Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 46

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26 cents a lins. Ativertiseinents run In ail th re e papers, Rates- XINIKUX CEARGIK ONZ bO1LAL Avrage o1f lve words I. the lUne. No black face tfpe Uce4 US0%dimemat on al oa4 advertiue- monts wber . brouiht to oui' olce atl128 Central Ave., Wilmette, or - 54 LIacola Ave., Winnetka. 10%. diomat on ail advertlsementa rua four Oescutive lues. D.adIio for nserm#is- edadvertisements wlu be for wILM&=TN iipÉor aul tbree papoe; VenesIsy 9P.. Lfor WINE rA1ALIC a0d Tbufuday 6P. -M]ILfor GL9NCOE NEBWO. irsepaeu: Wne te 4M0, Wlnaetka »M00(Winaetka 500after s P.. ), Gelea 40or &e1 1 e130127 t.omTANDFrOUND LOST- AIREDALE DOG ABOUT 10 monthe old. -Name "Smokey." Child'e pet. Phono Wilmette 2811. 3LTN39-ltp. FREE AIR-CONDITIONING OFFER Divisional Manager Delco Heat (Frigi-' .daire) wiehes leaso on médilum sise houso for two yoars. 1Instoad of rent payments, a complete General Mtore. Air-Conditioning plant, will, be instaiiod la place of present plant. Publicity and oquipmont ehould make property immmcdi- ateîy salablo In 1938. Call office,. Mr. Kohisaat, Wlnnetka 1100, for Infôorma- tion. This ià unusual opportunilty. 4LTrN39-ltp ausit , à P MO6IAL LeaingHSndTi'ucklng LE"IHSFOR HIRE JOHN FIEGEN 2111, Schilleor Wilmette 1659 5LTN37-4tp Sleigh Ride Parties Wilmette 897-Y -2 5LTN38-2tp ANTIQUES NEWLY QPENED: 922 CHICAGO AVE., Evanston. Pine, cherry wal., mahog. 0-ieg drop leat andaxmall tables. chairs -Emapire, Viot., Windsor; cheste, of drawers; patternl glass, china, rare ol~d prints. ,Qgee nùrirors, tramnes, brasses,, siler ea ets dekslanips. 7LTN39-ltp BUILDING ^UAMP PIUt CAU>ENTER: REMODEING, RE- pairs of ail kiatis; storm, aash; perçens; paiating; plasterlag; roofs; cemnt work: est. fur.; eay ternai Nelson B. Pae iaet 4181. 15A-LTN36-4tp CAR- m wk. MME. EMERY, FORMERLY WITHI 1Lord'. bas opeýneti dreemaking parlor- ln Brown Bldg., Suite 49. GCownu, Coats. Suite, Coats relineti, $8.50., Remoit cuttlng andi lit. Phone Wilmette 927-J. MISS -22LTNSO-4tp MIS oL;AND Deàignenmakes, copies -and altere gowns, wrape, suit;, coata ln. your home. PHONE WILMETTE 856 22LTN39-4tp DRESSMAKING - TAILORING DESIGNINO ,-REMODELING IN YOUR HOME - BEST REFER. PHONE WILMETTE 3731. _____________________221t'N39ltp DO YOU ENJOY THE CHILDREN'S HOME WORK? IF NÔT, WHY NOT SEZÇD THEM TO THE North Shore School of Concentration 458,'Ridge Ave. Winnetka 26É2 2DA-ITN38-tfcj PARUN PODUCE PORK SAUSAGE, 28c LB. i Locust Farm Products 1 1225 Wliiinotte Ave. Phono Wil. 5458 Hours 9 a. ma. to 10 p,.. .805 Ridige Ave.- Wilmette .Hours 8 to 12 a. nm., 4 to 7 p. Mi. 908 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woodu' Houres 9to 12 a. nm. 24LTN39-Itc INOMRUCTUON BALLROOM DANCING. CLASSES OR private. Beginnere or intermediates, boys, girls, adulte. Winn. Community House every Friday eve., 7:30 to 9. Winnctka 2746.30.9-p RUIN S CHOOLS SHERIDAN STABLES, SHERIDANRD. 3 MILES NORTH OF WAUXEGANI 3413 PAINTING AND. DECORÂTING Furet Class Work Roanonable Pricos C. W. Anderson Phone Wilmette 4621 42LTN36-lOtP' RELIABLE PAINTING AND Decorating at reasonable .prîces. Cal Uni. 3055 or Gre. 30655 for ostinlate. R. J. PETIERSEN.DECORtATINO COý. 42LTN39-4tP FOR SALE- SPRINGER SPANIEL 1puppies. Sire le famous Benno Brun- ning.. Offepring of Arîstocrat of Avan- dale and LaBelle' of Avandabe. Dam- Jacqualino, by Spottie 2nd, andti Belinda. Cal Western Springs 4053, after 6 p. m. 44LTN39-Itp LARGE SELECTION TROPICAL FISH -Zebras 25c; Bloodfins 35c; Bttas 25c. MacDonaid's Potland,, 150t Sher- man Ave., Evanston. Open ovés. 44LTN39-ltP DR. F. C. BUS§CHBOM Doge and Cats treatoti at home as well as at thie Hospital One minute andi on the way. Wilmette 5004. 