Mople bedr@om furnltiire. Carpets. SIMMONS TWIN STUDIO COUCH. (At left.) Uphol- stered CoilSpring top a. hie of tapestry covers, 3 kapok plos................67 C 0F F TA B L E. 0f so lid miaple; 17x25x18 inches highi, with drawver................... ........w9.75 SOLID MAPLE END TABLE.,Ï2x24x12 juches high, S0 TABLE LAMP. Jvory column, base, 10 inch parchmnent . haX. , i rjl- green.wool, trim. 22 inches high over alt 7.001 i TUXEDO DAVENPORT. 0f slim grac-eful Elles. Made in ,our own shops. Chof ce of 100%1o blended. Mohair Frieze coverings. Spring filled cushions................. 79*00 LAMP TABLES. l8th Century Desigu, finely carved in solid mtahogany..21x21x27yi inches high......... 24.75 TABLE LAMPS. French Porcelain base -21 ju .ches over ail. Choice of colors, silk sh'ade .*............12.75 iCOFFEE TABLE. Mahogany. 1672;x26x17 juches high. Glass mirror top.' Other tables from 5.95 to 49...... ïà I69,.arbis of Good Furnifur Establislaed 1867 Deep, Rooted Likeaon Oak nd satinwood, metal ment. 25 i nc he s . . . .. . ..8.00 LAMP TABLE. 1Sth Cent design, pedestal base, solid - hôgany ................1 W I N G CHAIR. Chip.pendale,, From our own shops. Covered ini repp, chintz, also interesting neNv herringbone or diagonal weave fahric.. Spring cushion. 31.25 a73 JyIP. £'U- id designs in that will Bave base, bIIK shacie 13 inch xvile. ............5. TABLE.LAMP. (Above left.) Ivory finish, parchment shade with beaded fringe. 13 inches wide.....7S VeatIablinda la HASSOCK. In a selection of leatherette coverings. 13,l5xI6 icheshg......3S MAGAZINE STAND. (AboVe.) Of g en u ine mahogany. 12x2Ox25y2 inches high ........... 9- WALNUT OÇCASIONAL CHAIR. <Right.) Upholstered in Our own shops wth a leatherette cover in a selection of colors.......... 16.75 la. seioction of hompe furaiululugs - wlt lin y@u.u budget. lam nocharge. The JEvangeline is pictured. .36x63 inches ..........7» Oband also ÎÈ i other sz. 9x12 ft. at $e2. 4 ft. 6 I'n.x 6 ft. -at $14.5O.. 27xk54 in. at $4.85. Fm. Moue