INote:- ecoflolfy Shop Is condUeted by the Womaf's Club of Wilmnette. Members of the Peter Huerter unit and heads of the varieus women's organizations in the village will be special guests at this meeting. The Wilmette unit is also assist- inlgwith..the patriotic prograni spon- sored by the district organization to* - - be emnni ~og urk thé-. *fàlloin SUITS AND TOP COATS $18.90. $22.50-w824.50 - 831.50 night. Rcmodeling . Aherations e Repiring Pressing - eanling Readth 'W t d 111 Gemiea Aé, i-et i 94 Shampool R-i nse. Finger Wave altd ,menicure-or some of oqtr other $uv-, )ie 4Beauty Specials- for Permanent Waving $3.50 up &EAUTT 1 Aoe ,..~a. A . -WiImet w MI Asic our operators how you can win FRE E orne yeor's beaufv service year occasions wiae înterest ini LII north shore area. This year it is, hoped that the ex- psition will be bigger.ta i n prevýious year.- With new interest ir home building, modernization and a general.improvementin business the display> will provide many* ideas for home owhers and should prove P profitable. source of business for ex- hibitors. Firms and individuals who wish to reserve bootbs or want furtber detai's about the. plans now under way are requested to commtunicate ,with Mres. Thaleg, Wilmette 980J. Sarah Wamnbaugh tQ i Lecêture on Shore. Tuesday, Feb. il The Radciffe Aluitinae of the North Shore is offering an interest- ing lecture at the Winnetka Woman' s club at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday even - ing, February .11, for the benefit of the scbolarship fund. S Miss Sarah 'Wambaugb, brilliant internatioflalist, famed as- the .world authority in plebiscites, will give ber lecture "Europe What Now?" Miss, Wambaugb, >daughter of a well - L-nnw rofpgcsnr at. Harvar& Law At mealtimes, at parties, and for after- noon affairs the first thoughit is Lyma's, Tee Cream. It' s made from MrS. Lyman's. OWn recipe. Specia This Week:.- Clsocolate-Marshmlallow and Vanilla. Qua-rt Brick .. Fou rsomePa 17e s 42c rves four.....25C r prompt.1Y for, International Peace. She de- clared that the Saar experience showed the wortcl had in the League of Nations ai' instrument 'Capable of doing dangerous and complicated tasks, and that there was no need to change it, althougb it wvould re- main handicapped wbile the Unitedý States remained outside. .Miss .Wambaugh has held many dinloniatiuc nnsts and bas been dec- is consîantly identined wineri- prises cf a civic nature. Dr. 0. G. Davis to Speak at Townsend Club Meeting The 'usual weekly mieeting of, Townsend Club No.. 1', of, Wilmette will be held Friday evetning, januiary 31, at 8 o'clock, ini the Wilmette Village hall. Dr. 0. G. Davis, pro- fessor of Etiglish. and organizer of Older Glus. 4:15 Hi Gromap in T&P Dancing NOw clas»se jusf iand.r wey. Room for à few more niembers For frther informotion,.cGll Winnetka 3140) SAS:1 mmws Itreal Iworl ked. Mr. Swan. receivedati>asrzv icKs, n, * Ci bi VJ[3 iface and 'shoulder, and Lawrence Weis of Niles Center sur- t0 a physician's office for vive. Miss Hicks attended Mal- It was stated that the linckrodt and New Trier High schools at the crossing was not and Northwestern university during ber residence on the north shore. chairmait. il LitI* Ts1 Boys, -2 tMr. Cazel has been elected vice- presidetit of the Chicago R etail D>ruggists* asso- ciation, which -encotflpasse in. its ,menxbership indlependelt drUg ECCI tores in the Chi. cago MetroPOUi tan area, and has been aPPointed a memiber of the advertising comnmit-, tee. of the National. Association of Retail Druggists, in, whicb capacity, he serve.s. with four. other leading, pbarmnacis.tS .selected froni various points throuighout theUnited States. Elevate Business Standard Both organizations have as an .out- standing, purpose the maintenance of high ethical standards in the practice. of -pharmacy. Mr. Cazel- has been contînuously engaged in the Drug business. bearing the designation Snyder-Cazel D rug comtpafy, Wlffietfêe and Central ave- nues, for more than twenty-iive years. 1He also operates the Ridge Avenue. Pharmacy, Ridge road and Lake ave-, nue, in association with John B.~ Sçy- 1er. He bas been. serving the north shore community.since 1903. He. wag for a time asociated witb the Adams Pharmacy in Winnetka prior to coin- Ing to Wilmette. SArduus Civie Worker Iii addition te bis professional in- s'