aftor usual low.down-payment PLYýMOUTI (mny model pauenger cajr Or liibt comimercial unit) Fuli Dot .15. at MOTORS SERIVI[CE,'11W.O EARL J. BERKLY Manager Expert- Recsomoble Service b. Ail Makes PHONE WOLME'ITE 2600 Fre PicýkoUUpand Delivery CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS; PLYMOUTH MOTOR CAIRS 72!-1 MAIN ST., WILMETTE, You take nu chances when-ýyoufriyConsumers Coal or Coke. Every ton is sold with our unconditional 'guarantee of high quality, correct weight and customer satisfaction * must satisfy you or we wilI remove it ahd refund, your money. When you buy f uel]. gel the test,.lit is cheaper in the long run becauise it conitains more' heat, less âSh ialnd iinpurities and lasti mcb longer. GUARANTEED COAL . .. COKE . .. FUEL QIL C osumers~pn WIILMETIE 1300- WIN.NETKAý 3386 GLENCOE 75ý TULEPONE S9wuswn,