44LTN30-4tp FOR SALE,-MALE SýPUINýGER PEDIGREED, 1%A YEARS OLD Can be'seen at Youngman's Kennele, 730 Hlibbard Rd., Wlnnetka. 44 L39-ltpl PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. REPAIR work guaranteeti. 22 yeare' Factory *-xperienco. H. C. Thomas, 1808 Southa Prospect, Park Ridige 1477. 45LTN39-4tp sUwINS ACHN ~ARN BLISS ELECTRIC SEItVICE $ 1.00 Sewing machine special. Machines cloanoti andi rogulateti, called for andi deliverèd. Parte extra, 604 Demiter St. University 6680 5SLTN8-tp UPHOLST«Iy ARD UKPAIES VOUR DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS re-upholotereti. fineet workmanship. Phone andi our estimnator will eall wlth complote lino of samples. Spécial dis- count this month. Davis Furniture Craftsmën 721-23 Main Street U.eriy210 ______________________8LTN39-ltc Upholstering and Repairing REASONABLE ?RICES E. BLIND WINNETKA 3218 799 Elm .en J:m; tablishetiý "Win. 1047 Carlson's Empi. Agency 818 ELU STR1IDT WINNETKCA 3328 HeIp carefuiiy ueiected, iwlth special. attention to experience, reference, and generai, quallifcations needeti. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR INTERVIEWS 8BLTN20-tfc COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS HOUSECLEANING AND LAUNDRY Care. for children week-ends and oves. Best rets. Ploase eall'eves. Winnetka 1511. 68L3-ltp: REINED WOMAN WISHES READ- er work. Reading alouti to shut-itis, blinti, elderly. or convalescent person or act as companion. Excellent reader. Write B-37, Box 60, wilmette, 111. 68L1"N38-4tp, WANTED - WORK BY THE DAY. Nursing, cookinig. serving, cleaning, laufldry or plain sewing. Sunday dinners andi teas a speclalty. DBe t ofrefs. WIi go anywhere. Giexmcoe 1411, 68LTN37-3tp EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL FOR general housework. Goond cook. 1tefL erences. Phono Wilmette 3839. 68LTN39-ltp SCOTCH WOMAN WISHES DAYi work. ServlngK and cleaning. Excellent, North Shore references. Phone Wilmette 3743.6SLTN39-ltp) SITUATION WANTED--MAL.E EXPER.. HOUSEMA N. CHAUFFEUR, butler. Willing worker. N. S. ref- erenees. Coloreti. Phone GREenleaf 3940. 691,TN39-tp UIT. WTO.-MALE ANO FUNALW 10 COUPLES, white and, coloreti. 10 COMBXINATION CHAUFFEURS and, HOVSEMEN. MAIDS with North Shore rets. 5 EXCELLENT COOKS. NO CHARGE TO THE EMPLOYER ALL REFERENCES INVESTIGATED Shore Line Empi. Agency 421 Riehmnond Roati Konilworth 5221 70LTN39-ltc 8 COUPLES, exel. N.. S. rets. 20 MAIDS with A-I refts. Several good COOKS, HOUSEMEN. CHAUFFEURS, BUTLERS. REPERENCES THOJROLY CHECKEli Carlson's Empi. Agency 818 ELM STIREET WINNETKA 3328 Mac] use LDREN Shni mhodorate. INN, 2640.- 2LTN38-Stp work. - -- ---- IO 1j*4 itfr FRED BROBERG t XP. COLORED WOMAN WA NTSq BRIAGATE 1061 general, housowork. Stay on the place. 42LTN18-tre Excellent ret.s. Gre. 4756ý 68LTNÇ39ltp 71IsTN13-tfc WANTED-NEAT, RELIABLE white generai maiti under 30 yeare. Gond eook.' 2 wdnits. WINNETKA 88 71LN39-1 tp EXPERIENCED PROTESTANT MAID, S30-35, genéral lhoueeWork'anid laundry. Family twvo adulte. Own rpoom and bath. $7. Winnetka 3137.- 71LITN39-ltp Building Çontractor A&LL KINDS orP REFAIRING, venter andi mason work. lot clam. ALL FOR Sàt My 1

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