Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 48

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monian lu xV51i5ie.. we offer home on a gmall down pay and monthly payments for a price of..ý........ ...... e1op is nt al 00 ThIs beautiful home of to n rooms and three batha ia ideally located on, a semi-private street. It bas Oive bedrooms, a. screened porch, a .llbrary,, and a'breakfast nook. There are two extra toilets and lavatories, The home is. Engliih I architecture a.nd constructed of brick with a slate roof. The heat is bot water ohl and, the garage ls one-car detached. The lot lae ex- ceptlonally large and deep* and is well iandscaped. Worth a great deal more, thils home ls offered for ..................... $30,000.00 A red. brick Colonial with four bedrooms, two tiled- baths,* a sun room, and a two-car detached garage, nicely located., Wililent monthly for........$00 A nine room home. with an ex- ceptiofially large living room with a wood burning fireplace, a heated sun room, Oive bedrooms, and two baths, will rent monthlY for -$1 25.00 CUSACK~ .SIGN ýWITH CUSACK'l 111LTi3-9-ltc Choice East Kenilworth 422 CUMNOR ROAD Cone by and buy this delightful frame home perfectly ie lcated for grade, high t;chg)ol, churéh,' lake and t ra ns. 5 loveiy bedrais., 3Z mcd. baths, den, 1 glazed Aip. peh., 1 screened pcbh. Reduced for quick sale,.to ONLY $18,000 SEARS & WITZLEBEN EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Will Cooperate with Brokers 562 Green Bay Rd. Kenllworth 5545-4790 111LTN39-1t'- "Rent Investment Home",> NESTLEDj AMONG BG TREES TUIIS miodern brick home makes a oy homfe:for sorneone who wants conven- lence to echools, puiblic ýand paroclîlal, anld tansp. 6 rais., 1%~4 bathe,. sun and, sleeping porches. Small 'down payaient and 'balance like rent. Location, 717 G1AEENLEAF AVE., WILMETTE. Cal to see this at once. Available Feb. 1. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc., 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600,_Wil. 2602 Wilrnette OIVNER WANTS ALL- Offers up to $18,000 presented on this California Redwood Colonial o! 7 roome. Spacious liv rm. with adi. stan . Located on beautiful, street. Mr. Rlnk, Winnetka.2700. Winnetka In this snug EnglIsh Brick cot- tage. 8 mme., 2% baths. Studio Ilv. rm. Southeai3t WlInnetka, lo- cation., Nr. Greeley School. Mr. Pierson. Winnetka 2700. JUST LIKE. NEW- This attractivè 19ngllsh Cottage type home of 8 rnis., 3' baths, can be purchased wlth less than $2.00 cash. Mr. .Newh-nll. '%'in- netka 2700. Glencoe MORTGAGE WAS $25.000- Beautiful Mod. Brk. 8 rai., 3 baths on lge. lot. WoDnderful for. ehildren. Seldoni. has No. Shore seen such value. $20,006. Will finance. Mr'. Reington, Win- nietka 2700. Highlaind .Park 2MO)ER4N FRENÇH STYLE- Wi1th lRiparian' priviieges. Vemy sl)a('tIN 9g ims., 3 baths.. brkfst... r'ai, cil ht. Conv. ,to. transp. ow-nei-,is anxious to "e11. Con- sider, snallerm bouse ln trade. Mms. Mattbewq. Winnetkai 2700. BLACK A1ND WHITE- Englisb brick anid haîf timber cottage on lovely winding lane. Libramr' and liv. ri. overlooking * wooded ravine. 5 bedmais., 4 baths. Nearly 1.42 acre of grndt'. Sentli-privatebaci rights. Finle vaille. M'.Pietsch., Winnptk&î SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NE:-% AMERICAN" HOMES BAIRD &WARNER, mc -EVANSTON OFFICE '522 DAVIS ST. Greenlea f 1855-Hollyéourt 1855 WINNETKA OFFICE 790 ELM S-T. * Winetka 270-BrJirgate 1855 $26,000 --iaped and sbruuuedI . Anaze emall homeit near the -'L- rit $6,500. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opp. 11. terminal. Phone Wiimette 444. IlLTN39-lte OUT 0F TOWN OWNER URGES SALE OF ATRACTIVE BRK.* Colonial home. