Wilmette Post No. 46, American Legion, will have as honor guests at its regular rnonthly meeting Monday evening, February 3, the North West Men's club, a group of civically active residents of. the Kenilwortb Gardens. neigbborhoo.d.- This will1 inaugurate aget-acquainted program under the direction of Commander Carl A.. Peterson and .his social committee. TÉhe guestspeaker for. the occasion' will be William A. McSwain, a. World war, veteran,, former "G-man,". and now an àttôrney. practicing with the law firm of West and Eckhart, Chi- cago. -Hé will tell of his experiences as a "-a. Information on how to, proceed to collect' the bonus which is now to be paid, will be given the veterans. For the convenience of its members the. post plans to open beadquarters here to render such assistance as may be required. 1Mr. McSwain was forrnefly'at the bead of Department of Justice in- vestigation in Chicago, preceding Melvin Purvis in that important po- sition. He graduated from the Uni- ve rsity of Soutb Carolina witb an A. B. degree, and from the George WVashington law scbool. Following admittance to the bar Mr., McSwain, with a group of other young lawyers, entered goverument service in the Department of Justice, followed by Mr. Purvis, his lbuddy" of long standing. The same year.he was selected to go to Hawaii to make a survey of. crime conditions and courts for the United States Senate, during wbich..he made an invesiga- tion of' the notoriotis Lieutenant * Massey aud Fortescue, Case. Iu 1927 Mr. McSwairi was selected as onie of a 'team f rom tbree Amer- ican universities affiliated with the American University union, to debate with a team from Oxford and Cami- bridge. The American tearn won. Bachrach Photo Mins Sarah Wainbau.gh, world authority iii plebiscites. rvill lecture before the Radceiffe Alumjnae of, t/w North Shore -at thse Winnietka Womiai'sclub 7uesday eten ng, Fcbruary 11.* Her sub ject u411 'bc: El3urope, WVhat Nowt" Dollar .Days Near, Shopping Reminder The Retail committee of the Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce bas designated Wednesday and Tbursday, February 12 and 13, as semi-annual Dollar Days in the village. Excellent response to the Thrjft of the following: joseph J. Ku;tten, chairnian; Clyde Winter, Jr., D. S. Lymian, William1 Taylor, Frank A. ,Wilson, jack --Hughes, George Rapp, and A. C. Pearson, Jr. DISTRICT MASONIC. MEET ING Members of the Wilmette *Masonic lodge have been invited to attend a district Masonic meeting in the Win- netka Masonic temple, 708 P.lm sig"eu. An eritire reorganization of relief and social work along definitely established liues is to be effected. As the Cook Couuty Bureau of Publicý Welfare and the WPA are respon- sible' for the major relief problemns of Wilmette, the board feels that its work should develop along lines other than financial relief--t.hat is, into a family case work agecy ith in dividual and family rehabilitation as the paramount effort. In this work Mrs.. Robinson is. especiàlly quialified. She *is a grad- uate of the University of Michigan, and bas donegraduate social service work at the University. of Chicago. She bas been in thé Cook Counity Bureau of Public Welfare since 1932,: first, as a case worker and: then as a case work supervisor. Since 1933 she bas been i the Evanston office, and bas -supervised case workers in charge of Wilmette families., Mallinekrodt Mothers' Club' Plane Card Party Tbe mid-year Mallinckrodt Moth-' ers club card party is scheduled for Friday, February 7, at 8 -o'clock, in the school auditorium on Ridge road at Walnut avenue, Winmette. To provide sufficient entertainment for ail degrees of card' fans, bridge, five hnuded, eucbre, bhinco, sixty-six, entrance to the auditorium." 1 The committee, under the directioiî- of the president, Mrs.~ J. Hartman, consists of Mirs. N. Beucher, Mrs. J. Enright, Mrs. B. Meyer, Mlrs. J., Schambony, and Mrs. W. Tripp. Hlostesses for the party are, Mrs. P. Hillinger, Mrs. M. Ahern, Mrs. j. Cristman, Mrs. H. Huebner, andMrs.. E. Vogt. F. J. Budinger, long a resident of the north shiore, and prominent i- surance broker, will address the reg- ulaXr monthly dinner meeting of the Wihnette Chamber. of Commerce Monday evening, February 3, to be held iný the parlors. of St. John's Lutheran church, Mimette and Park avenues.* Mr. Budiniger will conduct a discussion of "Federal and State Social Security Legislation." Social security legislation, (old age and unemployment pensions) is of paramouint interest to merchauts and citîzens generally since it entails ad- ditional taxation, both uponthée em- ployer and employe. Mr. Budinger bas made an exhaustive study of the federal legislation now in force and will present a thorough and unbiased analysis of the subject, later throwing the meeting open to general discus- sion.. He bas been.in dem and in the presentation of this subject before many groups i the Chicago area. and appeared recejntly, before the. WiI- mette Rotary club of whicb lie is a. niember., .Ail villagers interested ini this legis- A~ation are invited to attend the din- uer meeting of the Chamber of Com- merce. Tickets are available at the Chamber. offices, in the Rockhold' building. A business meeting of the Cham- ber will precede the evening's pro- gram, with President A. C. Wolff presiding. Matthew P. Gaffney, stuperintend- eut of New Trier High school, bas completed two days of conference to gain an up-to-the-minute contact with *the third year of -th-e eight-year education experiment being conduct- ed with reference to college entrance and college. preparatory work. New Trier is one of the 30 progressive high schools cooperating with the colleges in this experiment. Mr. Gaffnev andI ntber headi. of annual dinner meeting held Monday evening at New Trier High school by. Phi Delta Kappa, Northwestern uni- versity chapter. The 137 persons present represented ail the north shore scbools. ILTTE îPE.. details 'of this' Women II y will be fouud on the of this issue of Wil- Want-Ad Taker Wilmette 4300 education at joseph Sears scnool, is planning a ski meet for boys; and girls. Cross-country and speed races may be featured, and there is a pes- sibility a ski sliding (no jumping) event may be arranged.'