drcss of thc author, neot nocessailly for .publication, but for ou les. Suds mâterasi, nut reacli the editor ly Tuesday noon too b Inture for thec cuiTent issue. LINCOLN THE LEADER Wednesday, February 12, will mark the. 127th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.. Under>.the direction 'Of Sangamon Post No. 31 American Légion, of Springfield,. the event will be appropriately observed. by the annual pilgrimage to the shrine of the muartyred'President, and a orneyt h e ae State park and -the re- c onstructed village where his early manhood was spent. Addresses by National Commander Ray Murphy and Mrs. Melville Mucklestofle,' national prsident of the Legion Auxilirv will'be features. rhese will be broadcast.. JThe Linicoln anniversary will tbis year bave a- peuirsignificance for the Amnerican people, and the hallowed shrine 'wi1ll be the center of the t houghts of millions ofpatriotswbo unswervingly cling 10 those principles of self-government, based upon- freedom and equality for- .ail, for which Lincoln lived, fought and died. He is stili too near f or them to forget. Men and women are living today who have clasped bis baud and heard from his' own lips those words of wisdom whicb pointed the way to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And so those Legion- naires who miaie the pigrimage to, his tomb next WVednesda.y wihI .fot go alone, nor 'will their numu- ber be the bounds of those who wil1 liVten to the * inspired wérds which will be spoken there. *Ail that can be said of Abrahiam Lincoln ha's beeri said, splendi4ly said, flot once, but many times., No new-coined word can add a single gleam to the, luster of bis narne, nor any trick of phraseology add one. iota tothe reverent mrnory in which he is held. Asin history, his place in the, hearts of bis, countrymen is firmly establisbed and will, endure. Strange e'isms" are today offéring a serious menace to that rugged Americanism which Wash- ington established and Lincoln preserved,. and nnwerful forces are seeking to substitute for a one. Int this situation of doubt and' uncertainty and fear and dread there will step from the shadows of the unknown'a figure-a taîl, gaunt, white figure. It wilI be the Spirit of Lincoln. Casting off, the habiliments of bthe îomb and donning the uniform of.a commander-in-cbief, the angular form will. gie, il wîil bctthe pirît or L4uuncin a i wnac a nd iwin. Yes, the Spirit of Lincoln, alive in the hearts of the people, wil1 accomiplish the defeat of the con- -piatos. gaistliberty, the conistitutioni and the judicial bulwark against oppression., insuring.tbe, prompt. returh. of governmental safety, state sovereignty and individual security., And Lincoln the Leader will bave ýrende.red bis beloved country another, great service. CONTE.STS-,AS.SURED Rumors. tbat-oppositjon candidates for the office of Township Committeemen in both tbe. Republi- can and Democratic parties ýWould, be put in nomination, forecast by this paper two.weeks ago, cry-stallized into action last week wben groups, of citizens asseimbled for that purpose. . Recogn iig -the importance, of'the office, and feeling tbat. the electorate should have an, opportunity to select between two or. more candidates, these grou .ps proceeded to place in tbe field men not. hereto- fore actively' engaged in politkcs, the asserted reason being that the time bad corne for the voters tbemselves to take over the prerogative of saying for whom. they should bave opportunity to. vote. As a resuit of the efforts of these groups, Henry A.* Gardner, 844, Bryant avenue, Winnetka, has been- placed in nomination on the Republican side, to oppose, Henry Vowler, i404 Forest avenue, Wilrnette, present member of tbe Countv Central, comnmittee of bis party. The Democratic voters chose Ralph M. Snyder, 1329 'Westmoor trail, Winnetka, to oppose Thomuas J: Lynch, 1131 Green Ba>y road, Glencoe,, also the présenit County Central commÎtteeman for his party. Thus the battle lines are drawn, and that the campaign will bc aggressively prosecuted is a fore- gone conclusion. Tbe élection takes place at, the primaries to be held in April. It is.,a fact that tbe importance of thé, office of Township Committeenan can scarcely. be oveestmatd.The men wbo occ upy it (one being eiected on each party ticket),w 1 1 sit b igh in the councils of their respective parties, and have much to do with the formulating of party policies within the county. They will become, ex-officio, mem- bers of the Counity Central Cornmittee of. their reý. such high standing in the community is to ne com-, niended. It is no disparagernent to present County Central Committeemen to say that they are to be opposed by men enjoying the complete confidence of the citizenship of the township. It is,. on the contrary, an implied' compliment of which they .may well.be proud. gunr," which was a simile fer Ianding the irst blow. Monday lie asked congress to repeal the cotton, tobacco and potato control acts, which will be donc pronto. So rnow, Supreme court, what cati v'ôu do? A niew "perfect 36" beauty bias been discovered in: Hollywood. ,'Tis said that she has more curves tban anvi of tbe otbers. Tbe basebal scouts shotild he on tbe trail of that lady. And now tliere is an ugly rumor going,'roun d concerning the moral. corruption of a snow man. He was a very nice, sélf-supporting snow, man, too, fashioned by some 'small boys whe bad even given himý a shve ç n,Éicb to lean. But tbey left bim, alone too, long, and when they returned they found bimn holding not only bis shovel but a WPA check -®r for $12.501 , He did :look al pure and white, but somieone should have known better- bis shovel had a handie. How- ever, it is onily a rum-or. The .old bogey of> 16 to i that1 ripped this country wide open, politically spealcing, iii 1896, separated families, turned loving brothers into bitter enemies, split parties, inspired riots and made McKinley president, bias again reared its ugly hiead on tbe north shore. Iii WiI- mette WPA workers were assigned to project No. 563,729,821,004, %vhich> consisted in cutting down and remioving a dead tree on Central ave- nue. The crew numbered 16, bbe tree 1. After three days of work by the 16 men the tree was still standing wbien the shades of evening f ell on Mlonday. Tbe answer seems bo be that great works.require much time. We got. a terrible ýsbock the other day when the. milkman informed us that .bentefortbh.we 'are 10. get "Grade A" milk. Why, Milkman! What have you been delivering to us, althese years? Tbe director of tbe Chicago Art Institute an- nounces that jules Breton's painting, "Tbe Song of tbe Lark," wil1 be on exhibition during the into effect here." Smart fellow, Senator Blank. "Style Prophets' Sec Skirts Higher," reads a beadline. WTell, they shouldn't look. THE PHANTom REPORTER

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