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, lav.., o11, 2-car gar. in Hubbard Woodis. Price $16,500. For appt. call Mrs. l. Oppenheini, Winnetka 156. lllLTN39)-1 q TWO 3 BEDROOM H<YUSES IN GLEN- coe in good nieighborhood. 650each. Two in Hk-hla'nd Park. $8.500 ýeaeh. ANN MORELAND. 61Vernn Avenue Glencoe 30.5 111LITN39-lte 8HE O(UR D l$PL AY. ADVERTIqE- nient on page 43 of this issue. R. B. ýWHITAKER -CO. 140 Center St. Winnetka .1250 OPEIN WEEK DAYS 9 TO S 111LTN39-t FORECLOSURE Nr. lake in Winnetka. Most attractive, mnodemn, eXcellentl1y constructed Ige. *6 rn., 2-btath bouse. Brkfst. nk.,Sun pch.* l3eaut. wooded lot.- 195 ft. deep. Cut to $12,000, froin *19,090. Try $100.Smal (ash payment. Gré. 885. 11Llxr1,-lte $25,000 MODERN 7 111%. BRICK now $15,000. 3 bathe. oil, 2-car gar., -~hoice, seeluded 65x200 wooded lot. Write B-52, Bcbx 60, Wllmette, 111. i11LTN39-Itc WANTED TO BUY-HOUBS OUR CLIENT WANTS 6 TO 7 B. R., 3 to 4 bath, modern home. Keniiworth te Glencoe. Near publie sehool and trans'n. $1..0()0 to $40,000. FJRST REALTY CO. 10 North Dearborn St. Cen~tralti-51 113L39-ltlp HAVE BUTERS FOR 4 OR 5 B. R., weli located modernhomnes. Win- netka -G'lfewo. $1 2.000 b> $15.000. FIRST REALTY CO. 40 North Dearborn Centrai 5 15 1 113L,39-ltp FOR SALE-VACANT East WVilmette Near Lake WOODET) ESTATE BEING DI-VIDED intoý lots fixiSi ft. Excellent neigh- borhood. Close to transportation. Sandy beach. Parochial and public sehools. These lots are pr-jeed to seil. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. EXCLUSIVE GENTS 1571 Sherman Ave. Univ. 2600, Wil. 202 6% Cali Wliette 1660 We wili Make a.n Immediate QUICK, PERSONALIZED SERVICE W. G. RUGGLES & Co., 517 Davis St., Evanston Construction Loans WEW ARIE IN THE, XARKET FOR DE- sirable building Ibans on well-loca.ted North Shore property. $5,«O AND UP 5% Interest If security warrants. We also have special tunds availablé for lm- medi&te commitment on new or; refinane-, lng loatis. $2,OOO TO $20OOO 4 2àTO à %INTEREST MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over' 40 Years of Dependable, Service 530,Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 127A-1,TN39,-1te 43/2%-F 5%ý- 532% MOkIGAGE MONEY AVAILABIE F OR RESIDENCES,. .apartmonts, and business buildings._ Peraonal service assures best terme. W. R. 'MITCHELL Glencooe 309 Central 16il1 127A-LrN346-4tp FIRST MORTGAGES WE HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR conservativo loç.ns on residences and! Income proporty. 43% to 6% intereatè 6 to 10 years. Prompt service and mod- erate charges. Joseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sherman Avenue UJnversity 3535 127A-LTN26-tfc- LASHOME LOANS OASON NORTH $HiIE lHOMES. Borrow up to 60% of value. Conven- lent monthly repayaient plan over 5 to IS vears. Full detàlls by inquiry at First Piederal Saviflg and Loan Association of Wilmette. Mr. Cllfton, Secretary. 1137 Central, Avenue, Wilmnette 863. 127A-LTN22-tfc frOgtSALE-HOUSÉHOLD @OODS 2 MAHOGANY DOUBLE BEDS, WIiH springs and mattresses. $10 each. Floor Iatnp and shade, $4 Winnetka 1720 LI, C&I. HEMiINSI3N REALTY CO. AMNORTIzED MONTHLY MORTGAGES ý.3 TUMr METITITN E. R I CABIH FOR Yi 0LK V.LI.3±N T" 771 660 Conter St., Winnetka Winnetka 254 Construction Loans Mo ern ori llLK IlLTN8-lte . IILTiNý39-lte .AND hld articles. BOO WIIE 'RAE OUE N. DECIDED BUY NO COMMISSION . - 5% XNTNREST WiIl alo ROO WITEFRME OUE i ,SEMI-ANNIUAI PATMNNT LAS sigunent b Wlmetto. A-i condition Insîde andNE ENGLISH BRICK. 8. BOOMS, 4 C-'ST l out. Bargain for someone. Cal Mm. BATRS. AIR CONqDITONLrj. $8-GEORJGE T. COONLEY .R TI Ros0,oagent. Wilmette 192. . OWNER, GLUINCONI 154. il 8. Lasalle,- Wtlmette 922-Cent. 1812 1004-S EPmeiwC I1ITNI9-ip 11LS-u1p 127A-LT$39-tfe ypur furulture ou con- àNITURE STOREC. ltubed 1898 st., Uvanston tInt. 0189

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