Thel 1935 ioan cisnursements of theC The antiquated taxing system n0W Federal Home Loan Bank of ChicagoJoperative inI linois has long been a reached $9,950,425, nearly two and a subject of discussion and criticisni, haîf times the amount of advances 'but while -many changes have been made in 1934, it is reported biy A. R.lsgstd an nocioa oe Gardaer, residnt. adopted, it stili remains cumbersorne Advances teW the bank'5, member and, kits charged, unfair to property, savings, building and boan associa- owners, both real and personal.. In. tions *in Illinois and Wisconsin to.p- this' connectioni Walter J. Parsons, ped the million dollar mark in five ma-nager of the Property Owners different months of'the past year and Tax bureau at, Waukegan, has evolved in aIl except three months, disburse- ments were. bigher than, duering the- *.three-wey, twelve-point tax re- Peak. month of 1934., vision plan that mîay solve the, prob- Ilem. It is herewith presented for the There are i343 different institutions consideraimn of taxPayers: NO COMMISSION 5% INTEREST I r1 m m. 1571 Sm...Av, Evame«. u - 2 HETING' SERVICE COQ eas Com-ý members mlhgTxto 'nae f I-ii the ii total ,arnount of ail hl!e f aci li- state and local taxation, by a% constitu- tional amendment. t reerve 1-Lisniting. our state governent from diily the îevyîng taxes on real estate andi per- SoPal property; leaving such prop- unsdis- erty taxes for the counties., cities wnds andi otiier local governrnents. the past 2-Limiting the revenue irom ail state I by the taxes to an arnount -net eXcedIng loan as- one Per cent oft tli grosombicorneof Commit- ail people andi businesses in the said Mr. stté af al the 3-Lhittng the. total tax rate for local ail the taxes In any district to one per cent, ein this of the fuîl valuation of ail Income tdifficuit property li the district, and one. hait demand' ot onepe cent on ail vacant andi dirctl no-biore property. Egualising Taxés f195,Il-]Reàrranging the tax load 80 tiitat: 3 Of1935 itwill be more properiy dintributeti, by tby the constitutional andi statutory, amenti- n bank S ments. 1 by the 4--Shifting ail relief taxes from local to state government. "-hitting ail publice clioci taxes, above elernentary grades, from local to state governmeat. designed 6-Shtfting ail publicIlubrary taixes frorn bath tub local to state government. 7-Abolishing township governments ti [y stand- 'favor of county governments. one can 8-Abolishing road andtidige districts f placing In favor of county hlghway départ- Sition, it mente. a some- 9-hlftiiig the coat ofail main high- fore. ~waye from: county to - state govern-ý Ecre.ment. -1-Ciianging. the allocation of raiîroac< I eroPerty valuation for taxation,. from the mlleage basis to, the pro- portional total valuation. of ail other. Property in ail county districts., RauInefelnuency A aaresses Keatty ., Board Next Monda y The Evanston-North Shore Real Estatèe board announces for Monday evening, February 3, at 8 o'clock, ini its board roms, another ot its 1936 series of dynamic taàlks on different phases ýof the real'estate. business 'M its relation to real proery Ls month the> realtors turnied out. in force to hear Benjamin F.- Bis- tel how real estate is sold. This înonth the secrets of an im- portant adjunct and growing factor in the handling. of real estate deals of ail kinds wîli be unfolded. by joseph D. Shelly, chief escrow officer of the Chicago Titie and Trust com- pany. He will tell "How, When and Why Escrow Deals Are Closed." Has Wide General interest ini the topic indi- cates- a record turnout. As chief escrow officer- of the. comnpany for years, the, speaker of the evening brings to bis taský an experience, rich and uniqujeli the. field of real property. He has taken part ini sonie 10,000 escrows involving millions of dollars and covering every. range of vacant andý improved property. Ail of the phases and..applications of the escrow will be covered by the speaker under, three headinigs; ,(1) "the Escrow, and its preparation" (2) "Various kinds" (3) "Numerous ad- vantages." These he will embellish with a running accouait of hypotheti- cal deals, emphasizing certain imi- portant features. "Fesat of Food" In addition to the treat of the evening, the program chairman an- nounices that a few feature, to be added to the board's monthly gather- iings, will be inaugurated at 6 o'clock sharp on. the night*of t he meeting, at Cooley's -Cpboard.. The announce- m.ent cails. for a "Eeast of Food and Thougt"-a la Dutcb. The real1tors are ail agog over "*Matthe*ws',.Nigbt of Mystery. DRYING RAiCK pay- su pear . .... iiiAil IUUU I Noimuwsm 11LTY AHi>BuILDNGCo. M28 Davis St<,tEvnson Uivrsti9500 BATHROOM HEAT Some anxili ary heat in a bathroomn is a most desirable thing' to have; an electric wall hieater or a gas heater are practical and-adeqnate. To stand before such an appliance after-the batlÉ isa luxury indeed., FilA INSURES, The Federal Housing Administra- ti on lends no money. It insures loans made by private financial institutions* operating. under, provisions of ýthe National Housing Act. using the banik's c redit today pared With 250 'borrowingi a year ago and the .percer mnember institutions nsing th ties of. this three year. old sysýtem is advancing stead bank president pointed ont. "Fully 95 per cent of ail fi bnrsed by the bank during1 six months have been uec local savings, building and1 sociations in, maling new ments to home owners," s Gardner. "Sinice two-thirds o 1935 bank boans were made last haîf of the year it is 001 to trace the source of the for this inistitution's fun&s to the home owners." Dnrinig the last six months one-sixth of al bans nmade twelve Federal Home Loan in the country were placed Chicago regional bank. SHOWER GflWP A sensible grip bas been te place in the wall over at which one cao hold as easil) ing under the shower asc sitting in the tub, Inistead of the grip in a horizontal pos is vertical. It is strange tha one didn't think, of that beli Cenir ucion »epartmont Cosruction Moderuiotion Repofrs Archlitectural Service 140 CENTIR STREET WINNETKA 3250 I