Uv Seout 1p. ni.- '2. r re- 4 1p. r.-Boys' choir rehears.al. 7 :15 p. m.-Sénior choir' reheartsal. 7.:30p.r.B- Scout Troop No. 1. Sýaturday-l0 .30 a.tmn-<irlm'chi re- heu rsa . Ia. i -3.).'4 choir rehearsal. Wilmete, Ba>tist 'Wilniette and Foref4 avenues 1ev. George D). Allison, pastor Tornorrow, <Frlday . nigbt>, thêre wiII lie a cafeter'ia dinner serve(l at the chur ,eh followed býy a .dellghtful eveing'.s en1ter- :tainmuent., Another of those ",get-to- gether" occasions that do uis ail a lot of good. Harry M. Kerr is <'ha irman of the coflflittee ln, charge nof the 1prcgrianli, #ensurlng a happy. evening fier al i 'ho Tonight, (Thursday), h; ioir -ie- hearsal night. Every ininber' im needed ,t pr*ep;re,*an i nsplring nUi(lsetting for the gospel, message.'. Dr. Allison hae, rturned, front a great trip, preaching lit Seattle, Portland, Sacrailentii, ktoek- ton, Saitirncco and Phoenix. Ile reýpor*tS a'Most Iiplfting expéencie, of which he wilI tell at the next meeting or two of the congregation. Be sure tib eome next Wednesdaý' niglit for this. Sunday morning, the Church srth.ool. nieets in regular departments -aI.9 :30. .George B1. Williams la Ieading-the Adu It class ln Gh)odspéed'.s 'Story'of the Newv Testamiienit."* Earl. C. Carison, chairmnan -of religlous educatloîi, urges parents to enter their children i )ur classes of ail grades. The chui ser('icon Sunday will 4'enter about the GJospel of Luke, which will be the themie of a. Ten-week's Study in the "Lire of Chrisl't" eading up to Easter; The opening message by Dr. Allison la enti:tled -Christ and Tenmpta- tion." There wili be. old farnillar gospel hymins and the following.special music: Pî'eliffe : Harmnine du Soir-" ......... .... ...... .Karg-Elert Offrtoy:"Revesý"......Guilniant Postiotie: "Finale, 7th Sonata" . . ..... ....Gulniant 13y Miss Lvdia Ko)(h, organist "0 Savior of the NVôi"........Goss "*Ilie;;hall feedhIs floék".....akî AntemsbyChor'us Choir, Stoipping at Los Angeles between tî'ainz, DÉ. Allison made pastoral calis on Mrs. Rexford BchtyMs harlts e. Thoinpson and sosWillard and Harold, Mrs. Helen Wisdomn. and Mrli. and Mrs. Terreil Statpi. ail of whoim The Evanston-North Shore Real Estate board desires to express to Lloyd Hollister Inc. its appreciation for tht tiniely Building Nuniber of tht january 16 and 17 issues. of the WVu.1îîME LIPE, WINNIZTKA TALK, and GLENcoE NEWS and congratulates the publishers. upon the excellent mtanner' in which thik surprising story' wa-s presented. This Review of North Short 1 935 Building Activity was a splendid work and on. aIl sides are heard expressions of amazement at tht extenit of. neu, home building. 'The publishers' are to l)e complimented for recognizing the magnitude of this activity--going on so quietly-and th'n' portraying it in so vivid a manner. The members of this loardl are happy to have participated in this en- couraging showing and. feel a deep sense 'of responsibility for. main1tain- ing the standards and.traditions that have made tht north short one of Americas most sought after coni- munity of fletter Homes. In. the past the Hollister publica- tions, have contributed much to thi s upbuilding and. the membership oîf Postmaster O'Connell to License-less Folk- Postmnaster Herbert L. O'Connell. who is a stickler for efficiency. is lending a particularly synipathetic ear to quite a number of villagers who, through no fauit of their own, reniain lice.nse-less in sô far as state auto- mobile plates are concerned. It seemns that while these citizens have miade' due application, for the 1936 v'ehicle plates-somie of. themn two months ago-thc plates for which thev have made payme'nt are simply not forthcoming. MIr. O'Connell, h postIniaster, bias been. hearing plenty about the situation. Ail of wvhich takes us back to Mr. O'Connell's personal predicament. Members of the North0Shoe Prop- erty Owners association appreciate the editorial that appeared jarn.ary 9th, relative-to Sheridan road and the importance of preserving the resi-, dentiial character of the area through wbich it runis. The matter of- installation of hights anid other speed controls is being studied by this association and- every effort iW being put forthtoprotect Sheridan road anid the entire north Shore f rom. agencies that woul d mar the, beauty and desiirability of thi% section as a place in which to live. Sincerely, North Short Propertv Owiýners Ass'n Paul Darrow Paddock. Secretary, this'board bopes the future wvill find them.- still more active in the, inter- egts of- Better Homes for a Better North Short. Adopteci by, resolution at the regu-, tlar meeting of the Evansto .i-Norili Shore *Real Estate board. Mondav. February 3, 1936. -Aider Tighie. secretary ber will be. Hled be tickled fo have ainv plates at ali so long as thev bear" the 1.936 designation and restore hini to the good graces of the constahu- larv. here and abroad. IWTLCxltm ---CIrss0"-d hM '00 vinS CHOOL OF DANCINSk,, US ch.~ Av. *MAIN comimission lias announced open com- petitive exanlinations .as. follows: Economist, various grades, $2,600 1$,60a year. Associate milk siecialist, $3,200 a year, and assistant nilk specialist. $2,6W0 a year, Public Health Service,, Treasury Department. Full information niay be obtainecl from M. E. Von Gla'hn, secretarv of the U. S. Civil Service board of ex- aininers, at the Wilniette post office., Kenilrvorth union Dl'. Ierlýert L. Wiliett, ininister Dr. Willett's subjeet for Sunday, Fe- bruarY 9, wili be "The Eastern Church,I' the flrst 0f'three sernions8on llChnisýten- dom.', Théechurch mservice imutt Il o'clock.' The Women's< Gutld wil me4 Monday other-wise engaged on Md cordlily iflvlted to corne in time as they van spend., UILII IIUL ays are as niuch Tht Sunday school mleets at 9:45 a. ni. wlth classes for clldren from the, kinder- ggaren throogh the, high school. 'Visitorsjý are weicorne. join Mrs. Thnomas, and they' will go on to, New York by way of the Panama canal. Prom California, Mrs. Clarke wîll go to San Antonio, Texas, for a short time, and will.also stop in Mobile, Ala., before returning home. ,Mrs. Clarke, expeicts, to bIe* away about two months. Looin Correspondent THE PENN MIJTUAL'LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F PHILAVELPHIA