. ,. NI'o if paidi I . ~China odGBSTT FL oor CuB- RA&DIO material and .Envelope 's for io Difterent Valentincs .. . ..25C Silhouette Valentines for Children to Maire....... c Valentine Patchwork Material. ..5 Material- for Making> Mechanacal 20 Valentines, lI Differe nt, with> Envelopes,, Box, - 25 Other Valentines SC to $1 Valentine Trallies and Place Cards ct 5 Stationery-Street Floo 3-DAY SALE Of SOAPS Ideal Hard and Soft Water Soap, l Sc wiebeco SQap Flakes. 2 pk5s. 29e Wiebeco White Floating Soap, 5 cakes 25e Wieboldt's Lanolin Cold Cream Soap . ..... . ... . 30 cakes 89C Suprean0 Bath Soap--Gaa'denia, Pin, Carnation or Oatmeal 4 cakes 89C Cashmere Bouquet .3 cakes 22. Sc Expello Health Soap......... 30 98c La Madonna Castile Soap, about 4 Ibm.........7%c Woodbury Soa4 3 cakes 21 C Paiiolive Soap .10 cakes 40. Camay Soap.......... 5 cakes 22c Drugs and Toiletri es,.Street Floor + Charge >urchaaes modo Theusday an Friday wilU b. >Iac.i e Pobrss- ,WJýEDOLDT>S E VANS oep rystage ments py-,- ngr JANUARY 3,1936,