Mathew Francis Phiotos The aniuâl sprig inforinai dance of Th eta Upsilo» towill bc hil MVarch 6 gt the, Wilmette Womatuts club, accordisig îto the annotùi.jcetit-ttade bthe co-chairmest, Miçs Rea Koli aud Robert Mathieson. pictred above. The'dance wQilbc the third given, animally by tit is _group, till féature a complete local talent loor showv. ïa always- Ppinilar attraction amon.q 'the yomger nortk shore social set.- Cotntmittees alr-eûdy selected iicluide Art Worner and Albert Ackermîann, ptbIjcity, aitdi Vernon Br-ozcpt, Norman Kintbali, amui Myrtie Koll, orchestra selection. Tickefbmay be obtained front anv mnember of flhe qrout' or (7t the .ITthodist dtircl, office (Wilmiette. 2348), HAVE SECOND SON id Taylor. lias a brother. His father Aiinouncement is made of the birth was formerlv secretarv of the Wil- of à son to MT~. an~d Mrs. B. T. Clark mette Chamb)er of Commnerce and bis of Danielson, Conn., on january 14. mnother was -.,M ss Alice Taylor of Trhe baby, who has been named Dav- Glencoe. of fine broadclotb, coat,,style or. sipover,', made with the Faultless N o - B è h Style. $ Suit Aoys Outing Pajamas $ g~i'lue Fpasiy, Dry PIc]ked, Young TURICZYS ... lb. IStrletly, Fresh Dressed, 'Medium ciiiCxicK Ns ... ib.25 Size n Arrow BFuil Dresi Shirtsýý h 5000 Mode of hersehide. Pair p i~.u WEIK~NDSPECIALS