'Cydla and Wizard' at Womnan's Club, The Jack. and Jili1 Players wil bring the ,second of their serieý. of children's plays to the Woni an$'sClub of Wil mette on Satur. day afternoon, February j, at 2 o'clock. The doors will be opel at 1 :3Q0. The play Iasts tW4 hours. It is ",Gyda and the Wiz' ard,"' and is a story of life ini the far north, %in the, Land at 'the Foot of the Rainbow. Maüy of the young people in the cast are famniliar to the chilciren of .Wilmette, either through hâving beér to Wilmette 'before ini other plays, or through their appearances on various, well known radio programns. Frank Eiseit, who play$ Leif, the ChiefVs soni, basbeht.singing and .ict- irig the part of Buster on "GoId Med- ai Minstrels" on WGN. He also ap- pears on "Orphan Annie" and on -Ma Perkins." While "Skippy" was on the air Iast .year, be was also on that program. Ann Barber, wbo is Gyda, a littie girl who "wants to know" bas also donc. radio work, having appeared on American Medical association an.d Alexander Woollcott's program. BiIly Trusk is now on "Jack Armstrong" doing the. part of Buddy, the littie newsboy w'ho figures prorninently ini the script. Billy and Amn I w both be remem- bered by ail Wilmette .vhildren as Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy,, for they played these beloved roles when the play about these two rag doils. came. to Wilmette. Jack Kahoun bas appeared -on "Welcomne Valle.y," and other pro- grrams, -and while "Skippy" was on the air, he, top, Was on that program. Billy McCullough, who plays the vil- lain, Angekok the Wizard, is on "Or- phan Annie" and has donc consider- DeHaven Photo: Miss Dorothy Joene Orr is to be 'a bride early in the summner. Her eun- gagemiet to Elmer Horace Cook, II,tupas ann)ouetced by her parents; M7. and Mrs. Carey Orr, at their horne in Wiliiiette Saturday night.. Dinnor, Is Occasiorn of Announcing Engagement Coming as a surprise during a diii- ner party at their home in Wilmettc last Satin-day night given in honor of Miss Sunny Vilas of Cleveland, was the announcement- made by Mr. and Mrs. Carey Orr telling of the engage- -ment of their daughter, Dorothy jane, to Elmer Uorace Cook, 11, son of Mrs. Elmer Horace Cook of Cheyenne, Miss Orr and Miss Vilas were room- mates'for two years at Ogontz, from which they both were graduated last lune. Mr. Cook entta -q-rmti f of Arden Shore Sewing The attention of members of the Wilmette board of the. Arden Shore association is called to Friday, Feb- ruary 7, whei<--at.the Woman's Club of Wilmette under the auspices of its philanthropy department, thé day. will be given over to sewing for Arden Shbore camp. The board is eager to haveal its members attend to cooperate in. the benefit the club . makes possible for. summter and,m.inter Arden Shore. ,Meeting. the.budget, that bug-bear to mùost. charitable organizations in the: last few years, is noQw a lightened burden for the Wilmeétte board be- cause of the generous check àt has just received fromi the Xilmette Cornmunity Chest. In Charge of Wornen's Activiies af Shawnee Mrs. Roland D. Feltman of Ev- anston was recently made president of tbe board of the Ladies' Activities group of Sh-awnee Country club. Other new officers elected at the same time unclude, Mrs. Paul Cook of Evanston, vice-president; Mrs. Rolla Gullickson of Wilmette, secre- tary and swimmung chairman; *Mrs. Fred Bec kstein, treasurer; Mrs. Creighton, Whiting of 1Evanston, 'bowling chairman; Mrs. A. J. Hlam- .mond of Evanston, Tuesday card chai rman; Mrs. Hfugb Kuhl of Ev- anston, Monday card chairman; Mrs. Roy Schakel of Wilmette, junior party chairman, and Mrs. Lew Walk- er of Evanston, hospitality chairman.j Jun iors Arrange "Speicial"' for Land of Bridge, Fashion Tho.ughts of days' in lands bathed by a. warm sun tease the imagination of ,ail stay-at-ý homes brav ing. frigid blasts on thé north, shore. Travel-minded memb ers of the Junior'auxiliary of the Womanss'Club of Wil- mette, indulging in a bit of fan- cy, send out Word of an."excur- sion, on a junior auxiliary spe- cial,"' Saturday, Februtary 8. "The train leaves at 2 o'clock. at Greenleaf ave 1nue and Tenth street, Willnette. Special accomnmodations will be',made for a large: crowd. A stopover will be at 'Bridge.,' where card gamnes Will, be e.ntere-d into by ail witIh a prize for each table-then on to attend the prevue of spring styles in costumes and accessories, footwear and lingerie, shown by at- tractive mnodels. A d:ning car is at - tached, and refreshments will be served.on the return trip, "Make reservations .n o.w !A l aboard! "T1he fashion show will be presented .by Bims-ou-CrolmIc., Jo-' ,seph Salon- Shoes, Thomnas E. McEI- roy Fur comf)any, and Spaulding- Gorham. Music will be by the Akeiy trio, consisting of Ernau Akely and her two daugbters. Blythe.and Fi-an-' 'Ces. Miss Dorothy Bichl of 1108 Chestnut aven~ue, is ticket agent." The models are Miss Ursula Brod- ýerick, Miss Adelaide Frankinu, Miss, Louise Hartinan, Mi ,ss Anne Hender- ,son'r, Miss Hazel Koîl, Miss Rhea Koîl. Mvrs. Walter H-, Mehen, Mrs. Weston Butz, and Miss Katheryn Weiss' The N orth Shore Alumnae of Frances Shimer Junior college will meet Monday evening, February 3. Miss Janet Cromwell of 724 Judson avenue, Evanston, will be hostess at ber home for the business session and short prograrn at 8 o'dlock. Miss Finn is well known on the north shore, having visited frequently at the home of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Walker Smith of Winnetka, where she is flow a guest. teci twd fashion sh me charury bridge vv 'nzam waî<jner, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Waidner, 1046 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, on Monday, Janu- ary 27. MIr. and Mrs. Waidner wilI make their homne.at 5441 Ken«more ave- nue, Chicago. Aids Style, Show Dorothy Snyder ls l'o Be Moarrd i Februa E J