Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 33

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Wood room ot Marshall JFîeId's February 15, at 12:30 o'clock. Kappa Alpha Theta was founded in 1870 at DePauw university, Green- çastie, Ind. Only one founder is now liv ing, ,M rs. Betty oc Hamilton. *The chapter of Nrhestern uni- versity, which is 49 years old this yeâr, la preparing to celebrate its ,fiftietih anniversary in 1937. Mrs. Marcus Hobart of Evanston. willbe toastmistress at the Fou nders' dyluncheonFebruary 15. Miss Hoà,- tense Wichard of Chicago, who will be, the speaker, is :in charge of the foreign. relations department of Kap-- Pa Alpha Theta and wili bring many inteiesting anecdotes at a time %Oïen everyone is intensely interested Ix foreign affairs. Mrs. D, Bligh Grasett, of 797 Wal- den road, Winnetka, national treasur- er of thesoir.orjty, will Italk on "Para- mount News ôt -Theta Evýents~ Mrs. Frank Suttle bas tickets 'for the luncheon whichý she will giadly briilg to anyone calling her at her hom e, 2131 Kenilworth avenue, Wsl- mette., Two Congregational, Circles'in Session The North End circie of the Wii- mette Congregationai church met Monday at the home of Mrs. 'A. M. 12 :30 o'ciock to the twenty-five memn- bers present. ýThe Northwest circie held a meet-. ing Friday of last week at the home, .of Mrs. Howard Davidson, 1605 Highland- aenue,. Those assisting Mrs. Davidson we.re.'Mrs. ýArthur .Seddon, Mrs. B:Boyne Platt,adMs Warren. Fifer. This:group wilI serve, the dinner for the, church. meeting February. 20, and plans were dis- cussed at the circie meeting for that' On the calendar of the néar future for club members, is the meeting of the- finle arts department on Febrirnry 14. The fourth in the series of taiks oni the Liturgy of the Mass wiil be given. Mrs. Fired C. Clarke> is to review a book and ,Mrs. Michael Morris anid'Mrs'. Walter Berminghamà are aàrranging the Valen- tine program. Adessert bridgeý at 1: 30 oeclock. at shawnee Country club Wèdnesday, Feb- ruary. 5.,for the purpose of ecompletlng the supply of new.s teel chairs for 'use Iný the sehool hall will be given under aus-. pices of the, education. commnittee. A i)rize wiIl be*glven for each table. Mrs. GuY Packard le. opening ber'home at 124 0 Forest avenue for a Valentine bridge Wednes day, February 12,. as a ways and means benefit. As the space is Iliînited she w.111 accept the'first forty res- ervations. The attention of members was called to the course in home hyglene and care of the sick offered without charge by the Anmerican Red Cross In t*o-hour- periods Monday. mornings at 9:30, In. the Stolýp school.1 A course startlng in January Willl bceconipleted Iin April. ~Two short talks were given on work touching upon club interests. Mrs. Douglas Boyd, who has been conducting IL surveY In the village In the interests of the Wllmette Welfare board, clearly dlefined -the work 0f'the local Welfare to be carrled on in the village with the advent of a case-worker. As a private .agency, the 'Wilmette B3oard of Local Charities will continue to funct1oni, stressing particularly case work, or so- cial service work, sendlng a tralned worker to handle behavior problems par- ticularly amiong children and young people, and to help soîve domestie nvnh.. cases to Wblch County aid Is denled or WhIch It le flot permited to aid. Helping out where. Incomes are Insufficient for> family needs even when there Is some emnployment; short-time iancial aid, or financial aid in ernergencies, will be part of the function of the local welfare agency. The case-worker, trained and experienced In social service work, *wlll coopera te with school and village agenciesý. in helping to solve domestic, behavior, and economic problenis., An attractive iGirl Scout leader. in a and w1ilI be heid each Wednesday morning to February 26, inclusive, at 10 o'cdock.' etesbetuie "Plays" wili etesbjc ne considération for February 5, with the following books.to be emphasized: "If This Be Treason.' by Hnolmes and Lawrence; ."Pride and :Prejudice,"* by Helen Jerome; "Dodsworth," by Sidney Howard; "The Old Maid,"' by Zoe Aiken, and "Noah,": by 'André Abey. Mrs. C. H. Warner, chairman of ways and means, 2414 Isabella street, Evanston, and ber committee, who- have been untiring in their ,efforts to promote the. succeas of this series, announce. thatý a fëw tickets stili are' av ailabie, the proceedsfrom the scale of whicb wiil be devoted to the scholarship fund of, the school. The Evanston Friends bring to the attention, of those interested ini the reëviews,-'in fact, that although, tiwo meetings, have been held, course tick- e ts may be used by bring.ing friel1ds. Kenilworth Guilds WiII Be Enerfained Monday The various guilds of the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilworth wiil hold their regular ail-day sewing and luncheon meetings, Monday of next week. The. McLaren guild will 432~ Warwickc road, 1Kenlworth, ana the Whiteliouse guild with Mrs. James E. Armitage, 535 Warwick road. .Mrs. George F. Salisbury, 229 Essex road, will be hostess to the members of the Anderson guild. Bermuda Party Is Novelfy at Evansion Country Club C. D. Juvénile P&fry The regular. montbly meeting of Quilmette court, Cathoiic.-Daughters of Amferica,'takes place Monday1 eve- ning, February 3, in Odd Feliows bal. The affair is to be a jureînile. party, anigbt when' the organization "asks and lippes al members will turn back a few years and become children.. for a short time again."Te r urged to dress as such. j ELIABTETH REE Beictroua<a EoecluaMey I Wth Flora McLeiland In ler Carlson I Building Studio «0 Curch St, Ove. 82U Superigsous Rair J'eflusuetly amui JExpettly Rem'oved I 5ea. & Buudaua by Appt. Dav. 7825 W&@dmerican Choice Rooms .I and Suites i l . -1 __ _ --- - - had the artistic honor of being aslced was Magdalen Masmann, herseif a re- to exhibit consistently in the Young citallat. Art museumn and the Beaux Arts rhe>i played "Air" by Lottl; "Zephyr," museum, both of San Francisco. by HIubay; "An imitation of a Bagpipe," Sheis meberof he llid Atsby Sarasate; and Schubert's "A/ve She s amembr o th Alled rtsMaria.", "BelievA Me if AUl Those En- guild of Stanford, universitSr at Palo, dearinz Young Charnis." and "Forlsakenel Alto. were the éeores.-J.T.B. Mrs. Havry W. Mons, 157 Wood- stock avenue, Keniiworth, enter- tained fourteen women at a birthday luncheon last Saturday in honor of ber mother, Mrs. James Evans, who maki er borne witb Mrs. Mens. Op.rat.d by PHILIP A. DANI LSON 1625 HINMAN AVENUE Telephone-GREEN LEAIF 3300 EVANSTONt ILL.

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