"(> V The Supreme Comfort of Atomatie Gas Hat. now..can beyours for only$ own 0 Even, healthful heat year 'round. Absohue free- dom from iurnace worry and work. TheIluxury of a clean home that stays cleai. These are only a few of the many great advantages ras heat. brigs. No dirt or dust to blacken your home. Clean and auto- matic, gas heat solves the heating problem to per- fection. And now your family can have it on a more liberal plan than ever before....... $3 dou brigs gas heat t. YOUR home On an enirely new plan, you cau now have a brand new conversion burner istalled ini your present home for as littie as $3 down. And 50 motiths to pay the balance. You can also rent a conversion burner on reasonable terms. Or, if you prefer, you can pur- chase on a liberal payment plan, a gas designed boiler or furnace at a cost 30% lower thaan just a gProf of gas hbeat's perfection As convincing proof of gas heat's supremacy, to-day there are nearly 11,000 Public Service customers enjoying its matchless luxury and convenience. Freed forever fromn furnace drudgeuy anid dirt, they have proved beyond doubt that gas heat is more than Worth every cent they pay. Hesitate no longer. Take advaaitage of our liberal offer to rive your fauily the. greatest convenience modern hom~e life can offet-.automatc gas heat. Call yor. nearst gas conipany office for full details. MU#,$ ATh5ftP -E%#P £RS VERItV PUB3LIC SERVICE CO.MPANY 0F NORTNERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Avenue. J ANUJARY>30't 1936