1moi uaderdress Dr. Sanucl D. Harkness (lef t) mnstr oth W hretI Con grega- tional chu rch, and Rabbi Charles E. Shulmtan of the NotSheCogg- doncý Israel at Glencoe «dli exchange P:dPits Sunday -t'mrnig, January >26. T'he subject of Dr. Harkness' sermonl at <thc temple wviIi be "Shanzi History Reet Jtseif?" Rabbi Shulman uili address the worshipp'ers at the. Winnetka Congregationcd church on the subject:. "When Jeu' and Christian.,Meet. Se rznces start at il o'clocle and ail, «'ho tare to attëend «dll bé corduliy Dollar Days Arrive. SAgain Feb. 12-13 Wednesday and Thursday~, Febru- ary 12 and 13; are the dates chosen by Wilmette merchants for the annual midwinter Dollar Days bargain event. Sponsored by the Wilmette Chamber cf Commerce and, from present indica- t ions, to be participated -in by prac- to ektend the usefulness oft me. ollar in meeting family needs. While preparations are as yet ini the preliminary stages, sufficient ini- foirmation is at hand to warrant the statement that Wilmette merchants will present to Wilmette citizens op- portulnitiçs for savings not ordinarily found outside the largest shopping centers. Not only this, but the reputa- tin o f local nierchants is such that states ýthat present indications are for one of the most sucLessful Dollar Day events that local merchants have con- ducted. The dates, Wednesday and Thursday, February 12 and 13, should be impressed upon the minds of al thrifty housewives. Further announce- ments will be made as the plans are brought to completion.. Basketeers f rom Haven sçhool,, Evanston, invaded the gym- at the Jo- seph Sears schôol, Kenilworth, Iast Friday to romp away with three out of four games. Kenilworth cagers of the 75-pound class earned the home team's lone victory, 4 to 2. Next, week, Kenilworth teams in the four weight classifications will clash with Glencoe i home and home games. Pa-nties Skimpskamps 69C t0 $1235 Made of Tricosheen withlastex waistband- !Me kicker-nick undergarment filsV L the body snugly in any posture and pleases the most fastidious woman. on 'ail sie Sheefs and PiIlow Cases a CyrilleBeauty 419 Fourth St. (Opposite 66LPPTerit oniy Butt.rick and Excelle Patt*rns