Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1936, p. 10

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turnied an open verdict, Sutrvivors are the parents; threc brothers, Clare and Lloyd of Chicago, and Edwin of Wilmette, and two sis- ters, Mrs., M. A. Conrad of Wilmette and Mrs. Kathleen West, living, at - Funeral services were held at 10:30 Tuesday morning at Scott's Funeral Home,. 1118 Greenleaf avenue, con- ducted by Fiarûld Moiter,, former first aeader of the. Wilmette Christian Sci- Of Ail Kinds ence churc..Burial was in North LU1E IiJEÂNIjE S BPECIrALJiT Shr Garden of Mçmories, two mi les J. P.~~OL IGANwest of North Chicago. 644 conter Street, Winuutkt Me. Udeil was born in Chicago, but Wlnuetks 1749Most of 1his life *.was' spent .in Wil- Beamdemee, Wnunetka 14" mette, where, lie 'was associated with bis father in thie printing business. He became a, linotype typogra-pher, and SHAWNEE FURRIERS was, accounted' an artist, in that'pro- fession. At the time of bis deatb bie and Tailors was associated witb Advertising Ty- FUrs ltcpu.Ired and Remi> led pographers, Inc., Chicago, with pros- S21 Fourth St. WiImtte 1907 pects for an exceptional future. Fie 11 -ý ý- was an amiateur 1misician of note, be- ____________________________ing especially proicient ,witb the or - chestra snare drumn, cymbals, blocks 25% REOUCTION and pedal base druni. More reccentlyý ON CAMERA REPAIRS lie had devoted bimiself to the Ulkti Apr IstHawaiiani guitar, in wbicb bie was UstilApri laimaking rapid progress. He was one Inspection wI$hont chare of the early radio entbusiasts, as- NaItnua.n's Ploto SI@ps sembling bis own sending and receiv- "L 14à Gireenleof Wiluett. 1676 ing sets, by means of which hie re- ceived communications f rom ail over the world, and carried on conversa- c(OLU*h ~ a pro- Iog2 LiJc1- I etta, "Sweethearts,- presented by the Evanston Light Opera company February 6, 7, and 8 at Nichots sclhool. auditorium, Evanston. Proceeds wilt beneit the Cradle. Appearing in, the rote of Syvia is Helen Freund, soprano, wbo bas sung witb the, Cbicago Civic opera, tbeý Cincinnati Zoo opera and tbe Kansas City Ligbt Opera. companies and appeared in a principalpart in the. production bere of *'Pinafore" last faIt. Waldeniar Schroeder, bari- tone winner of the Cbicagolanid Music festival a year ago. will sing the rote of Franz. J. Limeoinà Gibson.,as Comed"a Among othermembers of tbe cast is. Flora Kays Hanson, graduate of tbe school, of speech, wbo bas bad experience as a pageant director; J. Lincoîn Gibson. whQ- carnies the non-ý singing rotle of the comnedian, Michael, and Hardy Hume, wbo was formerly with the Kanisas City Ligbc Opera. Victor Chartes Jones, wbo played a cbild role ini the original production of *"Sweetbiearts"' back ini 1918 in New York, is serving> as dramatic director and also appears -in tbe rote of Kart. Others in tbe cast are Virginia Knapp, wbo has taken part in mxany local operettas; Cyril James, wbo has bas first lead after participting in severat productions of this company, and Buckingh am Gunn, who bas also sung lus lather, wnu, upon rïsifgj -per- Suess, Prudence Goodspeed, Betty ceived the odor of escaping gas. The Cbcw,~ Kathenine Gnaedinger, Marion, Wilimette Fine department inhalator- Denton, Dorotby Denton, Alexanderý squad was summoned but was unsuc.- Guiiîî and Rebecca Fitch. cessful-in resuscitating Mr. Udeti after William H. Knapp is directinig the, almost two bouns of continuous eI- Production, and Mrs. Knapp, is inî fort.. Fie was,pronounced dead by cbarge of the- sale of- tickets. Sbe Dr., Martin H. Seifert, Wilmette may be reached at Gre. 2952-, Ail bethcommissioner.. -tickets, she announces,ý will be re- served. Tbey are on sale at Chaud- Wilmette WomenVotera Ier's. to Hear N. U. Professor the adolescent study group for the meeting at Howard shool. Tuesday morning, February 11, at 10 o'clock, when Dr. George D. Allison witl give the concluding ' lecture in b is review of David Seabury's, book, "IGrowing',, Into Life." The lecture wil be of in- terest to, aIl parents of cbildren froni kirîdergarten through higb school.. Tbe Logan-Howard P. T. A. is giv- ing unanimous support to the scboot for. safe driving being .coùducted by, tbe villages- in, New Trier township. Logan-Howard- P. T. A.. was repre- sented at the meeting ini Winnetka Village bail by ýMrs. iC. Herbert Jones. Thbe P. T. A. urges that as.fmany nîem- bers as possible attend the meeting to he betd at.8 o'ctock Monday evening. Fehruaril 10. at Winnetka Comnîunitv House. RalPh M. Snyder Is Endorsed for Committeeman Post The candidacy of Ratpb M. Snyder. Wininetka, for dernocratic Townsbip Commritteemnan at the Aprit 14 Pni- miary etection, was unanimo usly en,- dorsed at a meeting attended by some twenty-five north shore democrats at Winnetka Community House Thurs- day evening of last week, pursuant to a catI signed by Sigmund W. Dàid. Houghtefisg là Chairmau The stated purpose of the meeting was to take steps toward organizing a democratic club tc assist mn sec ur- ing9 more active leadership and dis- cussioft of the principles, policies and achieveinents of the Demnocratic par- ty. James L. Hougbteling,* Winnetka, wvas - selected as chairmani of the meeting. and Alexander J. Clifford acted as secretary. The following were. elected to -a 41,me Wu.ttAv*.. b unday QI LMr. and Mrs. i. F.1 *of 7,30 Lake avenue. Mrs. Ande and the girls were returning toi home af ter a trip to Florida, Jstopped here. on the way back. .CL **lew AIIste. services in Firsi Irson Mrs, L. H1 Reich of the Linden edifice a'î 1003 their Crest apartments returned last week day morning, and from a visit to ber former home, o'clock Sunday Clinton', Iowaà. 9:.45 o'ctock. le subject at the hurch of Christ, te, held- in the rat avenue Sun- uaar.y 9, at Il: DOcnenes .at 'ild ito'l

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