«A Hlouse of Wor*hip', The c ee. David R Kabele, pastor BlINDÂT SERVICES Church school ..........9:46 a.. . Morning worship ...........l arm. Luthr lagu ............ s:30 p. mn The miusic for thc Service ot Worshlp next Bunday mrnring la as follows: Prelude-Largo from, *New World Syrn- .. .. .. .... . .. ....Dvorak The Senior choir Solo-Ho Shall Feed Hi. -Flock ..Handel Mis. J. HIL Hopp, Potlude-Mardhe Solennelle tromn Organ Sutte .....Borowski Victoria MLo-iityof Music Confirmation Clama will'meet on- Friday afternoon at 4 oclock. Senior choir rohearsal, Friday evoning at 7:30 oclock. Junior choir rehearsal, Saturday morn- Ing at 10o'clock. The Luther' bague will meet OÙ Sun- day evefling at 5:30 o'clock.. Miss Helen Peterson wiIi present the topic on the lite and work et Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa. W. Invite al the young peeple te meet with un. Thie Church council wIlfl met on Tues' d ay evoning, February 4, at the church at 8 p. mn. Thie Womanla society will hold their devotional meeting at thie church> on T7hursday atternoon, Fobruary 6, et 2 MaYwod, n Sudayevening, February 9. at 7:45 o'clock at the North Austin Lutheran church, Mason and LeMoyne, Chicago. A free will offering w111 b. recelve. UioU Of vansten. Be sure te aviail yeur- self ot thils epportunlty te )icarKagawa, Who ls one efthtRe meut dynamie Crins-. tians since Paul. A Fellowship dinnen will be given at tRie churchi on Wednesday cvenlng,, Pc- bruary 12, at 6:30 o'cloek. Ail thec mcm- beri; oetheiccoagregation and thoir, trienda are rnout cordially Invlted., No charge will b. made for thc dinner. A' frec wIll offeriag will b. rec.elved. Make yeur reservations early by phoaing Wil- mette 4279. Postludc-.March trom the "Occasions.l Oratorio" ................ ... Handel lNext Sunday atg p. n. the young people of thes northern Ilinois Walther league district are presenting a concert at, Concordia Teachers' collego, River Forcnt. Ti rgaiwill*lnclude nuni- bers bytRie.Luthoran symphony orches- tra and byfour. "talent quest" .winners at the last International cçonvention.ý Announcements, for HoIy Communion will be receivcd at the parsonage' on Friday froni 1 to 8 p. Mn. Kernlrvorth Uniono Dr. Herbert U. Willett, mInliter Dr. Willett!à subjeet for Sunday, Pcb- ruary 2, will be "The Belicving World," a glance at the world's, religions.Th church servicele at il o'clock. Acordial Invitation la extended te thoso not attending church elsewhore te come and. worship -with us. This ta. a union church. Itâ memhcrship Includes people trom various denominations. it Proclaims thie. esential truths efthtRe Christiain fa4th. It destree, o t provide for the community thie service. of wer- ship, religlous education and social tel.- lowship. Thie Womcn's Guild will meet Monday merning, February 3, at 10 o'clock.- Luncheon will be served at this meeting. The work of the guild le for the benofit of good. causes ln which the women ot thie church and thie cemmunity are i- terestcd. AIl women of Kenilworth flot othcrwise engagcd on Mondays arc cordially Invited to share in this good work. Methodist ChU rch Wilmette and Lake avenue Rev. Ames Thornburg, minister TRie mornaing worshlp service begins wit4i thie rgari prelude at,10:-45 e'clock cach Sunday morninig. The Introit la suag Just betore eleven o'clock and tRie Processional Hymn at exactly .11. Wer- shipers are Invited te ahaire In thie musi- cal proparation tor thie service. Thie mninister wiIl be in the pulit Sunday morning. The Woman's Aid meeting will b. held Tliureday, February 6, at 10 for sewing. The executive comnIlttee meet- ing will be Reld. at 10:30 o'clock. Lunch- con will be served at 12:30 by the Third division. The business meeting and pro- grain will be held at 1 :30 o'cbock.ý Mrs. Albert Dilling will.ppeak. Mrs. Ernest P. De Kalb will sing. A Women's International luncheon wiil be held ln the Red Lacquer rooin of the PalmerlHouso on tuesday, Febru- ary 11, at 12 :15. Sadao Iguchii, Japanese consul, and hi. wite Wli be among the guestaetfhenor. Tickets are obtainable at the office et the Woman's department et thie Chicago Church Federation, 77 W.