Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1936, p. 16

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At the. morning - worship service at il WçIoc3t the, pâsor wlil prIeach the n~ext ln the. q1.rieg of sernons. oyt The Lord's Prayer. the theine belng, "Our »aiIy 13çad.' Wie cordialy iInvite you te worahip tiih usa. Tii. munie for the morning worship service 'wilI be as folloWs. prelude,, *"Pîligrime' ,Chorus f auhuser), Wag- ner: anthem., 10IThat L, Had Wings," Smieton;- solo , 'Thou Wilt Réel) Hlm In Perfect Peace,#" Speake, Edward Otis; postlude, "'March" (Mil), Co@ta. ,Misn Erma IRopuds la director. Tii. Boy. Scouts. have been lnvted .to' worship wltii us ln the mornlng worqbip servie at Il o'clock. Snayachool meets at 9:30 o'clock. In the opening exorcises ln the Inter- me4late departmnent, the Boy Scout troop will perform a cerenionial. obser-v-, lng Scout Day lu church. The Aduit Bible dlams wiII tu.dy more about *!The Jew and Salvation." Itinmets nt 10 o'clock. Junior church, under 1frs. Peterson. care. for the amailer chIldren during thé morning worship service. Th1e Tuxis club wili discus Dr. Toyo-. hiko Iagawa and hus Interprétation of Christianlty lu tho meeting at 5:30 o'clock, under the. leadership of Robert Heuderson. Ail the young people. of high sehool age are invlted. The Forum wIIi meet at 5:30 o'clock. The. noxt meeting of the North divisio)n of the Prombytorian College of Christian E9ducation will be held Monday at the: Pourtii Presbyterian church. Lunr.c wili be sorved at 12:-30 o'cloek. Reserv-a- tion must be made by Saturday with Mrs. M. R. Baricer, 730 Central avenue. The animal FoQreigni Pralse servie of thle Woman's society *111 b. ield Tues- day evenlng st ftle churcli. The speeia.l speaker wiliIho Miss Ann Reid, as- soclate secrtary of the Board of For- eign Missions, Wlth the theme, "Prob- lems and Encouragements." The mect- ig lu at 8 o'clock, and the public I. c-ordiaily Invlted. Dr.. Toyehiko Kagawa will address a Mass meeting 1lnu the Firet, Methodist Eplscopai church of Evanston, Tuesday evening at à o'clôck. Our next Church NIM Wednsdayevenlng. served at 6:30 o'clock. devetional, the: Rev. t wlll be hel d Inner will' be: After a short, aLI Fuller of on Sunday. The Sunday sehool session 1begins proinptly at 9:30. Frank Gutheridge ls in charge. of the Senior department. Mrs. Burnside is in. charge of the Junior department, and Mrs. George Lamb of the Primary.. The Young People,..q meeting wilI be. held- in« the church parlors at o'clock. An Interesting programin s lanned.with a social hiour tollowing the prograi.' Monday everiing the Sea Scouts under W. C. Huggins' direction will meet at the chburch. The weekily prayer mneeting onr Wed- niesdày night wili he -lead by the. Rev. Mr. Allison. Dr., Toyohiko Kagawa; the faînous Japanese leader, *111 -be ini Chicago and the suburbs on February 10,, lil and 13. Watch for further notice as you willl want to hear hlm. St1.ëJohn's Lutheran Willmette and Park avenues JH.Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9:15 a. n.- First service. 9:;30 a. i.- Sunday school and Bible classes. Il a. m-ýSecend servie. Lde'Aid society, teday, 2 p. xu.' Open house, tuis evenlng, 7 to il. JuirWalther league, Friday, 8 p. m. Children's Christian education classes, Saturday, 9:30 a. m.; Wednesday, 4 P., m. Adult catechumen ciass, Monday, 8 p. m., lu the: pastor's study. Choir rehearsal, Monday, 7:45 p. ni. Voting members, Tuesday, 8 p. ni. -Ways and Means cîrcle, Tuesday, 8 p. nm., with Mrs. E. R. Matthews, 13,1t Maple avenue, Mrs. J. H. Gockel as- sisting. Linen circle luneheon and pregrani, next Thursday, 1 p. M. ."Spiritual Olympicas' will be the sub- ject of Sunday's sermon, based on the: epistle o! the day, in which St. Paul draws his Illustrations for Christian 1f: frorn the Olympie games familiar to his Cerinthian readers. Training for. the contest, running the race, receiving th'e. prize-aàll have their, coÜnterpart In the lf: o! a Christian. "So run,: thât y: may dbLtn." Every Sunday noon, 12:30-1, the: Luth- eran Heur lu broadcast aver a chain lof Senior choir. rehear-sal, Flridav evening, at 7-30 o'clock. Junior choir.rehea rsal1, Saturday morn- ing at 10 o'clock. The Luther league will nheet on Sun- day e vening at 5.:30 o'clock.. Miss Ruth Jaehneý will present*,the topic. Ail the Young people are invited.. Dr. Kaga wa will, speak in.Evanston on Tuesdayevening, Februaiy 11, at the First Methodist cLhurch,, at *8 p. in.. Avail yourself o! thisopportunity te hear Dr. Kagawa, who ls considered one of the: outstanding Christian leaders of the world. Church Fellowship dinner, Wednesday evening, Feébruary 12. Fine Dlinner-- Good- Program-a Wonderful evening for the entire fam.ily and your friends. Phone your reserv'atlons to, Wilmette 4279. Réserve Fridayv evening, Febxruary .21., Thé leaguers will -present,"The Attorney for the Defense.". Attend Church reguiariy. Methodist Church %Vllmette and Lake avenues A mos Thornburg,.