Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 28

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This localizing of, effort ini the. interest oôf safer driving should be effective hecause of the fact that it is restricted to a comParàtively srnall area. At the same time, to give it 'he gets oc possible in the saving of life and property, the_ p rogramý should harmonize ýand be fully in ac- codwith other programs of. couinty, tate and *nation. However, the point of :greatest iîmpo*-t is that the' public hasý become so awakened to the need for a check upon automobile accidents that Organizations'-are. going utie their regular objectives in order, to lend their aid ini the en- deavor. . Results may be confidently looked for.. in such circumstanc.es "alon muet bear the name and addreut of the author, mot meçssarily f or pulblication, but for.our fSI es. Siach materiai mm reach the editor bY TuesdaY sioon to be ini time for the current issue. ABOUT -THE BONUS Interest is just now centered in the bill passý by both.houses of Congress for the immedia payment of the bonus, 'otherwise the adjust( compensation certiicates, to veterans of tl World War.. The Pres ident vetoed the me& ýure, though not bearing very heavily on the pt in s0 doing, and it was prornptly pass.ed over h ,,veto. In ,this situation facts concerning the boni are of especial value, and, Congressman Evere M. Dirksen of the 1th Illinois district has, prt sentedthem in a concise formn. He.says: "There were approximately 3,500,00 veterar entitled to adjusted service certificates, aggregal ing 3M1 billion dollars. tmnder the law of 193' permitting borrowings of.baîf of the amount du( 3 million 'veterans borrowed $1,700,000,000. Allow ing for deaths and cÇancèllations, the face valu oôfoutstanding.certificates as of January 1, 193 is $3,463,00,000. The measure passed by cong»res provides for cancellation of interest paid or t4 be paid, amounting to $290,350,000. This, how ever, becomes an obligation of the Governmew and must be added to the principal, making thg total obligation $3,753,350.000, There is, in th( payment. Bonus certificates to the value 'of $5()0,000,000 are now pledged with the United States Life Insurance fund for loans made by veterans. Ten-year bonds.wiIl be issued to this fund by the Treasury to release these certificatee but the total amount. involve4-can 1.e deducted from the amount of cash needed.ý Experts.esti' mate that 494,000 veterans, with certificates aggregating $500,000,000 who have not borrowed the permissible one-baîf will doubtless leave thei > certificates run to 1945 because they will receive ate ed the as - ven ils lus REAL SALES TAXES et North, shore houseWives w ho coinplain of the e- Illinois. 3 per cent sales tax on retailpucae and at the same.,timne gv a oalrn counts ns1 of the 'beauties of-life in Russia by slightly dis- it- colored lecturers whose specialty is appearances 31, before clubs and public forums for so mnuclh per e, speech, might be . interested to know what their - sisters have to put up with in the land of the* ue Soviets. Professor Haensel, professor of public 36 finance at Northwestern university, whoformer.ly ss taught at the University of Moscow, has made .0 a close study of theý taxation program of th e v- Soviet goverriment. Wn an article in the current a isue f Th Ta Maazine, he states that the e ýsales tax in that Utopia amounts to 80 per cent on le some products and yields 90 per cent of ail state S, revenues. The preponderance of the sales tax, ,dr according to Prof. Haensel, is due to the abolition 0 of ail classes possessing property and to "the e crushing burden of 'goverrnmental expenditures f on socialized industry." Prof. Haensel continues: d "For the pleasure of. elimninating ail pri vate trade and aeý a consequence of introducdng a y sociallst order, Russia, whlch before. the Commun- s ist revolution suppliedalal Europe with food pro- ducts, flow lilmits the. sale of most impjortant « foods, charges'exorbitant pirices for ail necessar- ies of life, levies a mons trously high sales tai, - articulariy high* on food, and enjoys« the Most terri fic bureaucracy. "luI. the budget of 19à5 the governmentally owped industry required fromn the treasury an expenditure of 15,325,000,000 rubles whereas al r net profit of suchi state indu~strilî detkig 2 amounted to only .500.000flt .deaiug its on > iitly," reads a headline, "desires better footing with England," What.Italy had better be looking for. is good footing in Ethiopia. They are going to need it right soon. We .did think for a while that ail these pro- fessional '%blucs" singers (Yes, we do have to listen. to theni sometimes> belonged to the police or rNew T rier township villages. ihrough the efforts of Chief Cloyd C. McGuire of Wilmette, a movement was undertaken looki toward the cooperation of the various police departments, the boards of education and civie organizations in Yoebed wil p'ounds of cocoa.1' Il t'luue>;t PJJIDULrn.ZI la ounds of frankturters, or a mattress, or oniy five Public opinion has forced hearings by the Inter- state. Commerce Commission on thé proposed change to Eastern Standard time. The place, Morrison hotel. The time, Fébruary 24. *THx PuAiN2'OM REp'ORTER tiTe new King,' mucn wteiis' Majesty's dislike. Eddie is a regular guy who would like nothing bctter than te sneak away from it ail and go for a rousing good time with the boys-and girls. Republican.s and New Dealers are Iaughing ini their sleeves. 'he formfer say. that AI. Smith's. speech vili help their candidate, and the latter say that the. will; pay AI 'te freque 1ntly repeat the speech .during the campaign to insure the'elec- tion of their candidate. Looks like AI made a speech that suits everybody. The superintendent of WPA in1 a neighiboring to-wnl was assigned 300 relief workers. aving nothing for them te do at tîe moment ail he could do wa, to send them home as fast as thyreported. 'Rushed a requisition for 300 picks in. oet get them started on a boondoggle j'Ob. Requisitionl finally found its way throgv a maze of red tape and the superintendent received-300 pick handies.. No picks. Can't - beat that, even in Russia. According te a propht who admits that he has* prophesièd ,every recent important eVen t, M ussolini's downfall starteèd Monday. "Wlmette, January 27, 1936 "Dear Phantom 1keporter: Soon after the in- auguration of our latest President; the elevator operator ini our building predicted 'That prosperity would not return u >ntiI people began spending the mnîey they did flot have.,' \Vas, he rïglit or un- couistitutional? x-Judge.-"

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