Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 39

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The Congregation apProved this week the plans and program subjitted by the board of trustees for the completion of the chapel of the church, at a total cost of $4,500. The contracts have been letand the work wiIl begin lmmediately, withthe hope ot compIetjon by April 1I. The present Plan lis to dedicate thls Unit of the new church plant on Palm Sun- day, Apll5. First Congregationtal The Rev. John G.. Hindàley, minister Dr. HindleY's sermon theme at the il o'clock mornilng church. service next Sunday wiill be "The Actual Chrstianity of Jesus." Communion of the Lord's Supper wili be observed during the serv- ice. We cordially Invite you to wori- ship with us.. The music wiiI be as foliows: Prelude-.Choral and Adagio.from. Second Sonata .......... Mendelssohn Anthem-Ho Everyone That TJ3brsteth.................Martin Quartette 'Peace I'Leave- With You"................ Roberts Post ude FRntasy on the Hymn Tune, -St. Catharine." Miss ErtillyRoberts, Org'afln-director TRE YOUNG PEOPLE'S GROUP The high school young'peopie o! the vicinity and church are cordially invited to the Young'People's meeting at 5 :30 P. nm. every Sunday: night ln the cburch parlor. This çoming Sunday, Jack %Vedgewood, a studerjt from Garrett Biblical Institute, and Churelh school teac her here, will conduct the discus-i Sion. Recreation, feliowship, and re- freshmnents follow the reguplar meeting. TIHE The Cozy home oaf Mrs. IAN'i4 On the sub-zero night of Friday, January 24, a gay and friendly grouùp of Brownies, their families anàdtwen- ty-five Girl Scouts met in the hall of the Miethodist. Episcopal church for the annual Brownie dinner. It was a. happy and enthuisiastic group which witnessed a performance of the play, "A Brownie ini the House," given by Pack Il, under the direction of Mrs. Spague Chapiti and Mrs. John Starrett. Folk dances and songs (see picture above) were presented by Pack 1 in charge of Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle: Pack III in charge of Mrs. Harry Adier and Mrs. Roy W. tde, Jr., gave the Brownie ceremony. .Mrs. L. P. Denoyer, deputy com- missioner, greeted the guests. and counc il members were the introduced. Miss Florence Marcell, the new di- sisters" of the Girl -Scouts were named "rwne"by, SirBaden- Powell, who. thought 'that'best desrib- ed their appearance-the short brown smock, and pointed brown cap, and the. activity in skipping about qutietly with no idea of reward, doing their deeds of kindness to make. others, happy. FIRST AID COURSE Dr. Beatrice Hawkins wiil continue the Gir Scout course in first aid given Fridays at 4 o'clock at the 'Methcklist church. BADGE EXAMINERS Mrs. J. E. Stark, chairman of the badges and awards committee. an- noupces the following examiners.: Mrs. M. H. Bickham,'canner, dress- maker, needlewoman; Mrs. D. W. Rapp, cook; Dr.. Beatrice Hawkinsi firat aid and home-nursing; E. T. Whecler, motorist:, Miss Matalea Brown, wild flower, însect finder, tree finder, bird. finder, star finder, land animal:, P. C. Windoes, .electrician; Mrs. J., W. Humphries, laundress; Mrs. S. B. Groves, pathfinder, junior citizen; Mrs. F. A. Pollock, hostess: Mrs. H. -kingbohn, bandywonian: H. C. Pifer, scribe, Miss A. W. Chîn- hmnd, musician;, Mrs. M. G. Bush, housekeeper; Miss Janet Brown, athlete; M rs. A. J. Coburn, artist and craftstnan; J. C. Schumacher, bugler and drummer; Lillie Mae Humphries, min strel; Mrs. O0. A. Jackson, photo-. grapher. Miss Helen Jones, pioneer; Mrs. H. J. Dernehl, child nurse, .lîplth winner. nostegses. OUR NEXT CI UI IH Reserve Thursday, Fébruary 20. for the F'ellowsghip dinnerý at theý church., M r. Hindley will conduct. -An Hour With Books-, and. wili review. "Lite- With Father,- "The Lees o! Virglnia,": "I Can't Happen Here,"- and "My Old WVorld." THÉ VISI T (OFKAGAWVA The wo'rld's outàtanding' ChrIstiail evangeliet speaks .T;ýuesday evening, Februaryl 1, ln the First Methodigt Fp)Iscopai church, Evanston. Go early If you would, see and hear one of the leaders of our time. memfbership of1 the packs, and the long waiting Eist that need tiot wait such a long time for admission if neW leaders can bc found to organize new packs.. Originating ini England, "the littile Charaeter.?!" This course wili bring our réliglous beëlief, and our ethical code up-to7date and will prove how valid and verifiable-the Christian way of living reAU&Iv 9.for onÎr àipmninding., days. FURST MORTOACI. LOANS servce. :30 p. M--Boy Scout I roop N. . Thursdy-3 :30 p. m.--GIrls' choir re- THE pRE-EASTEB J9LEACHIINQ hearsal. PROGRAM 4 p. m.-Boys' choir rehearsal. Each'year Ieadlflg up to Easter your 7:~15 1). m.-Senior choir rehearsal. minister prepares and gives a new sertes 7 :10 p. m.-Boy Scout Troop No. 1. of sermons on religions, ftndamefltlsf. Snturday-1 0:30 a. m.--Girls' choir re- IhiÉs year Mrn Bindley wlilI preach on hearsal. "-The ýPsycholgky of! Chri stian Faith. and il a,. m.-Boys' choir. rehearsal. Ill.

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