W ilI Ihar Architect Thomas E. Tallmadge, F. A. 1. A., %vili be the next speaker for the North Shore Art league at its February 14 meeting. Mr. Tallmadge,' whoseown buildings. have. been a delight to, the -north shore, where he formerly lived, as well as to ail Chicago, will1 speak on "Thie Story of Chicago's Architec- ture." Not only bis wo rk in-stone and steel, bt on the printed page, haveéee Tallmadge's contributions to archi-. tectural progress. He has flot only watched but carefully studied the, trends and transitions: of Cbicago's outward:'dress through picture and through 'observation. 'the informai talk at the February 14 meeting fat 8 *oclock', by the way) will be illus- * trated by pictures and slides from bis *collections. The walls of the studio wiII exhibit sketches, and drawings by architeet nienibers and former miembers of the league. * eqister For Cass Reffistration, is proceeding in ail of the Art league classes this -week:and the nexttwo.weeks. The terms of th( different classes. vary, but those wish- Hig to Joi will find this a convenient period. In the sculpture class, for ini- stanlce, a new' pose of the model isý being started. Likewise, in the por- traituire class, a new subject is being posed. The sculpture class meets Mon-. day mnornings; the portrait class Mon.- *day and Wednesday afternoons. There are also the painting and etching *classes on Tuesday and Wednesay mornings ; the printing class on Tues- daY m-norning and, the children's classes: on Saturday mornings. The Saturday afternoon sketch class and the evening sketch classes, now 'on XVdnesdays and -Thursdays, continue té attract new friends. But the studio is large and more wll be welcome. Academy of Fine Arts <h lybecause a famed, importer lad i. reins, a, 'w' large sb*ipmeàt of rugs fros il. customs.. OUly are -we able Jau:uary 3'0 Oriental. Ruig a.t ýafraction of their value! struction in "Mec'hanics of Mer- chandising the Advertising in Art" an important addition to their training. Convenient class hours have been arranged in aimost al courses, both * duringthe day and in the evening, for full-timçb or part-ftme study. LO D.S Fouutai, Square WVANSTON because, t. rais. cash. ho d lo sacrifice s@.* of bis 'tféessres'e af a fracion of-c@,t because, h. knew S. KX Jorjoria. ai Lords as the besi outhit for fiher regs on the North Shoer.. * * *startiuig Thursday, s e s to offer 011 his superb Collection of 1 1