j rices. SA LE Fae greatly reduced Holtemon's Photo «Shbop lit$ j sletwliniette 176 Sterihigs-C1ements 6 3 Abingdons--Warren 6 3 Oxfords-Olin 6 3 Briers--Gage 5 .4 *Kents-.Pend1eton. 5 4 Leicesters-Toel 4 5 Raleighs-Danforth 4 5 Tudors-artin 2 7 *Roslyns-rirnmu 1 8- ea-iGame-Sterlings ..........104 I-NetThree Games-Gage ......... 540 HI-Gross Three Game-Fowlcr :..683 HI-Game Net Jan. 21, 1936-Paxton 186 HI-Game 'Gross Jan. 21, 1936-Colton: 236 Hi-Net 1-Gaine ,HI-Gross 1-Gaine Gage ...ý.246 Gage ....--..292 Peterson :.219: Powler...... . 256 Fowler......208 Peterson .... 256 mlis.....:.1... 200 Ellis......... 253 Cran&.....200 doltoil........246 Individual leaders: .1 Crane ....... ......>.......7 2 Kilner .... .. .. 162, 3 Jones ...................162, 4Starrett .... 161 5 Peterson . .. .6 6 Warren . .. .160 -i Gage .... 156 8 Paxton ... . . .5 9 Wiese ... . . 14 10 Kelly........... ..5 10 Clemlents . ,...154 spoRTSMAN J1AGUE~ Schilitz bowlers recently cut a slice off the substantial lead of the Hugo and Bingo teain by defeating the latte'r two out of three games in the Sports- mnan league whoscrnembership topples pins at B -lesser's Bowling academy at 9 o'clock Wednesday nights. WiIlianý Straub and Phil Bleser, of the Schlitz aggregation, turned in hlighI scores of 226 and 227 respectivcly. The Hugo and Bingo high-score men were Gene Matteoni witli 219 and john Schindier with 222. Wilrnette Auito Radiator gained a tie for third place in the league by sweeping the three, gaines against Edelweiss. Abe Kohler, of -the radia- tor technicians, turned in, a .210, wvhite i... -1 ??e~ead7~&mâ Pete Falaco's healthy high of 23(, featurled Bungalow -Tavern's .3.gamne sw eep of the series against B r a u n Brothers. . Harry Leis garnered the high-score honors of the. latter teani wiha gamne cf 213. TEAN STANDI-XGS *Won Lo,;t Pet. H-ugo and Bingo...._29 19 .644 Seiitz ........ ... ...... 25 20 .5.56 WiI. Auto Radiator .24 21 É533 Bieers...........24 21 ..53:ýý Bungalow Tavern .-4 21 .533 John's Place ...20 25 .44-1 Braun Bros. OU i o 18 27 .40f:' Edelweiss..............1M 29 .356 K. 0F C. LEAGUE White's Grocers rolled a highi series -of 2,573 last Thursday niglit to take three games',froin Bleser's Academy and to >maintaini an unbleînished rec- ord in. tie second lhaif of the Quilmette council, Knights o! Columfbus bowling leagi*a at Bleser'~s alleys. The grocers are perchied atop the loop with nine wins and n10 losses. Othier features cf a cold night of hot boWling were: Joe Lechtier snashed out a highi series of 633 to shatter the secason's record, lis gaine scores being 223, 180 and 230; M. Braun rolled a classy 602 series, including a high garn, cf 237; Phil Bleser, George White, Bill Hillinger, G. Bleser and J. Rossberger also made impressive series scores : Wilniiette Tailors rolled 940 for high single gaine.. Krier's Buffet won two out o! threc -gaines te shove Meier's Tavern far- ther-into second place, Teatro del Lago took twe out cf three froni Bron.x Cafe, and Wilniette Tailors took twvo frein Winette Ice. Present standing of the teains: Won Lozt white's Grocer's 9 0 Meier's Tavlemu 6 Teatro del Lago . 4 Krier's Buffet 5 4: Bronx Cafe Wiliiette TaiIorýs . 6 Bleser's Academ-y . Wilmette Ice ..........2 7 The six teains which Ouilmette coun- Season ?rogram Dr. Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin, lias chosen "The State and Private Enterprise" as the subject of his address before the New Trier Sunday Evening club February 2 in New Trier high school, auditorium. The programn begins at 7:30 do'cck. There is no, admfission charge, but a collection is received. Music Will be provided by th .e Boys' ensemble. of .New Trier High. sehool under the direction of Mrs. Adelaide Jones Bradbu rn. . Members, ofth group are Bob Barnerd, Frank Boro- vicka, jack Bryson, -Vaughn'Burling-, hamn, Draper. Dayton, Dick Frazer, Raph, Hillmer, Sears Jayne, Ric hard Kixmiller, Henry Rich, Stanley Ricb, Dexter S.harp, John Wilder, Jack Bur.The invocation will be given by Dr. Hubert, Carleton,' rector of: St. Augustine's Episcopal- church, Wilmette. Dr. Frank is considered one of the outstanding writers and lecturers in the counftry. Befôre coffing to the University of M7isconsin, he was editot of the Century magaz ine for several years. Hie was early3 in bis careeronii. the faculty of Northwest-- cmn university. I-is- lecture xvas to have 'been the last, in the Sunday Evening club sea- soi], l)ut two or three others are being plan ned for February by the presi- dent, W. Frank McClure of Wil- mette. Ou February 9 Judge Floyd .8E. Th.ompson, former chie f justice of the Illinois Supreme court, will speak on the "Constitutional Aspects of. the. New Deal." Announceme-ut of the other lectures will be made later. ENTERTAINS FOR BRIDE Miss Mary DeMarco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicola G. DeMarco o f 2037 Chestnut avenue, entertained twelve guests at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Gertrude Goelz, 1-733. Highland, avenue, Monday evening. January 27. Miss Gocîz recently an- nounced her engagement te Harold Schaefgen, aiseo!o Wilmette. .,Dteener's ........15 24 .384 668 aI;II r' ......... -. 2 9,770 tSwoda's . . .114 25 .358 675 2nd high-three garnes-Bassler's. .2,759 qlgh team-three games-Behoff's 2,344 High sinigle game--teamn....ler's. 996 9Ind high-three gamnes-Behoff's ... 9-,289 2nd high single garne-team- 'l1gh gamne te-an---Behoff',. ý 9317 %Moody's............... ... .95,4 "nd high garne-tamn-Swoda's ...813 Individual Honors Ifldlvldual Honors Iigh-three garnes-Behof! 58? Hgh-three garnes-Lindberg ..... 581 ~ndhlg-thee ame-Swda . 62 9nd high-three gameRý-Bassler' .574 q4igh , game--Swoda...............226 Hg igl ae.aîh....23 Znd, hihgae-eo.......' 2nd high single gameBassîra21 Iyour hair at that "In-,between" W Perhaps it's a haif perma- nent or an end curi- that you need. At this season of' the year when youzr hair be- gins to grow stringy, corne n anld let us fix it up for you, wlthout the need of a complete new permanent. It's the best way to go through this trying period look- ing your best . .. and, incidentally, it's less ex- pensilve Phone Wilmette 79 for appointment beauty shop 1137 Central Ave.