The perfct complernent for your m~an- t ailored suit-the feminine version of the bat men prefçr.. It's in brîghtý green' feit, a nd there are others in black, br own, navy and 'thé new spring colore. Mihlinery Salon, Second Floot New Arrivaism ur cO0TT-ON DRESS SIO0P: Dotted SwiÎss $39 Tbe skirt ofthe two-piéce 4otted swise ii as tailored etn tub spring's suit, the blouse is lithily more feminine, with a touch of smocking and short, ful ileeves. One of our many. new. cotton frocks in misses' and womnen's.sizes. DR ceat and dresia . . .either may be woru separately. Cotton Dress $hop, Set On Davis Street ~ WiIette 110iN LDT!-SmEVAt mN IANUARY 30, 1936