Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1936, p. 12

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inithe coming primaries: For County Coroner: Eric C. Lai- hart, 1125 Gage street, Winrietka. One of the original organizers of theé cub; Lambart -is a graduate of Colum- h ia university and resides in Win- ekawith bis'wife, thé» former Ruth Holmes, and two children, Eric Jr. and Margot. He becanie a third cf- ficer in the United States Mercha,ît Marine, and while serving therein. on-the S. S. Winiona, was cited, by the Amnericaàn Red Crossfor bravery. in rescuing several bhundred. refugees from the burning city of, Smyrna. Greece, in 1924. At. present a niem,- ber of the Chicago Board of Trade'. associated with the Norris Grain compnyLamibart, at.,the tueé of bis admis'sion -te that bodv was.. the youngest man to hold a membership. For State Senatorial Committec-, mani f rom the 7th, Senatorial District - 1ErviiiD. Hintzpeter, club president and'ani active Young Republican. Re-' MIRItORS & GILAS*l CLASSCRAFT NIFG., CO. UI 9 634 SM Cidoago At.., Evanston CHi4CAGO. NEW YORK( SANIK STOCKS Bouglht . . 0So...Quoed Enyortm Vau Camp & Foil, IMc. *ON DS-TAx wARRANTS-STrOCKS 39 S. LA SALLE ST. ANDoyer 2424 club's civic aftairs commîfittee as ex- emplifying the bighest type of Re- publican leadreship, a mani long ac- tive ini furthering sound Republican principles, and one who in the eut- standingly successful conduct cf bis ow$4 business bas amply demonistrated, his ability. For Governor: C. Wayland Brooks, Chicago attorney and long an out- standing Republican leader in Illinois., Brooks f was>,reported as, "a candidate *ith a fine record. of public service and demionstrated ability botb 'iti and. out of public office. He is known te' be favorably inclined toward the participation cf Young Republicans in party affairs, and botb sound and trustwortby in bis attitude toward his party and its ýprinciples.."' Ail of the above candidates, it is understood, will bave.. the endorse- mnent and backing of tbe. Regular Republican organizatioi ini New Trier toNvîîsbip. . EL8JV IA'IUU. 31VUTD .. . A number of. the more advanced Scouts bave signified their desire to, pursue further the fascinating study cf nùavigationthan is strictlyrequired by Sea Scout regulations, Naturally, the science cf navigation lends itself te very clos.e studyr over a wide field. Mathematics, physics, astronomy, and geograpby aIl play important parts the guiding cf a vessel unerr- infgly from port te port. Accordingly, arrangements have been .,rmade .te present, to the eIder- IS couts, an advanced c ourse in naviga- tion' following the .presentation cf Bowditch' S "American Practical Nav:- igater," the. standard work on tbe subject publisbed by the, hydrograplhic office cf the U. S. navy. At the last regular N.ondaynigbt meeting, the advanced- navigatioù class had- explaine'to them-tbe more intricate phases cof compass errer.ý HEALTHCENTER Wilmette Cub Pack 63 ilLT ENE In~vites New Members NEWS IWilmePacki 63, the only Pack ifi The next chest clinic wil'be beld with a new organization. Last *year Monday, February 17, from 1 to 4ý the grcup met eacb Saturday morning Ip. m. Dr. julius Novak, medical di- at the First. Congregational hr. -rector cf the Chicago Tuberculosis Froni now on. the prograni wilI fol- intiutis ini charge. low more closely the planlaid down insttuti ( 1 the Boy Scouts cf Amnérica. The Mothers' club cf St. ýJoseph -The Cub prograni, conceived. for scbool will conduct a dental clinic the pre-Scout age boys of 9, 10, and at the Health Center on Thursday 11, is a verv interesting one. Ail Ctabs nioriîing. This clinic will. be in %%"' play together during the week charge of Miss Ruth, Hansent, R. N., nîcet once a week at one cf their bQrnes. These play groups are called schol nuse fr th schol.Dens and meet under the leadership The owar-Loan ~ ~ A ~ of an older boy-a Boy Scout. Once duTse adl clii evPryTýA.uesda a ontb, ini the evening, the .Dens duits 'edntI cini evryTue . gyget together for a big Pack meeting. morinig::at the Health Center. Mrs. AtAthese meetings the :various . Den s ýEmnîa SpaR N., school nSpkRurse, l)resent stunts.. gaines, and. exhibits cf Ws ini charge of. this clinic, -every kind. Pack 63 invites any boy in Wil- The Health Center conducts a mette wbo is 9 years or older-and dental clinic every Wedliesday mnori- fnot yet 12-to join the group for lotsi ing at the Health Center. .1 Offnan 1dtr~ Tii nvt iÇantpigrp*~The Pack is under; the supervision1 ighland .Parkc. resient Henry Fowler was in charge at the session. *The executive board is muade up of the chairmen cf the several dis- tricts in the counicil and the chair- man of standing :committees. Tbe, council now serves ail the ter- ritory from Wilmette te Winthrop.. Harbor and from Glenview te An- tiocb, witb aâbout 2,300 boys register- cd. An intensive effort is being made, byý 500 men in the couticil territory, te bring. Scouting te even more',north shore boys. Winnetka Holds Board of Review .This.F-riday Robert Mehern, temporary chair- inan of the Winnetka, board of, re- vie, wllbe in charge cf the boardt,. et review session at. the council chamâbers cf the Wiinnetka .\Village ball Friday eveninlg, Jantuary 31, at 7 :30 o'clock. Al scouts planining to l)e awarded any badge at the court o f honor on February 7 must present themiselves at the board cf review this Friday night.. This includes al Scout advancemients-tenderfcot, sec - ond'class., fir'ýt class, and star, life, cagle anýd ail neit badge. Boy Scouts Ready for 26th Anniversary Week Scout week, celebrating the 26tb birthday of sceuting ini the Unîited States, wjll begin oit February 7th and continue through until February 13. Features of -Scout Week will ini- clude a national radio broadca.st on Saturday February 8, Scout services in churches, assenîblies in schools, fathers' and sons' banquets.. The îîext te' ieaîî even greater progress and greater: service te America than did> the past 25. Thousand'.Point',Badge Awarded to Jim Wolf Jim Wolîf cf Wilmette Troop 2 bas received a tbousand-point badge awarded -for attendance with a com- WM. . L Mw, PrincipaJ 17 18 Shierim Avenue, Ev"nston it on request. lived in Wilnîette. Her husband passed awày some tume ago. Mrs. Clyde T. Hays, 519 Laurel- Uie 3004 avenue, was hostess to the members of ber bridge club on Wednesdlay.. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Willett have returned to their home in Kenil- worth fromn a fortnigbt's trip to Fort i- ,Lauderdale, Fla., where they were guests cf Dr. and Mrs., George _W. Hall. i à-mi

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