Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 16

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Illinois, and, in accoardance with its by.m Iaws, presented the f oilowing resolution to its board of directors for considera- tion and recomniendation: *"WHERMAS the disclosures nmade in. the conduct ot elections has frequently brouiht tolght certai .n obvious weak- nesses in the prenent systeni of registra- tion ot votera whlch prevails In the State of Illinois - and ."W1{EREscertain politicians have frequently taken advantage, of snch wealçnesses to thwart the will of, the. electorate by, use of the 'ftoater' and the "repeater" and have actualiy. thereby changed thea resuit of elections; and ý'HRFA the purity 'of elections should be the &irt concern of the honest state offiiai, swo6rn to unhold the In- tegrity. of political Institutions; and "WHLrPEAS the disposition of the eiec- torte to shlrk Its duty at the polsa la due In nome measure to 'the conviction that the rlght of suiffrage uinder.these circumatahces bas become a vain and uselesse exercise;- NOW., THERiEFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED) that Wilmette .Clvlc League record.an expression of Its disapproval of the present law for reglstering legai, votera lu the State of Illnois and Its inquàlilled approbation of "eermanent Registration," a systerm uniformnly ad- vocated by. disinterested civic bodies and now adopted as the accepted meth- od by nearly one-half of the 'United States; * "BE IT ,FURTHER RESOLVED 'that Wilmette Civic league go on. record as favoring a bill providlng a system of "Permanent Registration" of legal votera In the State of Illinois; **BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that Wlmette Clvic league urge the Honor- able Henry Horner, Governor- of the State of Illinois, to summon the <eneral letter of the kind, she iîmpressed upon ber hearers, flot to write., In this letter a constituent bad. expressed, in ternis of more strength than courtesy, his personal opinions, about 'members of the legilatre.The speaker was not'highly complimented, but, w Sth ber audience, odt a Iaugb out ofthe.,missive. A O-ianesSèbheduies o A ctivities Set f or NewI immunetymmCenter Sc hedules of activities designated for ýthe- newly established Community Center in the old school building on Wilmette avenue, west of Ridge road, wecre. announced, this week by D)aniel M.. Davies, director of, the Wilmétte Playground and Recre atïon LIboa rd, which bas charge of the center: Tlhe schedules follow. MIonda- 3-5 p. r.-Plng pong, instrution- chlldren. *-6 p. in.-Chess and checkers--boys. 7-10 p. nm.-Sewing-wonlien,. 8-10 P. M.- Ches~s and éheekers- adults. 8-10 p. m.-1'ing poing, inStruction- aduit. Tuesday- 10-12 a. i-Sewiig-womienl. 3:30-4 :30 p. m.-Tap daneing-e-hil dreii. 8-10 p. m.-Shuffle board-aduit. Wedneiday- 7-10 p. m.-SeWing-%%Onlenl. scnuui iacuity. Jerome Prendergast, who taught at DePaul academy the past semester, will be a new niember of the Frenchi departmnent taking the classes of M\rs. R. B. Mundell who bas been teaci-- ing duringthis semester in the ab- sence of Miss Jessie Sentney. .Mrs. Louis, Gilison of Wilmette, %,hô formerly taught at New Trier as Miss .Margery, Stewart, W.'Ill instru'ct the tbree additional science classes which will feature 'tbe new semester. Miss, Iris, Boulton, sponsor of the Girls', Athletic ass ociation. at New Trier, bas been appointed bead -of the girls' physical education department to -611 ý the vacancy 'caused by the _reýsignation of Mýliss May Fogg.. These new faculty arrangements were approved by the New Trier board of'education Tuesdav of las t week. Cage Tiie Miay Hinge on Clash TiFrida~ The curtailî raiser will pack the' real. punch for New Trier basketball fans at their gymnasiurn this Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. At that time a Suburban league title may hinge on the outcome of. the, freshiman - sophomore gaine betweeil New Trier anid Waukegan. New Trier i s tied with Morton for first place tussie to secure a percentage advant- age in case Morton slips. Those who received diplomnas are John Harold Biederer,. Richard Wag- ner Born, Anthony J. Eiden, Jr., Harry John Hein, Harry Spenny lfirst, George Mathew Lichter, William J. F. Mebren, Raymond Charles Osten, Frederick -Popper, Charles Herbert Witeérburg, Emma Hayes: Bickbani Lola, Evelyn. Cainei Catherine -Harrop SYnions and Miriam nKathleen West. Although relatively few new enrol- ments were made :at the close of the first semester, the teachers are spend- ing this Thursday and Friday prepar- ing for> the new semester wbich opens Monday. The T.ri-Ship dance Wednesday night of this week markedthe close of the first semester and launched the Thursday-Friday vacation which the pupils are enjoying before the, re - sumption of classes. TYes, New Trier Tankers Are "Afrald" of Proviso New Trier's undefeated swimniing teani is "afraid" to meet Proviso, rated as one of the. weakest Subur- ban league tank focs' Coach Edgar B. Jackson wouIdn't even let bis proteges go near Provisô for the swimming meet scheduled at the Proviso natatorium for Wednes- day of this week. Even the New Trier tankers treni- bled when they tbought of Proviso- Srm al- that copies of thîs résolution b. sent to Honorable Henry Horner, Governor, and to the Senator and the Representath'es of this district ln the. general assembly,." Hear Womaa LegisIator The' members and guests listened, to an interestingý address by Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries, representative froni the 7th district, in which she gave .a., resumé o)f the activities of the general .:asembly durirlg tbe current special ses- sions. Being especially interested in Friday- 3-4 p. m.-Sewing-wonienl. 4-6 p. ni.-Leather work-boy-s.' 7-8 p. m.-Tai) dancing-adults. 8-9 P. m.-SQcial dancing-adults. Saturday.- 10-12 a. ni.-Pin pong, instruction-* chlldren. Explaitas Paects The leather work includes the making of coin purses, bill folds, belts,. moccasins, book covers, key -New irir sJUstaDou iJue UUC10 tart clicking again. Last Fridav New Trier s.pîit a Father and S-on Banquiet double-header with De erfield-Shields Sckeduled Februa*ry 20 at the latter's hardwoocl. The New r Trier varsity was nosed out, 32 'to 26. Februalry 20 bas 'been> setI as th e but the frosh-sophs.came through ,witlh date of the, father 'and son banquet a. 28-14 triumph. wbicb the Tri-Ship club will give, at, the New Trier mess hall, F. D. Frisbie, club sponsor, announcedthis ,Frosh-Soph Play Brings week. An unusual programi is to That Boy From Hannibal feature the event. The story of Mfark Twain's boy- "tlualivilles ix ne vsponsoreci upon request. POSTPONE TRACK MEET Mrs. G. R.. Knickerbocker of Glen New Trier's first track meet of Oak acres, formerly of Wilmette, 1936, slated with Evanston Thursday entertained the members of ber* and Friday.,of last week, was p-st- bridge cluli at luncheon, Monday. poned on account pf cold weather. - Joseph Conrad of 2518 Thornwoo<î avenue left Tuesday, January 28, for Columbus, Wis., to attend the funeral of William B. Seidlinger, for- mer Evanstonian. Mr. Conrad iwill return in a few days.

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