Mrs. Clifford Il alicer Pettit, Jr., of Rockville Center, Long Islansd, is the former Lois Hatazualt. 'She is the da.ighter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Hana- .%volt of 1344 Ashland avenue, Wilrnette. The liaiazcaIt-Pettit zvedding «tas ail ei'ent of _Dcceinher 27.ý ..Piano Pupils WiII Be Jewish Council Calendar The cPalenhl2r of events for the On Thursdoy and Friday ýYou Are Invite to.Mako Advonce. SelectionsUn WHUCH BEGINS ON SATURDAY As an added convenienice to those whio prefer week will find the stocks at -their peak -and an augmented staff of efficient salespeople ready to serve you. EVERY MEMBER 0F FIELD'S FAMOUS FAMILY 0F SHOES IS SPECIALLY PRICED Mrs. day, for MiSS bhirIey ~~Lueiuaerppjultlu ai- of Wilmette. Miss Popp and Mrs. brate the bir Lechner's son, Robert, will be married Schuettge, February .14. jstreet. ir son, R. W. Twenty-thirdL FIRST FLOOR-EVANSTON STORÈ Aiso In Our Chicago Store.