J.Msributor' for HfART aa»d TMKEN OIL SRE Day and Night-Sèeie on Ail Makes 1139 Ge"nlenf Ave., Wilmette Phono Wilmeeî Sp.cfi@ for Sudy.. BlULK ICE, CREAM.,.. mcLC& ONFECTIONERY. TrY kt witlOut rfsk-Your mositey, back If YOu are lot. satl8fted in every way!! Tour 1n~Aoud ivuwia*ut nu, haufWfb-yj'- CIENTrRA Juast wegt mette Btà 1 the comissioni is urawn iroin varius civic organizations and. official board,~ 010 . of-the village. The tru~stees concurred ini the appointnients. the personnel of the commission being as follows: CGeorge .Btocara, 1612 Fore.t. Is ý ~aVenue. ' ý 1 Mrs.' John: BONyston,. 1302 ehestnut avenue. Mri4. J. D. Kinnear, 2241 (Chestnut a ve- te 144 nue. m f 7844J. R.1Harper, 719 Park avenue. af 844 Boyne H. Platt, 'Village H4all. Williami C. Huggins, 100 Tlirteeiitli _____________ street. Mrs. Arthur Dixion, 706 Laurel avenue. . . . ...ER . Dalstrom,.'1634 Walnut. avenue. Ernest C. Cazel, "123 etsre. Harry W. ahn-l u.CChief Cloyd C.'MeGuire, 1931 Grieeiwotdt W.aveue. Dr.. Martin H. Seifert, 30.5 Sevententh ART s treet. E. J. Mcelralýth , 1127 Chestntut avenue. Mrs. Howard Mile, 00 Geenleaf ave- iL AVE nue. George Turner, 1019 Ashlam1 avenue. tý0fý Wil Charles Schultz. 1600 Lake- avenue. dte Bank George F. Séherzer, 2135 Thornwoodave- nue. ~NMichael Sporrer, 221(l Kenilworth gtve- MI nue. Walter IL Zi1bJe, 1225 Wasington ave- huite. 'E. H. Kerr, 125 Sixteenth street. Daniel m. Datvis, i9of, Fifteenth aventié. 'Ediund Wr. Br 205. Eighteenth .. street. John J. Peters, 1519 ashingttoi ivenu. Albert A. iNfcKeighan, 1025 Gi'eenieaif avenue. C. Rollin Smith, 1728 1Highland elveine. Peter Wagner, 1700 Washington :tvenule. Miss Ruth Hiansen, 1631 WaVýshinigtnni avenue. George L. Panushkai. 1041 Fore-t-.vnue George F. Ilif, 924 Linden ii ne Mrs. Anna Hoffmann, 1922 \ilniette avenue. AI Jensen, 740. Twelfth street. Xli,.(lertrude Johnson,'31 l';ixietfl 1. Y). 1MeCie, 626 Forest-ivenue. WIll-un E mEtntds, 1935 <1reeii-vooil :tve- mie. r. .EFiJ %% A. IRobs. I1529 Foie . . . .. ..avenue.. .. Urge Registration1for Evanston Free Cla sses Keenl interest is being sli owti b Xilmette citizeis, especially amnong tlhe yotig people recently out of higli scbool, i'n the adult classes being conducted bv the Federal NWorks Proegress Administration at Haven shw SflV3. JULe. I Uynin~~i'-j.....c and her distinguiished nmentality. A., she describes ber dramatic friera4shifp with the famous composer, she ex- hibits ber own quality of genius aas well aý bis. Theirs was, a friendshlip that lias made history ini the realm Dof music. The recital will be for the benefit of the piano fund of the Wininetka \Vo11 ail S club. Urges Rigid Discipline MyGaden teIls of the rehearsals, that preceded the, irst. perforpinîce of Peleas and'Melisande in Paris. She had 123' orchestra rehearsals béforc the. opening. Slhe asked lier auienci'ctc if they knew how many rehiearsals ivith orchestra the opera singer iii' America has. Her answer was: -One, if She is lucky." She hopes that the future of Arnerican opera will coi- 'bine this requisite of« rigid disciplinet %vith the spontanleous. fresh rîjuality thatis distinctly ýAnîcricani. This od mean great art. Defines Talent and Genius Her definition of talent and geinst. is tieniorab)le.,,She said that a'talented pe rson can do easily what miost peo>pklt find difficult., A genius, cati do %vhat a talented person, %finds, impossible. Such a mn'tiWas Debu;ssv. This is à, l)riefhuiitof.what. MNary Garden ii lt give lber audience iMiepigrain. in mwtt in draina oil the evening ofI Febru - ary 17. OnIy Chicago Appisarance This' will bye the occasion. of' Miss Garden's only app earance in the Clhi- cago area, because she leaves at oncv for Europe. She bas ail important con- tract with the Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr studios, wl'îich enables bier to select- talent for their motion pictures. Shev will seek both actors and siingers ol distinction: and sîe lias, carte blancihe ini selecting the artists.Fis, l g1 abroad to survey tîe field and then shc will return to Hollywood witb.lier, "discoYèries"' to direct theni ini'utr filins. eaI s, Sil 14sL 34LIflUdy LU jUIoin hr ll eu. uauYS Fiîcoe, and Bess Mes- usband in Buffalo, N. Y., wbere they sesguie. ill make their home. Among the arties. given ini ber honor, before Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wollrab er departure, was 'an evening bridge, and their son, of. Bloomington, wer ricjay of Iast week, at whicb Mr. the guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. id Mrs. L. W. Brigham of 536 Ex- Walter. N. Sutbeiland. of M3 Oak-- toor road were host *and bostess. wood avenue.