to the -ýne records set in 1935. Mrs. Kitight Blanchard re present- ed the Wilmette center at the annual meeting of the Infant Welfare Soci- ety of. Chicago. beld january 22,: at the. Drake hotel., She'reports that the' Wilmette centeï filled its financial quota one huirdred per cent, thanks to the-many activities during the year, and the substantial quoà ta eceiveii f rom the Community Chest,, lad a per- fect retord for attendance at the Aliice H. Wood staion ýr weigh ing babies and attending to elerical work, and that of ail the Infant Welfare centers, Wilmette tied foir third placre in the number of garments tuýned in by the sewingcomnmittee. Members of the Wilmette center fwho attended the luncheon at the- Drake and2heard the reports of the society as a whole Were Mrs. Knight Blanchard, Mrs.. Fred 'H Strayer. Mrs. J. W. Beuttas, Mrs. J. L. Corliss, Mrs. L. H. Ingwersen, and Mrs. Mar- vin flarms. At the meeting of the Wilmette Center held at the Woman~s club Monday, January 20, the following j newmembers were announced: Mrs F. E. Davenport, Mrs. J. C. Millet. Mrs. A. M. Breretoni, and Mrs. J R. Menary. At this meeting, at which officers of the society for the 'year 1935 werc hostesses, annual reports were giv- en by ail committee chairmen and the following officers were installed foi the year 1936: Mrs. Knight Blanchard, chairman; Mrs. Marvin Harms, vice- chairman; Mrs. J. M. Hale, recording secretary; Mrs. H. S. Condit, corres-. ponding secretary; Mrs. S. D. Flynn.. treasurer; Mrs. Marvîn Harms, pub- ficity; Mrs. C. 0. Walliser, station schedule;- Mrs. H. E. Pine, clerical; Mr. .P. Hoesli, sewing; Mrs. W C. Hedgecock,, membership; Mrs. W. H., Hildebrand, social; Mrs.-. E Hall, lhonor system; Mrs. C. B . Bur- pee, legislative, and Mrs. Frank Allen iNays and means. -C'arroll Biotder, expert on foreig» af airs oend. editorial uwriter for t/wé Chicago Daily News, 4ill lecture on "Neéws of the Wrd at the af ter-' iiooet pro gram of the Womnali's Club of Winette, ll'ediesda', Feb- ritary 5.: Mrs. Gar don Smnith Heads Junior School Branch At the aniual meeting of North Shore Friends of Chicago Junior school held Monday, January 27, at the homne of Mrs. Frederick Henkel,' 653 Walden road, Winnetka,,the fol- lowing board was unanimously elec- ted: Mrs. Gordon Smith, chairman'; Mrs. R. F. Hynian, vice-chairman; Mrs, Clifford J. Ellis, secretary- treasurer; .Mrs. Frederick Henkel, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ed- ward J. Brion, Mrs. James F. Ferry, Mrs. E. Jéwell Dick, Mrs. C. Heath. Bannard, Mrs. Ira J. Hoffman, 'Mrs. John W. Ruet.tinger. and 'Mrs. C. H. Allen., To Review "Old The Jane Addams Mary Crane léague iý chapter s tn hear Of the a book The American quartet was the at- traction-these artists, well lcnown in Wilmette, are always a drawing card when they appear on the club program. T'his is the seventh con- secutive year the four singers have been together. They are Fred Wise, tenor; Raymonid Koch, baritone; Helen Bickerton,. soprano, and Esther- Muensterniann,, contralto. The four vivaciou s, happy-looking artists opened their first group with: A11 Ye Who Music Love,"written in the sixteenth century. In the group wer e "Su mmer Is A-Comlng In," the, oîdest known arrangement. for a quartetabout 1225; "Let Every Hleart Be Merryi" and a special ar- rangement of "Drink To Me Qnfly_ With Thine Eyes." The second group'of songs begani with a duet sung by Mr. Koch and, Miss Bickerton, from Mozart's "Dion Giovanini," followed by the humorous music lesson, as an encore. The quartet sang four Russian folkc songa "Forest Plowers," "The Song of the Nightingale," *'Gipsy," and "The Spinning Top." Mr. Wise and' Miss Muenstermann opened thre third group of songs with the lovely "Home to Our Mountains," from -Il Trovatore," singing *"Last Nigbt the Nightingale Woke Me,? as an encore. The quartet sang the chanit of the Indians who are asking for raiti for their corn; "Good Night, Sleep Well, M.y Child," an old Ger- man folk-song; "Sourwood Moun- tain," the Kentucky version of the droll old song; the nursery song,, "Sinig a Sonig of Sixpence," and "Carry- Me Back to Old N'irginniy.". -F. B. M. Norfhridge. Nofes. The reading grou 1p of the North- ridge Worman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. John D. Kinnear, 2241 Chestnut avenue, on Tuesday, Feb- rnnrv 4 nt 1.fl ncYark Mrq L, a T We wilI give you a reliable ap- pralsal a nd buy your discarded watches, Out-of-Style jewelry and unused silver for c as h. C.P. PEACOCK. 'JEWELERS SINCE 1837ý. Sti A Monroi SPaUmer Hou. Cor., RYTEX Gý REYTO PRINTED STAIONERY that brings a smart gay noteto your letters.. 100 SINGLE SHEETS 50 ENVELOPES OR at the Indian Hill club, Mrs. Bentleyll G. McCloud and Mrs. C. G. Littel l acting as co-hostesses. After luncheon I members will adjourn to the home of I *Mrs. Edward J. Phelps, 328 Leicester road, Kenilworth, fôr a business ineet- I on requet. Tolephone: Delaware 1738 Studio: 235 Isat, Superior St., COi<>a Uoyd Hollisfer lac. 1232 Central, Avenu.