- pastor The niorning worship serv ice will b: hield Sunday moeming in the Sanctuary. Ail worshipers are lnvited to *share in themusical preparation which begins at 10 :45 oeclock. Miss Louise Dicus, violin- ist, o! Streater, Ill., will be guest artist. The Introit will be sung just before Il o'vlock and the Processionai hymn will begin at exactly 11. The minister will be in the pulpit and will .bring a més-sige of interest to ail. The music' for theIl: U oock 'worshjp service Sunda-y nioning, february 9, wvill b: as follows: Pî'elude: (10:45):- 'Chorale and Prayer of Notre Damne", .Boellinan Marie Briel, .'r-ganist -Legend"............Bohîn Louise Dicus, violinist lntroit: '"Cast Thy* Burden Upon the Lord".....ý ........... Mendelssohn Ant heni: "ýWheresoe'er Thou Wflkest"' ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .Priske Offertory Solo: "There le a Land Mine Eyes 1-ave Seen" .Crowninshîeld Arthur Katzel (ugan Postlude: "octt"..Boilîman ýl'h: (hurcii school will meet Suidity WI[,Je v.ill bn an,> ui honoî-. Theé asmetn a t 2 :1,5 J. i. heon and be held ýday,, Fc- rig a per- eon, and .and hiF, -uests of be he-ld The philatheu elass and Friendiy i' cie wiýl- havt- a joint meeting this coin- .igSuiday moÏïirning, February 9, at 9 :45 oCok in the Woman's rooni.* Mrs. Hoiwaî'd Will *tell o! her worik at Mt. Zion, a.IIl Wonmen are invited te attend and hear this Jnteresting speàker. D)r.,race4.te (1reeley Sinth, WilL be in the pulî,it Sunday, February 16g. at il <'cloek te deliver the' comhined Thank Offering message:for: the Woman's Mis-ý sionary socliety. We are .loôoklng' for- ward to greeting hlm, and menibers ap- iivited ti, bring frienids. First Con gregational The Itév. John G. Hindley nunisto-r -.A F'aith That Dennsti'atets" wiii 1*. tlit' ser~non theine at the Il 4"do()Ck '-hiitruh sn,'vive inýxt 'Sunday iIor~iing. Vou are oiditiyinvited tg) Woi'shiib with us. The mutsic %will »e afollo S' Prelude-%orýninig Song.....Holli, Anthem'-Hide mie Under the Shadowof Thy Wings.........nrw Quartette6-Fierce' Was the Wlld Biliowv ........Noble Postlude-Theme and Variations. ..... . . . . . .. . Guilmiant MisEmly IlZobrts-orga.nist, director TUE YOUNG PEÔPLEPS GROUP 11ev. J., G. Hindley will conduct a Question Box Sunday night at the, 5 :30' p. m. meeting. Bring your problenis 0r qiuestions. The iastor will b: happy tO hiel.p YoU stéh'e theni. Refreshnent.s *iai rcr-1eation will fol1liw. TUE *W031AN'.S GUILJ> The. Cozy -Cornjer ciile l nIi m,,. ' the home <of M'S. G. B. Knepper, 1404 Mitple avenue, Thursday, February 6: Mrfls. L. E. Hart, Mî's. Frank H.Gy aènd Ms. R. Gordon ,wîli b: .the s isnghostesse.s. Cenrnlcirlewilil eet at the hon,îu' of M~rs. 'IV. H. Shelinianli, 727 Elnmw',d ,aeuFrid..t, February 7. .Mrs. F. A Wilson wili be the assisting hostess. Cr~etcir*(lée will meet ,Tuesdaýy, Fehî'ua'y Il,- at the homte of. mr. . F>'~n MeCure,219 Boda vne (iîerwill be the assisting hostesses. Lipiulleon will be served at 12 :30 1). ni. Monthlv Xotnan'e <Gu,i igiii Mon- gat*r4My the JunIor choir wIlil inot for practice at 9:30. We velotMe tho Boy.. MXr. Allio- back te the Pulpit on Suuday, Moralng., .PPoltoff-Ivanoft p. nm. ln, the Woman's reem. »evotîons: copal ch-urch, Evans'ten 'Go rtly 1! yools Tii: Junior dhoir Mrs. Thoinas H. West. Second study. would s:: and hear on: o! the: leaders Postlude-Toccata frôni "Festival Suite" o! 'Wemen Under the Southern Cross," of oui' tîrne. . -... ...Roi!! by Mrs. A. L. Christy. It lu' expected vicori MLeo-Mnisryof usc tatthere wilIl li a speaker from India. OUR NEXT CIIURCR NIGHT VictriaMctod-initt'yo! usl tht -Reserv'e Thursday, February 20, for Tii. Woman's 8ocetY meets at the Toyehilco Kagawa will speak at a the: Fellowship dinner at ti hrh church ýths afternoon (Tiiursday) st 2 public mass meeting.at the: lrgt, Meth- Dr. Hlndley wilcedu t nhe ëur ih o5.dpck. Tii: toplc for study is.,--Our odlst Epîsôa church ln Evanston on,;Beoks" and wil rvîw, ~Lf with LainAmrianNeghor.Where Are Tuesday eV nnP ebruary,1,,at 8 p. m-. Father," t'he Lees of!«V rginia, "1v

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