Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1936, p. 20

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c'.Urica UUCFrsfltr young men. t 13 in short the story of a business tbat typifles American industry. I speak of the Victor Manufactur- ing and -Gasket company at 5750 W. Roosevelt road, Chicago-of its presi- dent and fou nder, John, F. Victor, who lives at 1046, Michigan avenue, Wlimette. fIe -says he bas plenty of' comüpetition but adrnits to beling the1 largest manufacturer. Not having been in the least, gasket-1 I should have asked Mr. Victor if any of the help ever decided to go alop'g with thegaketsinto the worId atý l1arge., A gasket travels far. -It mnay go, from the Chicago factory to Brazil or Cuba, India oAusria Th ictor gaskets are used in air- planes, automobiles, tractors, ,motor- boats--.everytbing that nioves and bas itsbeig hrough -a motor., Thinik Wmn. Trophie at Golf Forgétting about the façtory, the millions of pounds of asbestos and copper, the hundreds of jobbers-and even the millions of motors that har.- bor gaskets, in their Midst-I might translate' gaskets into buman! térms. For instance, take. the niatter of clubs. Mr. Victor belongs to tbree golf clubs, Skokie, Glen View 0O1k Park. Yes, he.likes. tô, lay, bas a ,handicap of tb' ree, plays in teanm matches witb bis 17-year old. son George, a senior. at New Trier High -scbool, wbo also bhas a handicap of tbree. The bouse is- fuliof trophies.: gréai silver loving cups'that glitter in the igbt. of the crystal chandelier. .He also belongs to ýthe Annandale CÇountry, club in Pasadena, whcrc the f a r-iily goes each winter for three months. ..He is a member 'of theý Shawnee Country club in Wilmctte, of the Union League club in the loop. And to t*îrow in ' a ehurch- for gÔod measure, Mr. Victor belongs tQ the first Presbyterian churcb in Evans- ton. At first thought gaskets -doni't.seein connected with clubs and churches, but as rnatter of fact they, arel very useful elements thereof. Transiated in terms of home andi family, the Victor gaskets ineaix a beautiful bouse on the shore of Lake Michigan, with 85 feet of beach on a dent ot schools in Los Angeles andi is building a homne near bier father's ini .Wiimette. Tbey will mnean the golf and pleasant surroundings of Rolling college inj Flordia for George aftcr he graduates fromn high school. They niea u riding lessons for, pre tty, curly*-headed Elaine, 11, wbo attends the National College of Education ini E-vanston witb brother Billy, ageti 14. Elaine bas a borse of ber 9w11, too, Quecn Xic, a gorgeous golden crea- turc. "The Story of Chicago's Architec- ture" will be told at the February meeting of the North Shore. Art league, when Thomas E. Tallmadge, F.A.I.A., will give an illustrated talk on this! subjecte~iday evening, Fb ruary 14, at 8 o'clock, in the Art league s tudio, Wi nnetka Comnuit' Houise. As arcliitect, Mr. Tallmadge has bad an influence On the architecture of- Chicago and its. northern suburbs and bas made the study ofthe devel- opiments bis life-work. He will illus- trate his talk with slides and pictures of the varions architectural- Iand- marks. Architectural members, of the league wilI exhibit their' works.-at the saine time, and J. H. Raftery wiII. also ex- hibit bisr famous lithographls of "Famous Old Chicago flouses.". Most of these bhouses, have disappeared. tnder'the wreckers' blows. The exhibition will remain on the walIs of thé Studio until Fcbruarv, 24, whien tbcy wilI be replaced by ail exhibition of the work of Ecina Rogerson Cooper, illustrator and painter. Constitution Show to SOpen on February, 1. Chicago is to have the first tour- ini appearance of the "Safeguard the Consti tut ion" show sponsored b'v gins a series of visits to other cities. The shio%* opens Monday, Fcb-ý ruary 10, at the Grand Opera*House, wbhere it will run contiîxuously tbroiugh the wcek, ending Saturday,_ Fcebruary, 15. Speakers of national, reputation., both D0,emocratsai Republicans, will addrcss nightly meetinigs and the day-. time showings will be devoted to. talking and ilsent moyies,. auto- i ney are not eespecially impressive in a dressmaker's salon, or gasoline Hie is flot a taikative man, and in- kooking, but many things about their in a filling station. The same with terviews seem a littie foolisb to bim. production are impressive. For in-- asbestos, witb rubber, with cork. Will Gaskets nican to bim the opportunity stance, the Victor company uses more the class please write a theme on to play, golf, reati bis favorite books, than; a hundred carloads of asbestos where each of these cornes from? spend the bolidays in Florida andi the duning a year, nearly 200 carloatis' of Gaskets, you sec, are really no or- winter in. California-the chance to copper, buys steel, 'rubber, paper, dinary tbing. ,Tbink for instance of provide b.is family witb luxcuries .andI ivis.riaoi P. iernan of 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, enter- tained ber play-reading group at luncheon on Wednesday. bis empfloyes witb steady work., But to me tbey miean the romance of com- merce, te suces story of an Amen- caîx boy.

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