Ottawa, Illinois, Numerous CCC conipanies through- out the country are being absorbed by other camps where replacements are needed. Enrollmentof inew men. bas been. reducéd zto a: minimumn and, since the totalnumnber of enrollees is to bc reduced to about two-thirds of the previous enrolment, the com-' pany strengtb of the retained:organi- zations will -be maintained through tranifers. Camp: Skokie Valley, the new meni have learnnd, differs to a certain ex- tent froma one-company camp. The larger number of men, the vast work proiect ini the, Skokie -région,. the proximity of the camp to a great ur- ýai1 'ete; 'hese are factors which necessitate a more rigid discipline, a greater individual initiative and a personal: compétition unequaled. in the average -camp' of two hundred meni. Rabbi A. S. Goldstein at Temple This Sunday Rabbi Albert S. Goldstein of Day- enport, la., will conduct the services in North 'Shore Congregation Israel temple in Glencoe Sunday morning, February 2, at Il o'clock. His sermon, subject will bc: "Older Than The Sphinx," prcsenting four answers to the riddle of Jewish survival. Music at the services this Sunday will be as follows: Ma Tovu...........Lewandowski Borhu .... ..-........ ..Landsman Shema............. ...... ----. .Stark Michomocho ....... ..... Traditional Tzur Ylsroel .*.........Laindsman Kedaha..................Spieker May the-Words, ..... Idelsohn Anthem:- 'Yerushalaylm B..Efinder (Palestlnian Folk Song" Solo.- IEternal Isr-ael" ..... Perlmgn Mr. Benjamin Landsman Va'Anaelinu .............. .Landsman KadIsh.......... ....... .... Landsman Elohenu.............. >.... ...... Stark terhe men's gîte club of thé jJniv's teNew' Trier Hiqh school atditoriuth u'ill go ýto the -general school activities1 EZ3#TIREZJ Ca pt. M. A.. Jacobson, comman- der of Wilmette harbor coast guard station, zî4l retire fron the service effective February 1. Ht has been in the servie for 27 years. Gxoelz-Schaefgen Wedding Is Set for February 22 Miss Gertrude Goelz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Goelz of 1733 'rsiî, «of Rochester will preset a concert WeëdesdaY evening, Febritary 5i. at m.- Proceeds of the concert, sponsored by the, Tri-SsipBoys' club of New Trier., fiutd. for projecis, wiceh tht' h jqh. school board does n*ot finance.- Richard A..,('*Dic:k") Oison,- New Trier graduate, who took leàding parts insvea school. musical productions, will appear with the gle club as. soloist. Richard, Craig, bas been made: general1 chairman of the benefit. Mae id-we.ët tour 0f the sixty-five members of the Rochester gie club, thirty-two have been selected to make the tour. of whiIi Chicago is, th e westçrn terminus.. The club,, now in, its 46th season. bas been. directcd for the pastten years by.Thea- dore F. Fitch. To. insure maximum framnatic resulis and to achieve desired' color settungs, the club bas its own electrician and carrnes its own lighting equipment. The program:- 'My Chosen King Bach 'Esca Viatoriuini Issack Imnproperia . Palestrina Boars Head Carol Traditional Now Is the, Ionth i)f *Maylng . '.Morley Come Again. Sweet Tv Dawland Sumnmer Is Acummnen lit Traditional Suabian F'olksong Brahms Finnhlsh Lujlaby.......Paimgren Know .%oonlight .Gronhar T'se Been 'Buked .,Fitch Tovely to Look At ... Re-ady F.1 .Rancho Crande .. . Pietro -IainsmanIs Sonz Bliss r,,-Yal Sons of Ph~e ar T-ikh Upon the 11111 Cole. T'he <arnpus Son-, 1Narn The Genesee Wilkins soIoists: Rlchar'I ln. Rollin Baker. Tq<'k flartash, DonaldlMrrni Keith, Wilson. ZŽEAER. Wîilliani A. McSupain, iauwy er, former "G-Man," am:d veteran of the World ivar, upiIl address the 14il- inette Post, Americm Legion, Mfoi-. day evening, February. 3, ai îhr aoictemple. GETS CHANGE OF CLIMATE Jack Vance, backfield coach oit Northwestern university's football coaching staff. bas encountered a E. 6. fuUimg & Co" lé tà. La Sâe st. Oblengo lu Me fl fIJ4s SVur SjMr. and Mrs. wo moiitbs' soîourn Mr. andi Mrs. c.P. Dubhs left thiein '0 goinL io i apu.rtment in South They expect to go home at 1104 Michigan avenue, Sat- Evanston ini about two weeks. first and later to urday. monning for Boston and New -0 en to other places Yor~k, planning' to sail from the Mns. C. E.. Hulbent of 316 Rich- .Ini theïr absence latter pont to Benmntida for a stay mond road, Kenilworth, is entertain- lxMilke of Little before going, to Nassa 'u. They ex- jng a. foursome at. luncheon, and. ýoccupy thein home. pect to bc away about'a inonth. bridge on Fridlay. 't