Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 29

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chairmnan for its distribution by thie Illinois League of Women Voters. As many have been sold in the past three mnonths as have been sold in any two year period previously. Secretary of State Edward J. Hiughes, himself a heavy puirchaser of them, has brought -thet prom:- nenty ito ublic attention in his syndicated columin of. questions and answers "Do You Know Illinois?" In. several of its appearances the column was headed with, a question,: "iWhere can à voter obtain a work- ing knowledge of Illinois' election laws and political parties?" lis answer is "The Illinois Voters' H andbook - is I published by the Illinois League, of Women Voteérs,, 225 North: Michigan, avenue, Chicago." A flood of orders followed. Evidently Illinoisans-do want to know tlieir state! "No mn or. set of men coulld have composed, se, hcid and informative «i littie book" was the comment of How- ard Vincent* O'Brien, Chicago Daily News co1wumiit, in a recent witt article on women's peculiar aptitude fer politics and government. It is beig used as'a text-book.,on governtment. by P. T. A's and thc American L.egion Auxiliary.ý W iii Hcar Jacob Viner jacob Viner, econohmist of the Uni- versity of Chicago, who wvas recently on leave of absence fromn the un i- versity to serve as special adviser to Secretary Morgenthau of the United Stae rauy will address the Forum of the Cook Counity League of Wornen Voters, Saturday after- noon. February 8, at 2 o'clock, in the. Red Lacquer room of the Plmer Hlouse. "The Amierican Tariff Bar- gaining Policy" will be the subject of Dr. Viner's speech-his first in Chi- cago, it is.believed, since his Washing- ton experiences. Prof essor Viner's varied expeiene as an economist lend particular inter- est to his, views. 'His specialized knowledge of the tariff came f romn his w.o rk a few years ago as a special exvaert for the United States Tarif,. Bernie Photo Richard A. Oison', New Trier High school gradutate, jorne'ly of Kcniilieorth, ùilbe a featured solo- ist wtihth he Rochester iiversity men's Giec club, w'heil tiht orgaii- zat ion presei:ts a concert In the; Ncwv Trier High school auditorium Wediresday evening, February 5. Mr. Oisont was promiltepttly ideniti- fied zvith musical ctivnitiesý at the higIh 'school before enroiling at Rochester. IMedical G roulis Back Red Cross Accident Chicago chapter, :-,,irîcan R~ed uross, annouinces definite endorsemnent of the .Red Cross hlighwày accident pre- ventioli campaign by the medical .so- cieties oyf Cook, Du Page and Lýake counties. Dr. Charles B Reed of Chicago, secretary of the public relations com- mittee of the Chicago Medical sô- ciety, has forwvardéd a. res9lutiofl adopted by the society's council, com- miending the prograin and pledging the result of a plan of re-organization, of this weelc on. a trip to (;aliî'rni confirmed December 24, 1935. and Phoenix, Ariz. Northern Lithographing company was founded in 1891 by the late S. W. Earle; and the organization has oper- RO TES ated continuously since then as d e- CE PRPR signers and manufacturers of stock PRRIUEWT certificates and bonds, checks, andPOSURE bank and commercial stationery. The SUOPSTR name was chapged in 1903 to Northern., 1608 Chicago Avenu*. Evonsion Bank Note company. The comny has had a. prominent place in the .middle west in the production of bank checks and forms -as well as letter- heads and other commercial stationery Dfor many,:banks, brokers, investment bankers, attorneys, and manufact ur- ing concerns-. Northern Lithographing companyRURY R ES continues. under the direction of S. Edwin Earle of Winnetka, son of the founder and president of the coml- pany since 1917. The organization of sk~iied crafts-men, matny of whom have been with the company many yeaxrs, is continued without change. Charles F. Reinboth of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, is vice-president; Miss M. A. Hall, secretary; Emmett E. Kerr, NI Alvin P. Schneiber, and John R. Suth- L erland are well known figures in the -lithographing and photo-offset indus- Y try, also retain their affiliation with Y - the coinpany. iw1 pfrIOt4~ UNI VERSITY 7210 he pena co-captain of the ie ducat irac.ic squa.1 --amua and one of the leiiding haif milers inan1 am bulace services, secureci the country. He placed second in through the medical societies, will be the Big Ten meet and third ini the placed in these stations. The lists will national intercollégiate îast summner. be <used ini securing. proper medical Ensley, a sophomore, competes in the aid. for the persons injured in high- spinsan tequarter, mile as well wray accidents ,who bave received as run on the relay. emergency first aid treatment. 721-723 MAIN STREETs IVANSTON Phonme Universily 7210

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