The double attraction .of Mary Garden as lecturer and singer in ber Debussy recital, at New Trier audi- torium February 17, together witb the: interest that is manlifested in raising a fund f or z new piano. ýhas inspired the ýclub mnembers* and tbe Mrs. W. D.McKenzie board of the Wnnetka Woman 's to undertake the concert ticket with eager enthusiasm _ club sale rmîIe ocn, violnist, accompanied by eobert Armstrong, both of the~ -Northestern university School of Music. Mr. Boch gave several well rendered selections. Clifton, M. Utle',t was next, on the, program. For the parents and'teach- ers of tbis very, well attended even- ing meeting Mr. -Utley discussed the bis before Congress at tbe. present time, and gave many facts pertamn- ing to the, governm ents 'of foreign countries. Miss Hardicks' room was awarded theprize for the greatest number of parents present. A delightful social bour followed- with Mrs. Ferancis Crowell- and Mrs. .R. joues and their comniittee acting ashostesses at tbe coffee table. The',second term ballroom' dance classes bhave: reopened and are bheld in -the Masonic temple instead of in the Stolp gymnasium. Mrs. Theron' M. Woolson is again directing these groulis which meet on Friday; after- noons and evenings. Tap and ballet classes also bave been resumed and, because of the illness of Miss Alice Stade, are now being conducted by Mrs. George Rùthledge. These grouips meet on Tuesday afternoon at the Central For any information regarding the dance classes please cali Mrs. George W. Putnam, Wilmette 1465. and if interested, appointments may -b. made for inspection FThese lisings are for the beneft of our fore..i sighted clients who want to keep in touch with the latest offerings of properties. WlNNETXAý S$tucco. 3 Bedroom9, sleeping porch,. 1 Bath. Furnace Heat. Garage attached., Overiooking beautifully landscaped lot, - Hub- bard Woods territory ...$89600 Reinodeled, Frame. 7 Rooms, A Bedrooms, 1, Bath. Ex. La.. Pir$t. 'Furnace ,011 Bùirner. -2 Car Garage. Excellent condition $9.500 Colonial Type Stucco. 6 Rooms, 3 Bedrooma, 2 Bath. Hot Water Heat. 1 Car Garage. East, $12,500. Diitch ,Colonial Frame. .7, 'Booms, 4, Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Steam 011.> Weil established East location*...............$l2,500 Colonial F rame. 7 Roomsi 4 i3edroorus, i Bath, Sun Porch. Lav. lat Floor. Hot water Heat. 2 Car attached garage. Lovely wooded corner..... .. . $12,50& GLENCOE Colonial Brick. 6 RLOOMa,-3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath. flot water Heat. Attached garage. Sun Porch................ $11,000 Colonia~l Brick. 7 Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths-Tile Floor. Lav. Ist. Hot water oil. 2 car garage .............>.... $16,000 English Brick. 8 Booms. 4 fled- rooms. 4 Baths. Air conditioned. Colonial. Frame. 8 Booms, à Bedrooms, 3 Baths. Mot 'Water 011 HeUat... 2 car garage. Near* Skokie School........... 115,500 Brick, Stone.:andIMTmbered Stucco. 10 PBoomns, lncludlng Li- bra.ry, 6 Bedroo>ms, 3 Bathe. Hlot Water 011. 2 Car detached garage. Large wooded lot. Price asked ..................j.-.135.000 Clapboard Colonial 9 Booms, 6 Bedrooms, 3 Baths. flot Wa.Zter 011. 2, Dar Garage. Attached. Choice- Sheridan Road 'location .with. Riparian ftghts feasement Indian Hill Club' Section. Brick. 12 Boomse, 7 Bedroome, 4 Baths. Vapor 011. Open Porch. Lav, at.23Car Garage. Qveor anl acre of beautifully landscapedl grounds, overlooking fai'way. Flexible terins. Price ...- $4 ý-0 011 Burner. LIbrary. 2 car at- tached garage. 1934 Owner Built $33,000. Colonial type Brick. 8 pôoms, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Tile Baths wlth showers. 2 Lav, Sun Porch. Hort warn.t.. l hjem* v]Breafa ThIe artists tbat -the music com- niittee offers to tbe club durïng the season, are of tbe bighest, standard, and when a musical program is an- nouhnced, a capacity audience mnay he ,counted upon. Programs inciud- îing two piano :numbers are universal- ly popular, and this season, maniy re- quests, have.corne to the music tomn- mittee for at least one such a pro- gram of two-piano music.. The need for a new piano for:sucb a program, iS imiperative,'anid the board decidecl to establisb a piano . fund-with tbe *rnceds from. the,alinual prooram., weeics ago and~ fracture of the weeks in the treatment, and covcring.. It is le six to eigbt, . e about again. 1 stistainecl a double ankie. He spent tWo hospital undergoing is now at home re- expected that it will weeicks before be can Garden wîll also present aàroP, of Debussy songs, and RobertgWaleèn- born, Miss Garden's accompan ist, will play a group of Debussy com- Colonial Framie. 4 bedrooms, 1 bath. Hlot water heat. 2 inclosed porches. 2 car garage ... $10,500 Brick &' TImbered oStucco. 5 Boomns, 2 Bedrooini,1. Bath. Attractive English type brick. 8 Booms, 5 Bedrooms, 3 gaths. Ilot water oil heat. 2 Ex. [.5v. 2 Car garage. Lot 100'x2OV$, 509Q RIENTALS WINNETKA Brick. 7 Booms, 3 Baths. Hot Attractive Brick. water. 2 car garage. Possession section. 3 Bedroomna, 1. Bath $85. uow, ...... ..........10 ,Frame. 8 Booms, 4 Éedroi Attractive m o d e r n French 1 Bath. 011 Heat.......... $85 brick. 6 Booms, 3 Bedroome. 2 Stucco. Soutbeast. 3 Bedrooms. 'Tie Baths. Includlng stove & Largeglamed porches. Near Niew Frigidaire.............. $115 Debussy, recounting the events and, ivrs. t...arming ~uige, Mvrs. vv (- conversations which revealsto berthe Kurtz, Mrs. Roland D. Whitman, extraordinary nature of one of tbe Mrs. William Shermian Hay, Mrs. mnost unusual geniuses of tbe century. Willoughby G. Walling, Mrs. Charles All of ber talks is concerned with T.. Mordock, Mrs. Sylvanus George tbings that bave neyer been written Lee, *Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs. ini books, tbings tbat Mary Garden Laird Bell, Mrs. Chester Sargent, is acquaintedwitb at first baud. Miss M rs. Sidn ey F. Bartlett, REAL ESTATE BUILDING --INSURANCE- LOANS. 140' CENTER STREET WNBK 2