*A l different kin ds of ICLEANSING TISSUE Best price in the village on 500 lots, BOULEVARD DRUG STORIE le e:é4t n eta i.49 Shsinpoo, Finier Wave, Trim, orch o Maiùure ... >y3 or U85e *ESTHER BEAUTY SHOP 1213 WiImett. Avé. WiIme.tte 696 point of view, there would have to be a complete realignment of our cities, with grade separation, etc. Must Fac. Conditions Thas being' impossible, the ofily thing, remaining for us, is, to educate the human being to live with the streets we have and the automobile of today with, its ability to ipeed.n SHe said much progirss is being made in this direction, and voiced the prediction that the frne *is fot faz ofwhen a course inm driving, with credits, -wiIl be compulsory in high schools Chalieuge t., Sportsaaship "One of the first steps is to instili sportsmanlike driving," he said. "The borish. overbearing attitude 'of many dricers resuits in much trouble. To change these attitudes, however, hleý *plained i s more difficuit, perhaps thaii io change mhany other bad habits in driving." E. A. Robson, Village prosecutor of Wilmette, who has given a great' deal of study to traffic problems, saici1 he found that 90 per cent of car Read the Want Ads g old, sIlver, platlnum, broken Jewelry, dental gold, etc We wiH pay you 11, cash or trade fer' Uew Jewelry. D. PAGLIAIRULO ~. ut A combination you'il flic.e. Tortoal. Pneop pie Ice anid Vailla 4.5~c Regular 60e valu. <QUART1) P.EACýOCK*S i <CE CRIEAN Th~e Bible and Works of Mary Baker Edldy, and ail tber audiorizcd Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Rooi. TEE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVITIED TO ATTEcN 'HE caIEACu S &XVICU ANE VMOT TEE ELZADINO aooi lu I g' program this. Febi'uary 10-"I*nportance of wanting to drive safely," (Look at driving as a sport; practice and improve), Dr. B. L. Corbett, executive secretary, %Iilwau<e& Safety commission, and secretary of the National Safety Council., Films -"Every- body's Business.,. Question box, Edwin, A. Robson, Village prosecutor, Wilmette. February 24-"Keeping the Car Fit,": Robert Forster, -in charge of municipal testing station, Evanston Police, depart- ment. FLIr-ý"Death Tàkies" No- Holi- day." Question box, Edwin A. ýRobson. March 9-'-What ki nd. of violations cause . accidents ?9 Hon. Judge, John Gutkniecht ' trafflc court, Chicago. Films -"Saving Seconds.", Question box, Ed- Win A. Robson.. March 23-'.Traps. for Mo)toristm,".Sid- ney WiliIams, National Safety C9uncil,ý Chicago. Films-"O0nce U3pon a: Tini1e." Question box, Edwin A. Robson., Following is a list of the represenl- taàtives from the various north, shore groups attendinig-the meeting Mon- day eveninig: George F. B ro wn, Village trustee, Gleniùoe; R o be rt E. Eveily, Glencoe Playground committee; George W. Bar- ton, traffle engineer, Chicèago Motor club; A. C. Wolff, president ' Wilmette Cham- ber of Commerce; H. L. WVooihiser, Vil- lage manager, Winnetka; George R. Young, Village manager, Glencoe; -%rs. Janet T. Wiley, treasurer Glencoe Relief and Ald society. Mrs. William C. Miller, girls' service department, W o na n's Library club, Glencue; Mrs. J a m e s D. Lightbody, Glencoe chapter, D. A. R; Mrs. Alian R. Bray, Parent -Teacher association, Glencoe; Mrs. E. Sawyer Smnith, Girl 'Scouts, Glencoe; Harry A. Olin, Kenil- worth Boy. Scouts; William W. Sears;, president, Kenilworth club; Porter' Fox, chairman, police committee, Kenilworth; Rarry Roberts, North Shore Ice coin- pany; George L. Rothermel, police rnagistrate, Kenilworth. James R. McCue, American Legion. post No. 46, Wilmette; Robert P. Meh,- ren, Boy Scouts, Winnetka; Theodore A. Buenger, Winnetka Boy Scouts;-, ls. William. Otter, Wilrnette Catholie Wom- an's, club; Mrs. Dudley Taylor, The Neighbors of Kenilworth; Mlrs. Ida Grace BackÙs, Girl Scouts field direc- tor, Skokie aréa, (Winnetka, Ciencoc and Hig'hland Park.) Miss Ruth Goss, G 1 e, n c o c Union church;, Frances Lethlean, Glence pub- lic, schools; Mrs. A. K. Soifflin,. Girl Scout leader', Winnetka;' Mre. Walter * au-Winnetka ..Womain's lui Ms Il e, Winnetka Chamber of Coin- sRosaline Mille, Junion Auxiliary. tte Woman's club; Alex .1. H. Gleneoe Chamiber of Commerce; avenule, survive. *Funeral services were held Tues- dyafternoon at 2:30 o'clôck from the late residence to Memorial Park cemetery, with Dr. John G. Hiiidley officiating. Interment will be made later at Mu. Hope cemetery where servi ces will be conducted by Wil- mette Lodge> No. 931,A F. and A. M..ý of wbich Mr. Whitman was a member. ,Mr. Whitman was born iin Salem,. New York. He came ta ,the Middleý West':at an early age and had a, varied business experience, before lihe was nlamed .ta t4-h&"advisory board of the Victor .X-Ray corporation. For the past several years hie engage d ini the mortgage, insurançe, and real estate .business. Edward Henry Brammer DiesSuddenly Jan. 25 Edward Henry Brammer, 53 years old, died suddenly Saturday, jainuar3' 25, ini lis room at the Central hotel, 629 Main street, of a heart ailiient. Dr. Martin H. Seifert, health coin- missioner, who was promnptly suin- moned pronounced Mr. Brammer dead. Survivors are the widow and, three children, Ervini A. of Wilmette.- Mrs. John Reddick and EdgarClute of Evanston, and two gràndchil.dren, John Ed-ward and Beverly Anu Red- dick; also three sisters, Mrs. Williami Ragow and Mrs. Williamn Grovemian of Elgin, and Mrs. Edward Bi3rci-' ard of Harvard, 1W-. Funeral services -were lield at Elgin,~ and burial was at Dundee. Mr. Brarnmer' had been associated wvith George S. Winter and J. W.* Scliloesser, grocers, before opening a bird store on Linden avenue, wvich lie operated for some* time. He wias well known on the north Shore. as a lover of birds and pets. RETURN FRkOM FLORIDA *Mrs. Harry E. Smoot and lier daughuter, Miss Dorothy Meyer, of 901 Central avenue, returneci onF- catrynAdaas Junior Auxiliary, :man's, Library club, Glencoe; (). thur B. Forde, representing C. H. rigmani assistant to the vi<e-presi- it and general manager of the C. & W. Ry., Chicago, ln charge of safety;- lliam B. Baehr, representing two> )ups of the. chureh O! St. LEliaabeth,, Mcoe. lý,- ýAl!: