i$ certainly truc that the influence ot early childhood habits anid expe rite.nc e permeéates %aduit life. People from small iowns invariably welitnderly on tbe imemories. of spring mornings, rural pleasures, the awareness. of sky and approaching storsm, the mmcéli and feel ýof thinigs. Mis.,R. X). Walker of 504 Meadow lane, Indian Hili, is one, of those spir-' its who grew up in complète accord with nature, and the urban setting in which she .now finds hcrsclf is flot the only abiorbïing thing in hier life.. She "belongs" to the river country of Wisconsin, and ber appreciation and love of.the outdoors.is shown in lier, reccntly published book :of 'verse,. "Pocms of Wyaýlusing." It is a -sim littie volumie, publihe by Dorrance company in 1935, but onl every. page there is a picture of the Wisconsin scene or a bit of phiieô- phy emanating from the picturesque, trugged area in which she was reared. If she bas a favorite selection, it is this: THE BIRCHES High on the ctmg, the Birches cfing, Dainty, denture, yet Saucy things, Trying 10 wine at God! Many people prefer "'October Huis" ini berbok- As ,gsusc to the ear, The Autusnn kilts; A riotour band wiîh fkmting tpe>uiants, Thte fleming hues.- A mistcd symnphony, the soi ter tints. lit the volley beneath Thte river, a bow drawn> softiy To thte music of thte his. Mrs. Walker bas a sensitive car and eye for many thinigs which nature off crs in her ever-changing pano- rama. Here is an impression of the migration season, familiar yet alwaYs' inspiring: WILD GEESE OVER UYVAL UINIW Mississippi rivers. H-e had inherited a goodly portion of this land, and sbe watched. bim buy up tbe remainder. Sbe. celebrated witb. him tbe making of this >triangle into a, state park, just before bis .deatb in 1915. Great Stat. Park Project From* Look-out Point"'one, catisec 40 miles up 'the Wisconsin river in one and serise of adventure. Scattered de- tails about ber life scarcely paint a true picture of ber radiant personality. She is so modest, so gracious, so nice, in sound philosopby that one muist take time to appreciate ber. Li fe ». ber is a quest for learning, and she Pictures the.hereafter as a sub- lime state of kiowing everythiiigthere Her kèei observation. her linking. of appropriate detail, her, ability to share thent stored portion efthme fort that one pris now sces in Prairie du Chien was to1 buiît in 1816, Fort Crawford.: There for thse treaty was concluded in 18.25 oft *hich divided the land betwcen the ness 17»4Ëaùs and thse white men. a Elusa GlIenn rode,.her'heorse up and for counry roupabout, its aloor- 'OM civilization, its beauty. Mrs. r secs in this country material tien, for plays, for verse. She Beneath thte bridge, in summier lime, Tite waters rushed Unindful o Crossing the iwidgeý Thte hèavy~ planles E&hoed the horses' fet, Thte wogon qwhecis Sent heavy Ruimbl ng Up and down The river. Within the1 bridge .4 didi. soit light., Diffrised fromt oboveý Throughcracks and tiny knàth oies, .Made constant twsilaght Birds cheepcd in their nesis In the-high tinbers, Overhead; GraY bats cht! gto gray v wood Antd stu.voped at- night, .Opi their nefariotis pleasu rts; Soteils of axie grease, Steu.ati leather. river danp' .4nd.grist of T'héeotiii.ý [Vere caught'and Io st .4lopig the- way. Ifwas aimost a Mysteriqus jourHey *To cross the Bridgqeport, bridge. Today the old coVered bridge '1* gite. Ncarby. a loi ty struture., Perfect in fabrication, .R cars And spaiis the swirling wters-, Three loops of crochet cd steel. Sehophâ- at Wisconsin Northwcstern utllversity this year, a Iawyer in the making who won the high scbool oratorical contest for -Illinois last ycar. I sbould mention ber -degree from. the Ujniversity of Wisconsin, lier school!': ing ïn Prairie du Chien after the age. of 12 when the Wyatusing. education;a! system- passed ber on. I should adl that there. she was taugbt ramatic. art by another distinguished interpreter of the Anierican scene, Laura Case Sherry, aMississippi bluff n -,the niid.s-t o country dedicated to birches, wild geese, and arden spirits aniong manlçind. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melirose avenue, Kenilworth, wil etetanée sewing club for luncheon, Friday of this Week 4'