* Washington street. At -2:15 o'clock there *111 be an International Mass meet- ing for women ln thie Grand, Baîl rooni ef thie PalnierHouse, undcr the auspices et thie Missionary diviolon ef the Church Federation., Toyehiko Kagawa w.111 be the speaker. The Officiaiboard will: meet Monday evening, February -3, at 8 o'clocký at the churcb. Ail- members are, urged te be present. St. A ugustine's Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector Sunday, February 2, la a Holyr Day et the Church, commemoratlng the presentation et the Infant Christ in thie temple. There will bc Holy Communion at 8 a. mi., Church school and Bible classes at . 9:4 5, and Holy Communion, with sermon at Il a. mi. At thie annual meeting at the Pariah House Iast week the followinv were] of the varieus organizations. Thie annal convention et the Diocese et Chicago meects at St. Ohryaostom's church, Chicago, Fobnuary 4 and- 5. Those elected at tRie annual parish meet- ing te represent and vote for St. Augus- tine's are the -fellewing: Robert Stod- dard, Henry Powler, Rt. D. Smith, Mns. J. N. Edge, and Mrs. I. K Stover. TRie tollewiag were elected alternates: R., C. Jenninga, Mrs. S. B. Haley, Mrs. R., D. Smithi, Mrs. C, M. Puhlman, and Mrs. N. F. Webb. I thie- Filipino Conter ln. Chicago, firesi4e services, ýrcading a play-these are a f ew et the vanied Intereats and activitios engaged ln se tar this soason. Atter cach pregrain, a short social heur la, enJoycd. This Sunday the sponsor ilà Inviting ail yeung people to, spend 'thée evening at Garrett Biblical Institute., Come and Join ln thesefine6 pregranis. Every you ng person is welcome. Word was received freni Dr. Allison froin San Francisco wherc ho preached, lant Sunday. Ho reports thathi. trip is one et great Interest. This week Rie will b. ln Phoenix, .Ariz., on January 30 and 31!' On Wednesday nig ht, February 7, there, la te be a cafeteria dinner given at the church. The dinner i. la charge. et the,* women and will begin at 6:30. Fellowing thie dinner there 'will be a progra under thie direction et Harry N., Kerr. This evening will be a gala attair ln whlch we hope ail et.tthe church members will participate. Everyone i invlted whether a churoh meniber or net. The League of Woinen Votera will hold Its meeting ln thie church parlers Meonday merning at 10 o'clock., Mrs. Louise Leonard Wright will conduetthe- meeting, tRio topic bcing "ICurrent Events."l Admission is by ticket. Flirst Presbytertin Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen,,minister Thie Communion et the Lord'g 1 snner rollews: prelutie, . MelodIe," , luck- Sqambati; antherni, 'lVRen I Surveéy th~e Wondrous Cross," Mozart; solo, *'0 Savior, Hear Me,". Gluck;- postlude, )Max'ch" (Hercules), Handel. M Iss Enffa Rounds la director.ý Thie $Sudayschool will gather at th.e usual heur ef 9 :&0' in ail departments. Thie Bible class wIll study thc lesson, '*The Jew.and SaJvation," from * the standpoint efthtRe Letter te thie Romans. This class wIll meet at 10 o'clock, and invites ail adults te join us. Junior church will care for thc chil- dren durIng thie service. 6will meet Chiareh cou-n'cil ' Tueuday. 8 p. mi. *Ladies' Aid, next ThurudaY, 2 P. m. TRie ordern(et service on Sunday at il o'ciock wlfl Include thre followint : Pfelufo-Cn»oetta, lu P Miner. . .................ulnant Toyohiko . Kagawa will public mass meeting at tihe dist Episcopal churchlnl Tuesdayoeveniing, February You are Invited te put tRis calendar and te take advàa 1u.nusualý opportunity. It w ï) the choir will 1 ie church- he ia their club ni Industrial meeting at ing at 6:30 ýgrarniwill monn. ad freinthre pastor. - Lt 8 P. M. Suuday ucheel sessions begia prompt- on your ly at 9:30. Our midweek service will b e -held. Bof tRis , Wednàesqay cveniag a.t 8- 'cleck la thée o nces.- Theo Youpg Peopl's scety 'Wll» meet 1.cape. -Wo will continue thée study e«