A& Sale ofCentury. GENUINE SPRING LEG of LAMB.a.. o'lb4.1/2C lb. 35c to 4 lb., avercoge ae..a, or Swiss l.25c lb. 123c day miorning at 10:30 o'clock to the Evanston thinclads. This meet will launcb the indoor Suburban keagie itrack season for New Trier.: The frosh-soph teams- of both schools also will conipete. Bud Barber and Ke,,,îieth Cô'wan, New trier varsity. co-captains. will ruiî thIe 440.. Another promising spejedster in this eveint is- Jim Light- body who shatteredý the fieldhouse record by showinghis heels to Engle- wood in 3:4.4. The ' twiins,. Bill and George %fur- ray, and Bob; Vrnon and Tom 'Har- rington will. pant for. Xýew Trier in the mile and haif mile, while Tom Gallagher'and Ray Hanson will heave the 12-poutd shot. Others who sh>ow 1 promise of. point-getting are. Bud1 Miorton ini the .hurdies, . owell Snorf, nthe 50-y*ard dasli and Jack Fvfe' in the pole.vault. 1'rack coaches John, Xay and Paul [)elaporte also have their ee on thie following froshl-.sopls: Monroe, NfcFadzeati and Brovu. Serve at Information >Desk 2nd Semester! The following~ students have been appointed to serve at the information de sk during the second. seniester which started ti.' asýt Monday 'at X " Trier Highi school: Bud Fisher, .Mfaynria rd Kinidt. Tom Aidersoni, Ed Colegrove, Hall Clark. Gilbert Mc- iiitosh. Dick Babcock. Bud \Veil, Sic!- iiev Craig, -Etgeine Simon., Perc De Tamible. Stafford Drake. Bob Brown, Jack Porter. Phil Frve and Fr 1ank $tannard. Mother and Daughter Banquet Cores Feb. 12-_ The Girls club of New Trier,,%ill hold the Mother and Daughter ban- qt nWednesday, February 12at1 th evTrier Mess hall at 6. oclock.i The entertairiment is being furnishied jby talented girls of the school. Al tion has simmered down to just that ---and the champions hip wilI be de- cided this Friday. when New Trier varsitv. natators match spiashes ai.d speed with. Oak Park at the latter's pool. Botb teams, are undefeated.,. New Trier impressively dèmoni- strated its power in, the bomne pool Tuesday 'by submergig Evanston, 57 to 22. The junior spiashers elbowed their way past tvanston, 34 to 32. This Saturday aft>ernoon at 2:30 o'clock Coach Edgar'B. Jackson will- see w-bat his mermen can do against '\,ainie Townlship High.school. The me.et ivill b held at New Trier. New Trier Basketeers WiII -Invade Oak Park, New Trie's* rapidly reviving heavy- weights and title-seeking frosh-sophs will, invaàde Oak Pa rk this Friday, eveniing. at 7 :30 o'clock for a twin cage clash. TheXe Trier frosh-soffls, tied with Morton for the Suburban league lead, wilI, try to stretch their wvin string which almost snapped last Friday at New Trier where the locals eked, out.a. 22-21 wiii'over Wauke- gan., The hecavywe ight s, however, smnoth- ered Waukegan, 42 to 28, and served notice that Oak-Park wihllha ve to do some fast stepping *this, Fridav. Though N\ew Trier heavies have no titie hopes, thevyre out to rin the dreanis of other Suburbaîi quintets. ýOeer "Tom Sawyer" This Friday, Saturday "Tom Sawyer," the drama of Mark Twain's boyhood, is being presented at Ne-,% Trier High school this Fi-, day and Saturday by. the IDramatic club) as.'the school's 'coni,ibution to the centennial of the. famous huimor- Itsbirth. Freshmen and sopho- mores comprise the double cast being directed by MNiss .Elisabeth Stanwood, and Gordon Van Kirk, of the English' department. Robert Harper of the faculty supervisecj the constructin 0 a 9. e0eaeae a .6 H¶arold B. Henib, 51 Linden ave- ITHER nue, accompanked by W. D. Harris of VISIT. -Paryhasf r erget Chicago, left Tuesday of last week for * r.F .Pryb~frhrget a vacation ini Florida. They will be at ber home, 622 Maple avenue, her away for several weeks and wilî visit Sister Mrs. Lawrence F. Zeniple and botb the west and east coasts. and in son, E-dwi1î, Of Lewjstown, Ili., who. partictilar Miamni and Jacksonville. are. bere for about ten daysý. t SELECTID BRANOD .steak. Round I