PLAYIN CARDSI New myieu. 5c $ Bomble dee fli..sct IVALENTINE PARTY CARDSV <724 Orrington. Evanston Gr. .027 TWo Novels Recommuended for Loyers of Sea Stories. "Victorious Troy"9 or "Hurrying, Ange]," By John Mase/ield "Silas Crockett" By Mjary Ellen Chase Copy $2.50. Fou nfain Square Evansfon1 MARSHALL FIELD 6 COMPANY BIack Thiunder Arna Bontemps'. striking novel of revoit among the Richmond niegroes in 1800 is based on fact. There actually was a young negro like Gabriel-the hero of Black Thunder-obsessed with the dream of freedom and power, plan- ning to attâck the -city, sack«,the sur- rounding plantations, and set up a negro' empire inthe 'South. This.moving story of hopeless courage, of plans thwarted by a f reak of nature -a cioudburst wbich terrified'and.scat- tered the' rebellinig siaves-is vivid and exciting reading. - Gabriel's stoiry strick- ingiy recalis that of Toussaint -Louver-, ture. Pubilished Jajnuary 28. Flower Garden Primer Gàrdcnti;tg Withoiit tears is the sub- titie and shouid certainly be the effect of Julia H. Cummins' Plowe,' Garden Primer, for tbe book gives tbe fullest and plainest directions as to what to plant, and wbere, and bow, and the care of flowers of many kinds. The beginner's problemns are anticipated and bis q~uestions answered in advance. In the later chapter Mrs. Cumimins offers mucb that wvi1i also be useful to experienced gardeners, including lists of plants for gardens of various types, and for succession of bloorn. as wVell as special acivice on tbe choice ýand. cultiva-. tion of Mies, roses,. iris, peonies, etc., on pTuning and pests, ont garden plans and furnisbings. Flon'er Gai-re Primer or Gardening 1'itlwal Tear.ç was pub-1 lisbed January 7. Manners in Business Elizabeth Gregg MacGibbon has been calied "the' Emilyý Post of busin~ess.." In the past year sbe lhas preseitedbe fore 100,000 girls ini tbirty cities.' a dramatized programi on business dress, bcrïbner's bons. iTne author' is book1 is already recognized as a'stand- *ard work, but the publishers. dlaim that The. Uffa Fox Book is, if. poss- ible, the better of the two. It contairis ilthe- latest information about the best boats and outstanding perform-. ances in ail branches. Since, 1934 Uffa Fox, bas'developed. in A truly, remnarkabie way,. as de- signer and construction- supervisor o f large boats, besides, the 14-foot dinghý- ies in the making of which he 'has se- cured a virtual monopoly.- The first fifteen boats home in tbe Prince of Wales'. Cup last year were bis.ý He is singied out 'as the man: of the future in the world of sailing; xior bas there ever before been an instance of a man who excelled in *ail four departments of design, construction, perfor mance and writing about tbem. Ail this is re- flected in bis new book, wbich is di- vided into four sections: "Raàcing," "6Historicai," "Power Craft* and "C.ruising.' Mention may be mrade here of the chapters on the building of the ()0- foot wvelded steel fast cruiser,"ih bone"; the long section on . mod ,em ihasting and rigging; the stories 'of "Emanuel's" single-banded Atlantic' crossing and "Stormy Weather's" vic-. tory in tbe Atlantic race; the dream- chapter on the sailiî.g ship of the future. These are but a feiv ingredi- ents of the 1bo0k whici-i covers the %lioie field of modern sailing. Parlcman W.nt fo Sea 'saBoy of nIlto Sydney Parkmian, author of The Un- thai-ted Islapid which was pubiishedby Harper & Brothers on January 23, bas been writing adventure stories sinice 1925. Before that he was having.the, adventures he now writes about , for, he ran away -to sea at the age of fifteen. After 'a year be returned to bis home in Engiand and found shore life so duil that he joined tbe. Royal Navy in search of further adventure. He saw service during thé Ralkan- to IJy, in the smnall iown ot Saturaay Cove on the Maine coast, is admirably chronicled by F4len Glasgow in, ber nove!, Silas Crockett. More important, bowever, than thé, bistorical material in the book are its pbiiosopbhic implications.. These icrystal- ize in. the final chapter, when the last an d you ngest Crockett reaàlizes that thiougb economfic changes and industrial upheavals, may shake a family's fortunes until they crumble, a sound physical and mental inheritance is of far greater value than moneyr and will see bim througb. 1The. une. of Crockett is traced froum the. fouinder of the 'family fortune., James, through Slas I, Nicholas, and Reuben to Silas IL. Suas - 1 was a daring: trader and sailing captain like bis, father; Nicholas.lost bis life at the age of twenty,-five wýhen frozeti todeath working with. a fishing fleet: Reuben served ascaptain on a1 coast- wise steamboat until* the ýcompanv. was put out of business by trains and automobiles:t Suas Il undertakes to rebuild the family fortunes by taking a job iin a ca.nning factory.- W7hat mnigb't otberwise prove a long and unrelated series of .events in the- livýes. of, numerous Crocketts, their wives and friends, achieves gen-. uniie artistic synithesis in the descrip- tions of the oid Crockett mansion,' about whicb aIl the action-revolves. More than in any other single part of bier novel, Elleti Glasgow succeeçd' here.. *Better tbatvlier historical descrip- tions, better than ber character por- trayais-both mucb above tbe usual- is her depiction of a traditionai Ainericani homestead, and ail the seli- tinient and backgrouind wbicb an old home implies. The picture is good i)ecause it bas not.bee*n over-drawn, l)ecause it, neyer slops over, .as an- cestrai.'subject, iatter bas a wav of ddoing. Nairrative* descripti 1on is EllentGa gow's speciai talent, but she grows laz3 at times and leans too beavily on its support. The opening chiap-ters, are almost entirelv narrative des~- FIRST FLOOR I EVÂN'STON STORE Also Thurd Floor, Chicago Store atelactivities as revolutionary- student, bri- me gand, commander of troops, against the S Cossacks and against the Red and White ing the War, and after the war returned Russians are filled with excitement and to Constantinople as Military Attache adventure. The author, Captain Arm- to the British High Commnissioner.. He Mitea strong, w#s captured by the.Turks dur- is. the author of two books on Turkey.