for Extensive Honeymoon Abroad Curt Teich., Jr., of -Glencoe and his bride, the- former Catherine slchmidt of Wilmett.e, Ieft short- Iy.after theïr weddinglà.st Sat- urday for New York, and are sailing Thursday of- this week on the S.- S. ýHamburg for a, Eu- ropeain honeymoon. They .will be away for several months, and when they return will look for an apartment, on .the north side. The service took place at the Schmidt homie and was a Icandle-ligbt ceremony at 4 o'clock for the relatives, only, two hundred guests attending later the, rieception at Shawnee Country club. The bride, in a sbimmering gown of maieover silver lamé, stood before an altar of palms and liles, to say ber vowf,.' rincess lace fell ini a long panel down the front of the gown, and ber tulé veil was fastened, to a tiara of pearls. She carried gar-, denias and liles of the valley., For brgoing-away costume she wore. a suit of dubonnet broadclotb trimmed. witb kolinsky. The wedding dresses of the bride's attendants were also of sbirnmering materials to harmonize. Miss Bett'y Have Proqjram of'Musie Chapter C. R. of P. E. O. is having its annual guest day Friday, January 31, at the home of Mrs. Oswald Maland in Kenilworth. The program will be given by Mrs. Dean McSloy -of Evanston chaipter D.Q. and. by Mrs. Clarence Evans,, of Ev- anston. Both ýare, members of the Evans- ton Music club. Mrs. McSloy sings in the: cho1ir of the Fourth Presbyterian- cburch. in Chicago. Mrs. Evans is- a member of the Chicago WVomen s sym-, phony orchestra in the viola section, and ian able. pianist and composer. Their program follows:. A Garden Is a Lovesome Tbing ....... Corne Unto These Yellow Sand» .... . ..... ...........Frank LaPorge Song of the Openi Frank LaForge Mrs. MçSloy .Arabesque ....Debussy Father ofWaters-fromi the' ,Mississippi suite ..... Ferdic Grofé The ILittie Wbite Donkey. ....Ibert Mrs. Evans A Spirit JFlower ..Campbeli-Tipton Soft-footed Snow...... ..Sigurd Lie Low, Hear the G.ent le Lark.. .. .......Sir Henry Biqhoi' Mrp'. McSIoy Lacheon Speaker ly. Miss Mary jane RKîch .of outh: Bend in peacb,.. and Miss Dorothy Meyers of Chicago in blue. Mr. Teich had as bis best man bis' brother; Walter, who arrivedj ast week after a stay of several months in California. The ushers were How- ard Snyder of Chicago, and Hel]rV Schmidt, the bride's brother. Miss Ann Hacker of La Crosse, Wis., an aunt of the bride, sang be- WhlIhite Photo iViss Jean Eliabeth Has.kins, uwho as a resident of Winnetka until the remeit reinovgl of her faily to Florida, is betrothed* 10 William Arthur Wolf e, son of gr. and M,-:. Ned JA Wolfe of Fort Lauderdale. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E~. HaskissOf the sMe City, annnced the engage- ment Iast week. Robert -0. Berger~ of 306, Kenaýl- worth avenue, Kenilwortb, announces the engagemlent -of bis, daughter, Eleanor, to Eduardo Hellmund of Kansas City, a great grandson of General . Paez, the first .President of Venezuela. Miss Berger prepa r ed for college at the Knox school lun Cooperstown,, N. Y,, and was grad- uated from Northwestern university, Is Wed in Candie'- Iight Ceremony The glow,.of nmany :candies ,flickcring in thé wind'ows of the Church of. St. Elisabeth, and on its altar flanked with two large seven- branched . c a n d e 1 a bra, lghted the chburch for thc ,wed-ý ding of Miss %Josephine7 Avice Pridmore and Paul, Richard Kitch last Saturday afternoon. Dr., Hubert Carlton. of Wilmiette read the service at 5 o'clock, follow- ing which about one-bundred guests attended a reception and buffet sup- per atSkokie Country club. A screen of huckleberry offset by Madonna, liles was placed behind- theý receiv- ing line and bouquets of bride's roses.% and spring :flowers were arranged elsewhere in the club. Th'e bride's princess dress was of cream satin muade with a train. Her veil was of tulle and gardenias.and liles of the valley fo'rmed' ber bou- quet. Avice Stevens' daughter cif-ber cousin, wasthe flower girl. She mas dressed in,>an old-fasbioned frockof rose silk witb a rose bonnet and' car- ried a white basket of rose and white flowers. The bride's mother wore brown crystelle and a corsage of gardenias. Charlie Wasber of l3everly Hilîs and Robert Sprague. and D~avid Ma- cbett of Chicago were the grooms- men. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kitch are nom, at home in Wichita, Kas. .The bride is the daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Edmund Wells Pridmore of Glencoe, former residents of Wil- mette. Her blusband is the'son of the Rev.ý and Mrs. Charle'és A. kitch of Vifield, Kas., Garden Club Procgram Annouzicément is made of the mar- riage of Mrs. Mary Louise Hendricks Theis and Major Ralph Brown, Sat- urday, January 25, in Chicago. They wilI be at home after February 15, at 1315 Cbestnut avenue, WilmetIt. urer Vs lre i'irv urtin, secretary. T1wo members of the group bave entered St. Francis hospital for. training, Rita Doetscl and jeanette Platz, On Feb- ruary 9, Miss Fra.nces Hobs 'will en- tertain the club at ber home. "Cbuck" Keller of 820 GreenWood avenue is on bis waV to Mexico City witb George LoweIl of Wilmette and Newell Scbwin of Chicago, to spend somne weeks. --t --n..s 'n"ýat4urday eve- ning beginning at the borne of Rarl Terrili, 1319 Washington avenue, and ending at tbe home ' f John Sbank, .1109 Greenwood avenue. En route, the group will visit. the homes .oï Norman .KimbaîIl and, Myrtie Koîl. Miss Hazel Kohl 's chairman.