His address and other intei reports and features were enjoi over eighty members and gui the post including a, delegati twenty-two members of the1 west Men's club of Wilmette. Khm.esaHon., Guest a of Irth- Distinguished 'guests.included Vil- lage President Harry C. Kinne, w*ho displayed his usual keen and intelli- gent intereat in legion aiffairs. and Chief of Police Cloyd C. McGuire, who gave a concrete end concise ac- count ýof the recently organized safety school for motorists. He rapidly re- counteti the statistics and causes of accidents which led to the organiza- tion of the school, the whole-hearted support given it by citizens, and the favorable resuits. already obtained frôm its first, mCetings. joseph H. Hinshaw, president. of the visiting Nortbwest club, also serveti in bis capacity as National Defense chairman of the post by giv- ing a rapid review of present condi- tions of ail branches of national de- fense. He touched on the implications of the present Naval Armament Con- ference andi referreti to interesting ac- tivities of aur naval department on certain strategic islands in the Pacifie. He pointed to military training in the land grant colleges as the backbone of the army reserve and ended witl the reassurance that our air force is probably far better equipped, andt traineti than is'generally suptposed.1 Tells of "G.Mea's" Tak In hbis address, Mr. McSwain vividly f outlined the importance and bigblym developed organization of the De- ý partment of justice and outlined its4 amazing growth fromn its primaryt duty of, legal advice to the Presidentf to its present responsibility for prose- ruting violations of. hundretis. of fed- eral statutes ranging aIl the way from the> Migratoryý Bird Law to the fam- ous Lindbergh law which paved the Way o the effective war alzainst lid-i espcczaly among cbîldren, far beyond computation. The past year, the report continues, bhas been one of the most successful, from the standpoint of bealth education'and work accomplished, in. its history, ____ Give*f autv Rpr A significant fact is tha.t 3,736 local people, besicles several outstanding edu- cators -from distant points, visited the Center> during 1935. The report then goes on, to gvieiaistical. factfs caver- ing -the varjous angles of the work and the activities in each. Under. the general heading of "Clini- cal Reports» the following' figures are set -forth: lunfiat weifare CUidnaes. Tiyenty-three of these ciinics *ère held, attended bi 420 babies. The mothers were instructed In feeding and care. A total of 144 botties of cod lîver oIl wereglv.p. out. T'Ihe p$ont la emphaal"Td that only weil babies are admitted to thee clinios. Dentai Cflmies. 0f thes. 66 were ld, attended bW 616 children trom thep~ubie and parochial schools of the community, besides those from New Trier High schooi who were in need of dental. care. No chlldren were referred to private dentists. Cheut Clilalcu The major work of the Center la to combat tubercuiosis. Of these clinics il were held, wlth a total Of 229 attendants; 28 children were given tuberculln tests, 9 of which were posi- tive; 13 persona were X-rayed, of whlch 2 were positive; 2 persona were sent .to the .Edwards, sanitarlum at Napervilia; positive. JImunisatlon liÊWes. The toxold clinlç was eonducted by Dr. Martin H*. Seifert, Wilmette health commissioner; 26 cilîdren were given the Shick test and 57 were given the Toxold. Correction of Physical Deferts. Teeth. 469; vision, 12; tonsils, 32; adenoidec,ý tomnies, 31 ; other defects, 17. Persons re- ferréd to other agencies were: Prlvate physicians, 51,8; clinics, 859;,hspita-ls, JKENIL WORTH GIRL SCOUTS I ehol Vlis The remideut' aura made 123 visitei to tic acho 1 .ru»n inspection calis to the number of 1,018 were hadeand loi pupils trete; 1 %vere referred to private physiciand a 544 to private denitiste.. In addition te the above 'there were several paire of glasnes, tonsiieetomîes and medicine fuirnihed at the expense of the Miealth Center board; 460 pamhphlets on heaith. and, tuberculois were dis- tributed. two classes In homne hirgiene and, care of. the sick were conductel, 48 miemfbers, receivlng certificates. These classes were sponsored by the American Red .Cross -and were conducted by fre.ý John K.- Schuleman. Ak number of health films were shown' to clubs and school chlidren. E ln g ? hé report Mrs. Bllss On Norti hoére, S@cety's ....... Whcaaextyoudrop ibat The, rake, cml onCoo'sin-the-Lobliy md taNk .over your wînter travel ias tr tive. literature for home perumSo ýactiaIinformationlmon .stains., air services, cruisMmd reuoet htels. COOK' RK 'SUPliOR 2200 H O TE L Alaoa~ ve.OýFFIOCE Here ES your chace to obtela RELIEF!. Paintai teet . . . 7050 foot tr..bl.5eau.ho, »olmv.d -msp. Son, interestinl Howard J. R~ delegates, resi Counlty Couné trict.' and immitted. wnicn was let out at 4i:15 o'ciock. mneeting, con- The- girls who are now entitled to arl A. Peter- the hostess badge are Jeanne Hatha- wrére macleby way, Anna Jean Pifer, Dgrothy Starr, dIFd Drewes, Frances Neilson, Barbara Walçeley, to' the Cook Charlotte W ilds, Mary Jane Lafferty,. Seventh dis- Marjorie 'Lafferty and Patricia Van, Arsdale. WIEDBOLDT',sI.EVANTON O. Davis Stre.$ WiImmtte. 1100